If you're reading my stories in order (which is ideal, since they build on each other), then you should read my version of "Pay Up" before this one. Although it was written as a one-shot, it would take pace right after #12 "French & Irish". You'll want to be familiar with Angell's injuries as they will be referred to in future stories. Also note that Flack was just being introduced more closely to Angell's family before she was shot, then while Angell's in the hospital her father discovers they are more than partners and even invites Flack to stay at his house for part of Angell's recovery. This story builds on that.

I've titled this story "2 Be Continued" because, to me, Pay Up was like a pause in the action for Flack & Angell's lives, and now that it's behind them they can continue, as can my stories.

I had originally planned to re-write Season 6 to include Angell, but other writers have already done a great job of that, so I've decided to make occasional episode references for timeline purposes. The only notable change is that since Angell did not die, the gathering at the bar would have been for a different purpose (someone's birthday, retirement, etc.). Not that I wanted to see Danny hurt, but his being in a wheelchair was significant to Season 6, so I'm leaving that part.

Disclaimer: any characters you recognize belong to CBS. however Vice Agent Vincent Eppes, Vice Agent Jasmine Miena (my-ee-nah), and Detective Caroline Walton are my characters.

And a big 'thanks' to my beta reader TerriBerri23!

"2 B Continued" chapter 1

It's now early September and from outward appearances all seemed fine regarding Angell's recovery from the shooting, but some issues regarding her injuries had still keeping her off active duty.

"This is where you want us to go?" Angell asks in surprise.

"Come on, Jess. It'll be fun. You've only got a few more weeks till you're back on duty. It's our last chance to get away, just you and me, for who knows how long." Flack says, seated on his couch, laptop opened to a vacation website he wanted her to see.

"Yeah," She pauses, seated on her couch, with her laptop open to the same vacation website as him, "You're right about that part. This does look kinda fun."

"Just say the word and I'll put in my vacation request tomorrow and get everything booked." Flack says, hoping she will agree.

Angell took a deep breath. Even though she'd spent only the first six weeks of her recovery at her father's house, her schedule since then centered mostly around physical therapy visits & exercise, and doctor visits & tests. If she was honest with herself, she was getting a case of cabin fever. "Sure. Book it." She told Flack, a teasing tone evident in her voice.

Flack smiled at the thought of them spending four days together in South Carolina, playing in the sand, enjoying the Folly Beach Annual Kite Festival, and just being away and together in general. "Will do, sweetheart."

"Everything still on for tomorrow night?" Angell asks, closing her laptop.

"Yeah, Danny & Lindsay will be here at mine about 6:00, as usual." He answers. The four of them had been having semi-regular Friday or Saturday dinners together, usually at Flack's since he was a pretty good cook and it was nice not only for the Messers to not have to play host but also that they could bring along baby Lucy and hot have to pay for a sitter. Of course since Flack & Angell were still trying to keep their relationship quiet, they could enjoy an evening with another couple and not have to worry about being seen together out in public by a colleague.

"You need me before that? To help with dinner or anything?" She asks, knowing exactly what his response will be.

"Nope." His answer was teasing and having everything to do with her lack of cooking skills. He could hear her laugh.

"Fine. I'll just keep my cooking skills to myself." She said, and he could hear the smirking tone of her voice.

"You have no cooking skills, Jess." He teased, now also laughing.

"True. But I do have good phone skills, and I gotta call my dad before he leaves." Angell says.

"Okay. I'll see ya tomorrow, sweetheart." Flack says before hanging up.

"Hey, Danny." Flack greets as he opens the door to his apartment, then watches Danny enter, Lucy's carrier set on his lap, which he places on the floor while he takes off his jacket. "Where's Lindsay?"

"Oh yeah, she saw someone she knows on the way up. They're still talkin' and she'll be here in a few minutes." Danny explains, hanging his jacket on the closet door handle.

"What the?" Flack asks, seeing the blankets in the baby carrier move. He walks over and lifts a blanket, "Geez, Messer. I thought you had nothing in here but blankets. Can Lucy even breathe under all those?"

