Disclaimer: As usual, White Collar and all related characters and settings do not and never will belong to me. No copyright infringement is intented.


"Neal Caffrey?" the man asked once the door opened.

"Can I help you?" the young man with the penetrating blue eyes asked, neither confirming nor denying the name.

"Agent Peter Burke, FBI," the first man said, showing his badge. "I thought I'd give you a chance to confess."

"Confess?" Neal asked, the picture of confusion. "What should I be confessing to Agent… Burke, was it?"

"Oh, I don't know. Any number of thefts and forgeries from what I've read," Peter told him, only just suppressing his smirk.

The younger man was good.

"I think you've got the wrong guy," Caffrey said, smiling disarmingly.

"No. No, I don't think so." Peter shook his head. "Even if you don't confess though I'm going to take you down."

"Is that so?" Caffrey asked, sounding amused. "I have to say I have no idea what you're talking about, Peter. May I call you Peter?"

"Agent Burke will be fine," Peter said, ignoring Neal's smile. "We'll be seeing more of each other."

With that he turned to leave but he still managed to hear the amused response from Caffrey. "Sounds like fun," the con man murmured as he closed his apartment door.

Peter Burke of the FBI's White Collar division broke into a grin. Yes. Yes, it did.
