Naruto: Return of the Devil

This is a Naruto /Devil May Cry/Kaze no Stigma Fic.

Summary: Naruto dies protecting Haku from Kakashi's Chidori attack on the bridge. During this Naruto awakens his Bloodline and unleashes his full potential. Naruto/Harem.

Oh yea, one more think I forgot to mention, in this fic the rookie 9 are all 15 years of age, Gai's team and Haku are all 16, most other people are the same age, will tell people if that age changes.

"Normal Speech"



"Summon/Bijuu Speech"

"Summon/Bijuu Thoughts"


Wave Country – Bridge

It all started out a rather simple week, first Team 7 had to track down Tora the cat…again, after they gave the evil cat back to its owner, the Fire Daimyo's wife. Team 7 then requested another mission, but wanted a C-Ranked one, after some discussion and lots of yelling courtesy of one blond haired ninja in a hideous orange jumpsuit they had received the mission.

After being insulted about they ninja skills from the drunkard they had to guard Team 7 left the village and took to the road at a Snail's pace, for the ninja's at least, while it seems to be more than the old man, Tazuna, had wished to travel at. After awhile of boredom most of the members were occupied with something – Kakashi with his little orange books, Sasuke with his brooding, Sakura with her questions about Wave and the swooning over the "Last Uchiha", Tazuna with his "grand" tales about how awesome his country was, and Naruto…Naruto was being rather quiet for once and nobody could figure out why, not even Naruto really knew himself it seemed.

So after awhile on the road they got attacked by two C-Ranked missing-nin from Kiri, The Demon Brothers, after they "killed" Kakashi and were going to continue had Sasuke, Naruto and eventually Kakashi stopped them by knocking them out, with Kakashi praising Sasuke and demeaning Naruto for not doing enough. After that they questioned the missing-nin and Tazuna and discovered that Wave Country was being taken over by a evil midget named Gato, once they agreed – more like Sasuke agreeing, Sakura his ever loyal fan-girl swooning and saying how "cool her Sasuke-kun was", Kakashi the ever loyal Uchiha-supporter agreeing as well – leaving Naruto no choice but to continue as well.

From there it went downhill mostly with the team getting attacked by A-Ranked missing-nin Zabuza Momochi, also known as the "Demon of the Hidden Mist", after Kakashi got his ass kicked and trapped in the Water Prison Jutsu, which forced Naruto and Sasuke to work together to free him, once finally free from the prison Kakashi was finally able to beat him back with the help of his implanted Sharingan eye after that a "hunter-nin" came and took Zabuza's body away after "killing" him with afew well placed senbon needles. Once they made to Tazuna's house and met his daughter Tsunami they left Kakashi in his room to heal.

Once he was finally healed enough to walk, Kakashi finally did his job as teacher to his two reaming students and started teaching them the Tree-Walking exercise which they should of learned a long-long time ago. After they finally learned that and returned to Tazuna's house they had the displeasure of meeting Inari, Tsunami's son who seemed to brood almost as much as a certain gay Uchiha, who spewed a lot of bullshit about them not knowing suffering, which prompted Naruto to prove just how much he knew about it, making the civilians there re-think they're opinion of how they saw the blond ninja.

After that Naruto meet Haku, the "hunter-nin", in the forest after he destroyed it and they told each other their stories before Haku told Naruto about "precious people" making Naruto really think about it. Before Haku left she told Naruto that "she" was actually a "he" to which Naruto just nodded and gave his usual foxy grin, but in truth he knew Haku was really just a girl hiding. So after that, afew days later Zabuza and Haku met Team 7 on the bridge and engaged in their fights, with Naruto showing up after saving Tsunami and Inari from two crappy samurai Gato send after Tazuna's family, after seeing Sasuke "die" to save him Naruto unleashed part of the Kyuubi's power and beat Haku fairly easily but refused to kill her when she asked, but unfortunately at that point in time Kakashi was just about to send his Chidori attack into Zabuza's chest to kill him when Haku jumped in the way hoping to save her father-figure, as this happened Naruto used his own and Kyuubi's chakra to push Haku out of the way and get himself killed in the process.

So this is where we find ourselves, watching as Kakashi ripped his arm from Naruto's chest not really caring about what happened to him. Unfortnately that was not so for Haku as she ran to Naruto's side as he fell to the ground with a "thud", this caused the girl to starting crying as she held Naruto's head in her lap slowly stroking his blood covered hair as he slowly left the world behind. "Naruto-kun, please don't die I just meet you and don't want to lose my first friend!" Haku sobbed as she watched Naruto slowly loose his life.