"Very funny." Danny replies with a straight face. "It's September now. It gets chilly in the evenings, ya know." He adds, uncovering 4 month old Lucy from several blankets. Flack had to suppress a laugh at his buddy, now an overprotective father. "Where's Angell?" Danny asks, trying to change the subject.

"She'll be here soon." Flack answers, heading back into the kitchen.

Danny wheels himself into the living room, noticing the open laptop on the coffee table. "You plannin' a vacation, Flack?"

"Yeah. I just got my time off approved today. Me an' Jess, we're heading south for a few days while you all enjoy the leaves changing color here." Flack answers.

"Sounds nice. Between Lindsay's maternity leave, then my medical leave, it'll probably be years before we get a vacation." Danny laments, still eyeing the laptop. 'Hmm, two boarding passes, one car rental, two event tickets, and... two rooms?' He notices.

A few minutes later both Lindsay & Angell walk through the door, welcomed by their two men and the smell of lasagna. "You guys have us so spoiled." Lindsay comments. "Between work schedules, taking care of Lucy, laundry, and getting what sleep we can, a home cooked meal is a lot better than the take-out we usually opt for."

"Well, then," Flack begins, raising his wine glass as they all gather at the table, "That calls for a toast." Danny and Angell grab their wine glasses, Lindsay her soda glass since she's a nursing mom, "To nice quiet evenings with good food, and most importantly, good friends."


Being woken up at 5:12am, almost two full hours before her alarm was set to go off, was not how Angell wanted to start her first day back at work. Her and Flack's flight back from their vacation to warm sunny South Carolina had been delayed, twice, and they'd gotten back to New York very late last night. She shuffled her bare feet, carrying her still tired body, across the floor to answer the door.

'There's no one there.' Angell mumbles to herself, looking through the peep hole, before a hand pops up. 'Messer.' She mumbles again. "This better be good, Messer." She firmly states to him as soon as the door is open, clearly not happy at being woken up early.

"Sorry, Angell." He says, wheeling himself just inside the door and taking in her sleepwear. It was obvious he had woken her up and that she was not happy about it at all. "I'm looking for Flack."

"He's off today. Still on vacation till tomorrow." Angell informs him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. But we've got a huge lead on a case and need his help. He's not answering his cell, which is obviously off, since it's going straight to voice mail." Messer explains.

"That's because he's on... va-ca-tion." Angell sternly reminds him, her arms now folded across herself and leaning against the back of the couch.

"Yeah, I know." Messer says in an apologetic voice, "But Mac and Lieutenant Sythe both sent me for him, hoping he'll come back a day early. But he isn't at his apartment, so... uh... is he still asleep?" He asks, making the assumption that his two friends had hooked up over their vacation, and that Flack was probably in Angell's bed snoring right now.

Angell's expression remained neutral as she leaned even further over the back of her couch, tuned slightly and looked down at the sleeping Flack sprawled out across the cushions, "Looks asleep to me." She finally said.

Messer wheeled himself a little further into the room, far enough to see around the end of the couch, surprised to see his friend sleeping there. "Um, yeah. He sure is." Was all he could manage to say.

"Do me a favor." Angell pauses, standing up fully again, "Lock up when you're done peeling him off my couch, will ya." And with that she walked away, obviously back to her bedroom.

Flack parks his car at the precinct and has a uni take the perp in for booking, then notices his friend waiting nearby. "What's up with you, Messer?" Flack asks teasingly, noticing the smirk on his face.

"What's up with me?" Messer teases back, "The question is; what's up with you? You're the one who booked two rooms for a vacation with your girlfriend, and then you sleep on her couch?"

"Yeah." Flack answers simply as they exit the car. He should have known this was coming. He and Danny had been friends throughout both of their skirt-chasing years.

Messer just remained there, rocking the wheels of his chair back and forth just a bit. Flack knew that was Danny's equivalent of rocking back on his heels, and he wished more than anything his friend had that ability right now. "'Yeah'? That all you got to say? 'Cause you two have been together for quite a while now." Messer pauses with an almost concerned look on his face, "You uh, got a problem or somethin' there, buddy?"

