Modern Fire Emblem: Sigrun and Tanith


Sigrun stared at him intensely. He had cornered her by the fountain. She was holding the container of glowing liquid. What was it, and why did this man want it?

"Listen, lass. I'm not going to hurt you. Just hand that tube over to me, it's important government material." The man said with a fake smile. Sigrun knew she couldn't trust him, and she had a vague idea of who he was. He walked closer, pulling a giant sword out of a scabbard around his waist. Not many people fought with weapons like that, Sigrun thought. Most people fight with guns, but he has a sword. He is like me, with my pegasus and lance.

Sigrun's hands fumbled with the container. She had no way of protecting herself. Her lance was at the Headquarters, along with her horse and lance. She wore simple street clothes, as she had been on her way to a movie, stumbling upon this strange container. She gathered up her courage to speak, then stepped closer. "Why do you want this? What is it? I know I can't trust you." She wished she could take it back, as she regretted the moment she said it.

"Haha, you're a smart one. You know, I'm not afraid to hit girls. I'll give you thirty seconds to hand that over, before I get nasty." He pointed his sword towards her, they were no more than five feet apart.

Sigrun began to tremble. She didn't know what to do. He stepped closer, one inch at a time. It seemed like an eternity before she decided she had only one option. Seizing the moment, she pried open the container and drank the entire liquid. The container dropped to the ground, she ran.

"What?" the man gasped, startled. He chased after her, only to find that she had disappeared. I'll find her, he thought.

Sigrun sprinted around the corner, desperately hoping he hadn't followed her. She saw Tanith standing nearby. Breathing a sigh of relief, she ran to Tanith, and then stopped, panting. Tanith gave her a look of irritation.

"There you are! I've been waiting here for quite some time. What about the movie?" Tanith responded to her arrival. Sigrun's head began to pound. Could it be from the liquid? She got a sudden feeling of nausea.

"I'm sorry, Tanith, I don't feel good. Let's just go back to HQ."

Tanith got a look of concern on her face. It was then that she realized how pale Sigrun was. "Sigrun, you look awful! Of course, we'll go back to HQ. And by the way, what happened back there?" Sigrun froze in her tracks. Should she tell Tanith? She couldn't, she just couldn't.

"I was chased by a dog, that's all. A big one, at that." Sigrun said.

Tanith replied, "Well alright. Come on, I'll make sure you're tended to."

Sigrun sighed. What was she going to do now? Would this backfire later? She could only hope it wouldn't.