"We should go help them," I whisper to the elderly witch standing beside me, watching as Dementors slowly suck the life out of Harry and his bird brained cousin.

"Not yet, Isabelle; we shouldn't get involved," Mrs. Figg responds.

I let out a defeated sigh but drop the subject, knowing it is no use to argue with Mrs. Figg. I turn my attention back to the scene playing out in front of me just as Harry drives the fist of the two Dementors away from him with his Patronous.

After a few more minutes of hiding, speaks. "Follow me."

Slowly, we walk through the tunnel towards Harry, who looks utterly surprised to see us.

"Mrs. Figg?" he questions moving to put his wand away.

"Don't put your wand away Harry…they might come back," Mrs. Figg whispers.

"Dementors, in a muggle neighborhood! I reckon the ministry knows nothing of this," I announce, stepping around Mrs. Figg. "I'm Isabelle…I go to Hogwarts too…fifth year, just like you; in fact I was sorted into Gryffindor. I was in your potions class last year." I continue, noticing the confused look etched on Harry's brow.

"Er…great," responds Harry, clearly not remembering.

"Come along, best be on our way," Mrs. Figg, says looking around warily.

We head down Little Whinging, Dudley slung one arm over Harry's back, the rest of his beefy body dragging along the ground.

"Do you want help?" I question, noticing Harry struggling to walk under the weight of his cousin.

"No, but thanks for offering," Harry replies as we stop walking.

"Now, get inside and stay there. Someone should be in touch soon…. Whatever happens, don't leave the house," Mrs. Figg says before walking towards her house.

"I'll be seeing you soon Harry; take care," I say, offering him a smile before reluctantly following Mrs. Figg.

I watch the Dursley's house…they will leave, take Dudley to some doctor to try to get him 'fixed.' This I am certain of; it is simply the Dursley way.

I am not kept waiting very long. Not twenty minutes later do the three Dursleys quietly make their way to the car, and within less than a minute are gone.

I dash down the stairs towards the front door, yet before I am able to leave Mrs. Figg stops me. "Take this," she says, handing me my broom stick.

"Thank you," I reply, taking it from her before throwing the door open and stepping into the blackness outside.

I cross the street quickly, almost running up to the Dursley's front door. Upon finding it locked I pull out my wand, praying to Merlin that I will not be summoned to a hearing due to the fact I am underage and not really supposed to use magic out of school.

"Alohamora," I whisper, pointing the tip of my wand toward the locked door knob, pleased when I hear the light click of the door unlocking.

After entering the house I shut the door, propping my broom against the wall before proceeding up the stairs.

"Harry," I call through the house.

"Who's there?" questions Harry from some where behind a door.

"Isabelle," I reply. "Where are you?"

"All the way at the end of the hall," answers Harry.

"Splendid," I answer, coming upon the only locked door upstairs. Assuming this is the room in which Harry is in I pull out my wand yet again and open the door.

Upon entering I see Harry sitting on his cot – like bed. He looks upset…frustrated even. I feel bad for him, having to live among muggles that do not accept the fact that he was born different…that he will never know what normal is.

"What is wrong, Harry Potter?" I question curious.

"The ministry has expelled me. I don't get to go back to Hogwarts," Harry explains, looking over at me.

"That's rubbish. They can't expel you, not without a hearing anyway," I announce.

"How…how do you know this?" Harry asks, a little of the light coming back into his eyes.

"My mum used to work for the ministry, before Cornelious went wonky that is," I answer, moving to sit next to him on the bed.

"Right…" responds Harry, picking at a loose thread in the blanket.

"I believe you, about Voldemort being back and all," I state after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"It's good to know someone does," Harry replies with a smile.

Before I am able to respond a rather loud thump sounds from downstairs…the Order has arrived.

"What was that?" Harry questions, looking towards the door.

"Probably Tonks being clumsy again," I respond with a smile.

"Tonks?" a confused Harry questions.

"You'll see," I answer, not wanting to explain everything to him just yet.

"Very clean these muggles," Tonks announces as she pushes Harry's bedroom door open.

I hold back my laughter as Moody eyes her with a look of pure annoyance. "Tonks, for God's sake," he says.

"Isabelle!" exclaims Tonks, clearly not listening to Mad-Eye. "I didn't know you would be joining us."

"Neither did I till Mrs. Figg decided to put me on Harry duty," I state, looking over toward Harry as I say this.

"Enough chatter; we'd best be on our way," Moody says, leading us down stairs.

On our way out the door I grab my broom, grateful Mrs. Figg had remembered to give it to me on my way out.

"Wait, I don't understand. Where are we going?" questions Harry as we line up on the walk in front of the Dursley's home. I stand between Tonks and Moody, broom in hand.

"Don't worry Harry, we'll explain everything once we get back to head quarters," Tonks says quietly.

"Shh…not here Nyphadora," Moody whispers.

"Don't call me Nyphadora, "Tonks exclaims, her bubble gum pink hair changing to a fiery red then back again.

"Stay in formation everyone; don't break ranks if any of us are killed. Isabelle stay in the center with Harry," Moody states, choosing to ignore Tonks' outburst.

"Always so positive Mad-Eye, aren't you," I state, eyeing him.

"Let's go," he says before taking off into the sky; the rest of us follow.

I've always enjoyed flying. It is an invigorating feeling to know that you can climb onto a broom stick and fly to where ever you could possibly want to go. I feel free when I fly. Yet tonight it does not feel that way…tonight it feels forced as if it is just simply something one does to get from point A to point B.

After about an hour or two of flying we land on a street lined with apartment buildings. The walks are lined with over – flowing rubbish bins and the little vegetation that is able to grow is over grown to a point where some of the lower apartment windows are becoming covered. It is not a pleasant neighborhood. Not one that any parent would let their child roam freely through or that anybody would want to take a mid-day stroll down. Thus it makes a perfect place for a secret organization.

"Here we are," I whisper to Harry as two apartments begin to spread apart, revealing a third hidden between them…there the Order meets.

"You've been here before?" Harry asks as we cross the street.

"Only once, a little over a year ago…I don't attend meetings," I respond as Moody opens the door, allowing us all to file into a narrow hall.

A cheery looking red haired woman comes through a door at the end of the hall, shutting it behind her, yet not before I have gotten a glimpse of what lie behind it. Men…but there is one in particular that caught my attention: Snape, meaning I will soon get my answer.