Flack gave a slight laugh with his eye roll, "Funny, Danny."

"Well, ya gotta admit, this ain't like you." Messer honestly observes, his curiosity getting the best of him at the moment.

Flack gives a slight nod. Danny was right. Well, sort of. This wasn't like the old him. He felt like things were so different with Angell, that he'd managed to eradicate every trait of a 'Dutch' or a '3' that could possibly still be in him. He didn't want to be like that any more. He was in love with Angell, he respected her, and he would do anything for her. "True, Danny. But ya know what?" A look of thoughtfulness on his face, "Things are so different now. With Jess, I mean. I just,... I just can't be the skirt-chasin' guy I used to be anymore. I can't treat Jess like that... I love her, Danny... I just won't treat her like that."

Messer's expression had now also turned thoughtful, "You're serious, aren't you? Real serious, I mean, about you and Angell."

Flack just nodded.

"So,... what? Are you about to propose to her or somethin'?" Messer asks, almost cautiously.

Flack takes a deep breath, "I don't know, Danny." He answers, running both hands through his hair as if frustrated. He'd thought about it so many times, about how he wants a future with Angell. But he'd never verbalized it, and now it sounded so strange to say, even in his own ears. "I mean, it's not like we're sending out invitations yet, but... we're getting there."

Messer smiled. He was happy for his friend. "Come on, man. Let's get inside. Our perp's probably though being booked by now."

"What's goin' on?" Messer and Flack both inquire of Officer Chebouski at the front desk.

"Vice is here." He stated from his perch, "Oh, and guys,... if you happen to see Detective Angell, I'd be real careful what you say." He warned, emphasizing the word 'real'.

"Why's that?" they both wanted to know.

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough." Chebouski answered, before reaching for a ringing phone.

Flack and Messer proceeded into the bullpen, Flack being immediately waved over by Lieutenant Sythe, "Over here, Flack." Messer followed.

"What's up, Lieutenant?" Flack asks, seeing that an exodus from the bullpen had occurred.

"Meeting with Vice, in the conference room." Sythe explains. "You're just in time. You might wanna tag along, too, Messer. Taylor's in there, listening in, as there may be a tie-in with one of your cases."

Flack was first to walk through the double doors, they open into the hallway that leads to the conference room, he starts to turn left, but notices Angell and two other females, one he recognizes and one he doesn't, to his right. They are headed in the opposite direction, but he smiles anyway. Seeing her back at the precinct for more than just a visit or brief meeting with Sythe or the department shrink was a wonderful sight. He was proud of her. She'd fought hard for her recovery, he knew of the pain she endured and the long hours she'd put into her rehab every single day in order to recover and be back to the work she was called to do.

"Yo, Flack, ya gonna just stand there blockin' the doorway or what?" Messer said from behind him.

"Oh, sorry, Danny." Flack replied, not realizing he'd stopped as he watched Angell walk down the hall and disappear from his sight.

"This is Agent Vincent Eppes with Vice." Sythe said to the group of officers and detectives gathered in the conference room, "He has an operation going down for the next two days that we all need to know about."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Sythe." Eppes said, taking center stage, "As you know, there have been a string of murdered prostitutes in this area," He began, as he gestured to the referred location on a map. "They were all identified as being from out of state, until the most recent one. Laura Hopes was a local and we suspect she ticked off her pimp. Hopefully today and tomorrow's operation will shed some light on that possibility. What actually brings me here today is that we've had this sting operation planned for a long time, but two of our three agents were suddenly called away due to a major break in another case they are involved with. So we're recruiting two officers from your precinct to take their place."

"Oh yes, you ladies are going to be just perfect when I'm finished with you." Jose exclaimed, his giddiness was not lost on the three women standing before him. Jose had been a make-up artist, hair stylist, and costume designer in the porn industry. To avoid prosecution in a case that involved several underage girls, he'd agreed to help Vice out with his specialized talents when they requested.

Angell looked at Jose with something just short of disgust. Despite his flamboyance, he was still sizing the three women up like pieces of meat. She avoided his gaze, instead looking at the racks of clothes they would be trying on in just moments. 'Oh goody, my one day to look like a porn star.' She mockingly told herself.