"Ha..ku-chan, don't be up..set for me I'm n..ot worth from a girl as..beauti..ful as you. Just live happ..y go to Kono…ha and.. you can have..a normal life, tell t..he Old Man that you..want to join K..noha and he..will let you." Naruto choked out and with his last words he closed his eyes and slowly accepted death. "NARUTO-KUN!" Haku screamed as she tried to get him to open his eyes but it didn't work. Slowly Zabuza made his way over to Haku and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Haku, we'll do as he asks, it's only fair for you."

Kakashi watched as his pink-haired student appeared with the Uchiha and made her way over towards him to which he just rank over in shock as seeing Sasuke dead and quickly rounded on Zabuza and Haku and started yelling along with unleashing his killer intent. "Look at what you did! You killed the Last Uchiha and now I have nobody left to teach! He's the best in the entire village and you killed him! I'll kill you for what you did!" And with that Kakashi started to create another Chidori in his hand over for it to stop being created mid way by Haku yelling at him back with tears in her eyes. "He's not dead! Just in a death like state, though I should have killed him! And why don't you care about Naruto-kun! You killed him yourself!"

To her horror Kakashi just smirked and shrugged his shoulders while he began pulling out the senbon slowly. "Who cares if I killed him, he's just the dead-last of the academy and can't even do the simple Clone Jutsu, nobody even cares about him, the Hokage may be upset for a tiny bit but he'll get over it, especially when I bring him Zabuza's bounty and you to be used a breeding stock for Sasuke." Zabuza and Haku were both in shock, not only had be not cared about his student, but also said he was going to finish off Zabuza and let the gay duck-ass hair kid rape Haku, they weren't going to just sit there and take it. Unfortunately neither had a lot of chakra so they were at a loss against Kakashi, at least until they all heard a very annoying laugh.

"HEHEEHE looks like the Demon of the Hidden Mist isn't all that great, loosing to a bunch of kids and their teacher, oh well not like I was going to pay you." Gato smirked as he and about 400 mercenaries came out of the fog on the other side of the bridge. "I think I'll even make that ice bitch of yours mine, after I take over the village, making her scream my name over and over…hmm, I think I'll also take that pink-haired girl over there, could probably turn out to be quite the looker in afew years and pink hair is so rare really, quite exotic." Gato smirked, he had all but won this, all the ninja were tired and the girls were just right for his taking."Soon both of them will be screaming my name and after that it will be the vill-" Gato was interrupted by a huge killing intent that seemed to come from the blond kid that still had not moved from where Haku laid him down. Chakra was flaring out all around him. Soon everybody turned to look at Naruto and gasped at what they saw, he had changed completely.

Naruto's Mindscape – Afew minutes Earlier

Naruto awoke with a splitting headache and looking around, last he remember he wasn't inside a sewer with ankle deep water that was slowly rising, deciding to venture forth to figure out where he was he got up and started to try and navigate the huge sever like maze. For what seemed like hours to Naruto he finally found something and that something was HUGE. In the shape of a giant gate that stretched into the darkness above, the gate seemed to be of a very pure golden color with a simple piece of paper holding it shut on the paper a the kanji for the word "seal, deciding to venture forth to see what was inside Naruto slowly started forward only to stop after about 15 feet, all because of two giant red eyes that were staring at him from behind the gate. Naruto actually managed to react rather well to this and simply raised a hand and smile. "Hello?" His voice he found, sounded somewhat deeper and actually carried pretty far in this place despite his original thoughts.

In return the red eyes closed for a moment before opened though this time the giant being came closer to the gate allowing Naruto to see a gigantic 100 foot tall pure crimson fox that stared back at him and to the surprise of Naruto it smirked before speaking it a deep voice thought if you listened you could tell it was feminine of origin. "So the jailor finally comes to visit it's prisoner, about time if you asked me." The odd thing about the way it said that was that it didn't actually seemed annoyed, in fact it seemed rather calm to the whole "trapped inside you forever and forcing you to die when the human dies thing".

Naruto in all his infinite wisdom simply turned his head to the side while staring at the fox. "So, who are you?"

"I AM THE GREAT KYUUBI NO KITSUNE, RULER OF ALL THE BIJUU! QUEEN OF MAKAI AND LORD OF ALL DEMONS! NOW COWER BEFORE ME NINGEN! " The giant fox roared loud which in turn caused Naruto to simply stutter out one word. "K-kyu-ubi!"

