Hola mi amigos! I am sooo sorry I have not updated on anything! Until further notice all uncompleted stories are on hold until I can think of some thing.

So please enjoy this little guidelines I've come up with and check out the poll to figure out whatever question I have in there.


1. if Otto suspiciously gives you something that looks like a sex toy push the button first. *Gibson learned the hard way. 'nuff said.*

2. Never spike Antauri's tea.* we all thought his computer brain was malfunctioning and Otto wouldn't stop bouncing off the walls with him. Literally. We fixed that problem :D. Antauri we just closed our doors and let him run out of energy.*

3. if Sprx tortures any of these three girls he has a death wish. *Nova, Jinmay, and me. We will hunt you down!*

4. Otto is not gay! Dammit. Sprx is gonna die for making him depressed and cry…. Basterd.

5. when you hear weird noises coming from someone's room don't walk in.* Gibson I was stretching in a leotard and Otto was trying to get a stubborn button unstuck. My bones popped and released the tension ok!*

6. birds aren't aloud in the robot! * poor Gibson hates birds AND bugs. Poor bird died of shock and broken ribs. We had rotisserie later on.*

7. locks are permitted on all doors now. *Sprx knock before you enter! Nova kicked his ass!*

8. Otto we're all gonna kill you. * " I ..got…a lot….of…cr-cookies!* I thought he was gonna say crabs!

9. there's a reason I'm on the team. Skeleton king has stopped his reign of terror because of me. Hey I tell it how I see it ok? * from what we heard I made him cry for weeks straight and really depressed. 'Nuff said.*

10. certain instruments are forbidden period. *do you REALLY wanna know?*

11. when you hear monkey screeches blame it on Otto, it bugs him. * "Otto where the hell are you?"*