Flack continued listening to Eppes as several others entered the room, including Angell. She didn't look anything like herself, fortunately.

"Basically the only thing we'll ask of you is to stay away from the operations area. We wanna catch these Johns, not scare them away." Eppes said. "And I see that our stylist Jose has finished just in time for you to see his work."

"Aren't they just wonderful." Jose exclaimed, referring to the three women he'd just made over for their assignment. "Bet you wouldn't have even recognized them." He added rather smugly.

Flack recognized Angell, but only because she was doing that nail biting habit she had when she was tense. Very tense. And this had to be making her very tense. He knew that being asked as a last minute substitute in a Vice operation like this was nothing short of degrading to her.

Flack and Messer gave each other a sideways glance. This Jose character just almost gave them the creeps, with his slicked back black hair, obviously tweezed brows, and he may have thought he was runway ready in those clothes but they thought he just looked stupid. They watched as he flamboyantly waltz over to the women to show off his work.

"I've given their 'customers' some variety." Jose proudly informed everyone, "You've got your classic look here." He said, referring to their precinct's Detective Caroline Walton. Walton is a tall, medium built woman with shoulder length curly brown hair. She wore the typical tight fitting low cut red top with a denim mini skirt and red pumps. "Then for the upper-class business man out there." He said, gesturing to Vice Agent Jasmine Miena. Miena is a very petite woman of maybe a size 2, with sleek light blond hair cut in a bobb at her chin. She wore a figure hugging knee length blue dress with black pumps. "And here we have something-

'Some...'thing'?' Flack thought to himself, silently fuming. Jose had just referred to Angell as a 'thing' and the short scrawny little man was really lucky Flack didn't rip his head off at the moment.

'Some...'thing'?' Angell thought to herself, trying to remain professional and not let her disgust show. 'Oh, God, I feel like a piece of meat on display up here. I'd really like to just crawl into a hole right now, or maybe just disappear so they can't see me.'

-for the man who likes his fantasies." Jose continued, gesturing to Angell. Angell fit into what could be described a slight dominatrix category. Her soft brown curls pulled back tight into a high sleek pony tail done in a french twist, causing her hair to look almost black. Her make up was heavy, especially her eyes and lips. A black leather bustier laced up the back and had her almost spilling out the front, and matched the very short tight shorts she was wearing. Her black spike heeled boots were thigh-high, zipping up the back and tapering upwards in the front, allowing just a few inches of the fishnet stockings to show on her upper thighs. Jose had told her that a cape and whip would complete the look, but he didn't want to go over the top, especially too early during the day.

A moment later, as if nothing unusual was going on, Eppes wraps up the meeting, then thanks Sythe for his time.

Sythe briefly retook center stage, "While I have you all here, let me remind you of the Mayor's granddaughter who's still missing. You're all excellent sources for information on the streets, so keep those eyes and ears open and let's bring this missing girl home to her family." And with that, everyone was dismissed, filing out of the room, leaving Vice and the two 12th precinct detectives to have a final meeting.

A few minutes later Angell walks into the bullpen, heading for her desk. She now wore a light weight trench-style coat, but she knew that didn't change the memories of her co-workers who had all seen her in that ridiculous outfit she still wore underneath. Her entrance gets her several unwelcome stares from the male members of the squad, including Caine.

Angell stopped and glared at Caine, who's mouth had opened as if to speak. "Not one word, Caine. Not one word." Angell sternly warned him. "Unless you want your balls handed to you in a paper bag,... not one word had better come out of that mouth of yours." And with that she turned away from him and proceeded towards her desk, not sure if the angry tone in her voice worked with Caine or turned him on. Given the outfit he knew she was wearing under that long coat, she'd rather not speculate on those options.

"Aw, come on Jessica, it's not like you can blame the guy." Detective John Scagnetti said.

Angell froze mid stride at hearing him use her first name, then slowly turned to Scagnetti. He knew he was in trouble the second he opened his mouth and now that he could see the look on her face, there was no doubt about it.