The fox simply grinned and was about to continue but was cut off by a new voice to the side."Now now Hikari-chan, we're not suppose to scare my former self, that is unless we need to make sure the big bad Kyuubi no Kitsune get taught a lesson as well." Both the fox and Naruto turned towards the area which had previously been engulfed in darkness but was now very bright. What Naruto saw shocked him, there standing in front of him was himself with afew differences, instead of being the 4'5" Naruto was, this new person was easily 5'4". He also had a lighter version of his own blond hair being a mix between his blond and white, which made him look like a miniature version of the Yondaime with his hair style. He also didn't have the 6 "whisker" like birthmarks that Naruto did. The one think Naruto really noticed was his clothes. He had on black steel-toed books and some white baggy pants that had a lot of pockets for all kinds of things to easily fit inside. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt that went down to his wrists and on top of all that he wore a crimson haori with Blue, Red, Green, Blueish-Yellow and White flames that seemed to be dancing around the bottom of the haori as it moved, the sleeves easily feel past his hands keeping them from view. Resting at his side as a very elegant looking Odachi, the blade as easily 3 and a half feet long with the handle being another foot long. To Naruto the blade as amazing, a dark black sheath with the Kanji for Water in blue, Fire in red, Earth in green, Lightning in blueish-yellow and Wind in white, all along it. The guard seemed to be made up of what seemed like red tails all woven together, the hilt was a dark black in colour with what seemed to be a fox engraved on it leading from the tails as if they were attached to it. At the base of it all is what seemed to be a crystal was very clear, in fact he could actually see through it.

Naruto and the Kyuubi both blinked and looked at the man for afew seconds before the Kyuubi simply lay down on its stomach with its head in its paws in what seemed to be a rather submissive gesture from Naruto's prospective and what the Kyuubi said next simply sealed the deal. "No Master, I just wanted to see if he could be scared, I apologise."

"That's fine, but we don't have much time to that can wait." The being nodded and walked into the cage to slowly scratch the Kyuubi behind its ear, resulting in some rather loud purring coming from the Kyuubi. During this whole thing Naruto had managed to keep his calm and cool but now he was being ignored and it was annoying him a lot.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here! Where are we? Who are you? Why are you petting the Kyuubi? Why is the water rising? And why the hell am I here?"

The Naruto look alike paused in his scratching which seemed to upset the Kyuubi if the low whining noise was any indication, he then turned towards Naruto and nodded. "My mistake, I keep forgetting this isin't just a normal day, well I'll starting answering your questions in order. First off, you are dying because of getting stabbed to save the Ice Princess from your sensei's attack. We are curing in a section of your mind dedicated to sealing of Hikari-chan here. As for me, well I'm you, at least I'm your potential, when you were younger and started to learn things that the honourable council thoughts you could use against them, they decided to put a seal on you which resulted in sealing off ¾ of all the training results you did, those results are me. I'm petting Hikari-chan here because I enjoy it and so does she. The reason the water is rising it because your dying, more it rises, more you're dead. And finally the reason you're here, well since you tapped into Hikari-chan's power here it weakened the seal placed on you so now me and you can merge and you'll be able to activate both your bloodlines which will save your life and in turn save the Ice Princess from being turned into the sex slave of the short fat midget. Any questions?"

Naruto just nodded along slowly taking in all the information then decided to voice his questions to this other him. "Why did they put a seal on me? Didn't the Old Man know about it and try to stop them? How can you just calmly pet the Kyuubi like it won't eat you? What do you mean bloodlines? If you know my bloodlines then you know my parents right? Who are they? And how can I save Haku-chan?"

"Is all you do ask questions? Kami I hope I rub off on you more than you do me. Right this is the last time for questions we're almost out of time. First off, as for putting a seal on you, it's simple a dumb-weak demon is better than a smart-strong demon. Second, I don't think the Old Man knows about it because from what I've seen he seemed shocked when we stopped our training with him, started to act like an idiot and wear those orange monstrosities you call clothes. The reason I can just calmly bet Hikari here is because about 3 years about after I got bored of being here alone, I sought here out and naturally she still having some of that tainted chakra in her still tried to eat me. I beat her and thus according to demon rules or something she lost and thus ended up serving me as well, she's basically my slave, you know has to do things I say and all that stuff or else she suffers with punishments, oh I've thought up some rather interesting ones, especially when she takes her human form. "As the other Naruto talked about his, Hikari somehow managed to blush under all that fur and Naruto, well… Naruto was just getting annoyed at this point. "Hey! Answer the rest of my questions already!"