A few steps was all it took for Angell's long legs to reach Scagnetti, and she quickly planted her foot down hard on the front edge of his chair between his knees, causing him to shift back as far in his seat as possible. She placed her hands on the arm rests of his chair and leaned forward, closer to his face, invading his space, "What did you just call me?" She sternly asked.

"Um, I uh,..." He stammered, "Detective Angell. Of course, ... I uh, would call you Detective Angell." He attempted, but failed, then nervously looks down at the tip of her boot dangerously close to him. He should have just kept his mouth shut at that point, but foolishly didn't. "It's the boots." He said with a shrug, as if her current attire gave justification, as if she was supposed to understand and accept.

She leaned further into his space, her right knee now peeking out from her coat and up near his chest and the tip of her boot just brushing the inseam of his pants. This causing him to swallow hard and squirm in an attempt to get back further into his chair, which didn't work. "You got a problem with my boots?" She asks sternly. She knew she had put him in his place, she could see the sweat beading up on his brow.

Scagnetti immediately shakes his head, "No. No problem at all, Detective Angell."

Angell slowly raises up, "Good." Is all she says, before giving his chair a hard push with her boot, causing it to roll back about six feet. She gives him a brief stare before turning away and continuing towards her desk, hearing him give a heavy sigh of relief as she walks away.

Flack did surprising well at how he took in what had just played out in front of him. He liked Scagnetti, knew he was letting his mouth get the best of him at the moment, and would let it slide, probably, since his girlfriend had just, once again, proved herself most capable of putting any man in his place. Caine on the other hand, was just an ass that really needed to be put in his place a lot more often, by anyone.

Angell opens the bottom drawer of her desk, putting her gun in the lock-box inside it.

"Not armed." Flack says, stating the obvious and exhaling deeply.

"No place to hide a gun in this outfit." Angell says, stating the obvious. "All I'll have is my badge." She adds, then regrets it.

Flack raises a brow, wondering where on earth she could hide her shield. He wisely chooses to keep his mouth shut, a feat not missed by her, as evidenced by the smirk on her face.

"That's five so far." Walton said to her two counterparts. "Seems like we're reelin' 'em in as fast as we can get back here to the sidewalk."

A chain link fence ran along the sidewalk that was designated as their location, behind it the parking lot for a 2-star hotel where they told their Johns they already had a room waiting for them. They had a room alright. It was set up with surveillance cameras and audio equipment. They weren't about to let anyone get away for lack of evidence. Vice agents were in abundance in the rooms to either side, listening and watching their undercover female crew come into the room with a John, two at a time. An unmarked car sat around the corner, waiting to haul the last customer to jail where he would be fingerprinted and photographed, and hopefully never cheat on his wife again, since most of them turned out to be married.

"You've done this before." Agent Miena said to Angell, who gave her in inquisitive look. "It takes practice to master heels while walking like this, especially in those boots." She added.

Angell nodded before speaking, "Two years in Vice before switching to Homicide." She explained. "How long have you been doing this?"

"Just over three years. I think I took your place." Miena answered.

"Thank you." Angell said while waving seductively to a man walking on the other side of the street, a large black van in her field of vision. There were two vans, one at each end of the street, manned by Vice agents, just in case something went wrong and the women needed assistance.

"Well, I for one, am never doing this again." Walton informed them, "My feet are killing me and this push-up bra isn't exactly comfortable." She added, glad that they weren't wearing wires and their colleagues in the vans couldn't hear them.

"Might not be so bad, if you didn't have your badge stuffed between your girls." Angell smirked, Walton nodded, then they all laughed.

"You're lucky if the cleavage comes from a push-up. Wish I could take mine off like that at the end of the day." Miena said, causing Angell and Walton to laugh. "Oh, I wish it was funny. Why do you think I get stuck with this awful assignment every time there's a sting operation?"

"Oh goody, here comes another one." Walton said sarcastically, before strolling up to the sidewalk's edge as the car's window rolled down. All she had to do was smile to get the man to ask 'how much?'. "Fifty bucks. Which one of us do you want?" She told him. He nodded, pointing to Angell. "Pull into the parking lot. Room 108."

"Uh, I thought just one of you was coming." The John said, eyeing Walton as she walked into the room right behind Angell.

The women always went in pairs; the one that had been chosen by the John, and another claiming to be the money collector. The other got to take a much needed break.

"I'm only here for your money. Then I'll be gone and you can have your fun." Walton explains as she flirts, "Unless you wanna pay double and have both of us." He did.

The hours came and went, as did the Johns. It was getting late, or early, depending on if you factored in that it was technically the next day now. They'd made 11 arrests.

Since they were both on late shifts, Flack and Angell took an 11 mile morning run, then had breakfast, then walked to her apartment.

"That poor woman, trapped in an elevator like that." Angell said, unlocking her door.

"She was. Her claustrophobia was severe enough to nearly send her into cardiac arrest." Flack said.

"Don't worry, Don. You'll catch him." Angell said, turning around. She'd noticed he hadn't followed her in. "Don?" She asks, taking a step back to the doorway.

"I gotta head home, Jess." Flack said, "I need a shower and've got stuff to do before shift later."

"It was good to spend the morning together." Angell said with a pleasant smile, leaning herself against the door frame.

He nodded, "Yeah, it was." then gave her a kiss. "I'll see ya later." He said, taking a step away from the door, then stopped. He turns back around and steps close to her again. He reaches out, his finger touching just under her chin, then sliding down and around to the back of her neck, all the while not breaking eye contact, "I love you, Jess." He said, then starts to turn away to leave again.

"Wait." Angell said, straightening herself up.

"Yeah?" Flack asks, facing her again.

"You love me?" She asks, taking a small step towards him.

"Yeah." He answers simply, without making a move.

"Don,... you've taken me to nice restaurants, held me close out on dance floors, and laced our fingers as we walk through the park. We've sipped wine out on the balcony looking at the stars, had countless make-out sessions, you even saw me in that ridiculous outfit yesterday, and, and,... and you wait till we're both hot and sweaty from running, standing in the hall, with barely a goodbye kiss because we're both in need of a shower,... to tell me?" Angell said, a bit stunned at his timing.

Flack slowly takes a step towards her, that was enough to reach her, "Yeah." He said again, then pauses. "Dinner & dancing, and walks through the park,... it's all wonderful, Jess, and I wish we had time for more of that kind of thing. But, everyday life isn't like that, those things are too far between, Jess. Everyday life, the stuff that gets us to work and back home again, that's mundane and boring, ... that's where it matters, Jess. Everyday life is where love matters." He pauses again, his hand back on her neck. "Too soon?"

"Huh?" She asks, not sure what he meant.

"Did I say it too soon?" He asks again, not sure.

She pauses, slightly shakes her head, "God no." She says, then kisses him. This time, though, their being hot and sweaty didn't matter, the kiss was passionate and deep.

"I love you, Jess." He tells her again, slightly releasing his hold.

"I love you, too, Don." She says, leaning back to look into his eyes.

"It washes off." Miena Says to Walton.

"Yeah, nothing a good bar of soap won't take care of." Walton replies, touching up her lipstick.

"I didn't mean the make-up." Miena clarifies, "It's the dirty feeling you get from being used in a sting operation like this, from having John after John eye you like the prostitute you're pretending to be. It washes off."

Walton didn't say anything, just nodded. She would take a long hot shower as soon as she got home to see her husband and kids.

It had been another busy day for the three women. Sixteen arrests, and they swore it was as if their Johns from the previous day had told all their friends about them, but obviously they weren't making those kinds of calls from jail.

The Vice agents had packed up their surveillance equipment and called it a day. The three women stood on the sidewalk, waiting to be picked up and taken back to the precinct. A black van pulls up and they get in.

"Whadaya mean they're missing?" Flack yells into is phone as he paces the bullpen floor, running his free hand through his hair.

"The operation was complete, surveillance agents had packed up all the equipment, and one of the vans went to pick up Miena, Angell, and Walton,... but they were gone." Vice Agent Eppes explained.


I'm already busy working on chapter 2 and hope to have it up soon. I've got soooo much typing to do before the wedding!