Blinking afew times to get his thoughts straight, the other Naruto just nodded and resumed his answering. "Yes bloodlines as in more than one, you have two of them one from each parent. And yes I know your parents, they were Kushina Uzumaki from the former Whirlpool Country, as for your father well…he's Minato Namikaze, but you know him as the Yondaime Hokage. And as for saving the Ice Princess, all we got to do is merge back together, you'll gain everything I did and the seal will break. Giving you all my power which is a lot by the way, you'll also get free access to Hikari-chan's power seeing as you'll become the one she's a slave to and you'll also get the TaGenso, my Odachi which I've modified to instead of you having about five swords legendary swords, you get one Odachi which has all the powers in it. Now are you ready? We only have maybe a minute before we all die." He said holding out his hand.

Naruto not wanting to die just nodded and reached grabbed the mans hand and suddenly they was a bright flash of light. When it died down, there was just one Naruto standing there, he looked identical to the potential version of Naruto, however now he was slightly taller by an inch or two, lost all the baby fat on his face and seemed his mussels filled out better. But the draw back to this, Naruto just fell to the ground clutching his head as he screamed in pain, this was the result of having lots of years experience just crammed into his head all in one moment. Hikari not liking to see her master in pain simply glowed for a moment and shrunk down to her human form and ran outside the bars of the gate to Naruto and held his head in her lap, slowly stroking his hair as he seemed to be calmed by her presence.

After afew minutes, Naruto's pain went away and he saw himself looking up at a really beautiful girl smiling down at him. Her face was heart shaped and she had two red eyes and unlike the Kabuli form seemed to be like two pure rubies on her face. Her hair was a dark glossy red that seemed to fall down her back in waves down to past her ass if she was standing up. She was wearing a small black skirt that barely covered her rear end and had two slits up the side held together by string and allowed him to see a lot of her legs, which she had a pair of black stocking going all the way up to her thighs , giving her a very sexy look. She also had a pair of small 2 maybe 3 inches heals on her feet. The top she war was simply a black jacket that seemed to be strained to hold in her bust, it seemed to show off almost all of her bust which as simply contained in a what looked like a black front-lace up bra, leaving very little to the imagination, the sleeves of her jacket had what looked like multi colored foxes. The last thing he noticed was that she had two cute fox ears on her head twitching slowly every not and then, also the nine swishing tails that laid out behind her, all in all it made her look like a angel for Naruto.

"Master, are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" She asked in a beautiful voice that remained him of an angel's singing. Naruto simply nodded his head, causing his hair to brush around her inner thighs making her let out a tiny moan as he did so, blushing a very bright red too. "I'm's just a lot of details to take in Hikari-chan, learning about two bloodlines, all my skills, the new sword, our "relationship" as well as all the knowledge that was sealed away." Hikari simply smiled and nodded and slowly helped him stand up, after which he stretched and popped his bones back into place.

"Well then, time to go save Haku-chan and Zabuza. Oh can't forget teaching Pinky, King of Brood and the Scarecrow that attacking me is a bad idea." Hikari simply smiled at how her new master fused with her older master and his former self to make this brand new master for her, she was also hoping that the fusion would make him forget about punishing her for when he first got here, but alas it was not possible. "Oh Hikari-chan! Time for the punishment for you trying to scare me when I got here, plus there're probably some other things I should punish you for too." Naruto just gave his usually foxy grin which made Hikari wonder what kind of punishment she was going to get, one thing was certain thought, it was going to make her feel pleasure and pain at the same time. She simply sighed knowing she deserved it and there was no chance to get away from it.

Wave Country – Bridge

There stood Naruto in all his glory alive and well, but that wasn't the surprising part, what was the surprising part was his new look, how his body changed, his hair changed, his clothes changed and also his sword which looked ready and waiting at his side. Oh, there was also the fact that he was floating about 5 feet in the air and had his eyes closed. When he opened them the wind started to pick up and swirl about him making it pick up lots of things from the ground and fling them all around. But the most shocking part was his eyes, they were glowing a bright blue that could easily capture a girls heart. Slowly he started to float towards Gato and his ground of thugs and smirked. Then he asked in a sickly sweet voice that promised lots of pain.

"Want to repeat what you just said, Midget?"

AN: So thoughts, concerns, ideas, problems? This is my first story and I want to know what people think, or even if I should just stop cause it sucks a lot.
