(Okay, it turns out I'm 2 months and 2 days behind on this, but I got the date wrong...oh well!)

Sarena and Aneras walk in wearing green Victorian dresses

mutters My gosh, I can't believe I've been doing this for two years. back to normal Hey guys! Welcome to Aneras's 2nd year anniversary celebratory fanfic!

sarcastically ...yay!

Can't you be a little more enthusiastic?

This isn't even my series. Why should I have to be here?

Because I said so and I'm the author so I win, Ha! Like I said in my Coraline fic, I couldn't make a TMNT one in time so I made a Black Butler one I had been working on for a few weeks. I think you'll like this one.

Why? Sebastian's the only hot guy in the show.

Well, I've always said that the show would make a little more sense if Ciel was a teenaged girl. So, I made him one of my Sarenas.


Disclaimer: I own nothing. As of right now, this is a one shot, but I might make more chapters if I feel like it. However, I've got a lot going on this year, so I don't know.

EDIT: Updated for the new dub...EEEEE!

EDIT 2: Due to people being...people, and not reading past the first chapter, I have changed the Ciel character's name from Sarena to Cielle, thus fully making it a SebastianxCiel fic...does this make me a Yaoi author now?

Black Butler

Chapter 1: Her Butler, Able

"Think carefully, should you reject the fate, even this once, the gates of paradise will forever be out of your reach." A voice called out to her. She was suspended above many white feathers, surrounding them, darkness. To her left was a raven. It was speaking to her.

"Do you think one who is among the faithful would ever go so far as to summon someone like you?" she replied. Her body was aching in pain, she wanted this over with. The bird chuckled in a deep, almost seductive, voice.

"I'll ask but once more, do you wish to form a contract with me?" She could see what it was doing, it was offering her one last chance out, but she had already made up her mind.

"I do! Now stop asking these tedious questions and let me know if we have a deal!" With those words, the feathers beneath her floated upward, turning black as they did so. The bird disappeared into the feathers. In gaps where light shown through, she could see a young man dressed in black. He smirked at her. She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, right above her womb.

A fog arose over the English countryside as morning came to the Phantomhive manor.

"Mistress, it is time for you to wake up." A young woman in a white nightgown slept quietly, undisturbed by the voice trying to rouse her. Her long black hair fanned out behind her like a black halo. As the curtain was pulled open to let in the light, it caused her pale skin to almost glow. When the light hit her, she stirred from the light hitting her eyes and opened them to reveal beautiful blue orbs. Her eyes landed on a young man in a black suit and white gloves, tieing the curtains back. As she lifted herself to a sitting position he began to pour her tea. "For breakfast today we have a lightly poached salmon accompanied by a delicate mint salad. I can also offer toast, scones, or pan de campagne. Which dish would you care for this morning?" She yawned and squinted at the light as she gave her answer.

"A scone." The man proceeded to dress her in a dark blue dress and tie her hair in a long braid tied with a blue ribbon.

"Today you have a meeting with Mr. Hugues, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire, and this evening Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be paying you a visit."

"Oh, is that the man I have in charge of stuffed animals at my factory in India?" she asked as he tied a black sash around her waist.

"Yes. I'm told he's Italian. We will, of course, offer him all the hospitality the estate can provide," He replied putting black boots on her feet. The girl began to drink her tea. She inhaled the aroma.

"I know this smell. Is this tea Earl Gray?"

"Yes, from Jacksons of Piccadilly." He tied a blue ribbon around her neck. She took a sip, good as always. The man bowed. "I shall wait for you at the dining table, mistress." She placed her cup down as he began to turn to the door. Watching him go, she picked up a dart from the many next to her bed and aimed it at him. He caught it skillfully between two fingers, not a black hair out of place. "Well thrown, my lady."He turned back to her, red eyes shining with slight amusement. "Even so, let's save the games for later."

Satisfied, the girl nodded and said "Yes, I suppose you're right, Sebastian." The two were named Cielle Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis, they were a countess in control of a toy company and her butler. This was the 19th century, Victorian England. Sebastian left the room.

A dart suddenly flew and hit Finnian, the Phantomhive house gardener, in the head. Bardroy, the cook, and Mey-Rin, the maid, looked on in shock.

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Finni yelled. He went over to Cielle, who had thrown it. "What was that for mistress? What did I do?" Cielle put down the cup she was drinking from. They were in the dining room as Cielle ate her breakfast.

"Nothing, I don't need to justify my actions." At that moment, Sebastian came through the door, looking for the three servants.

"There you are. Have you finished weeding the courtyard, Finni? Mey-Rin, have you washed all the beddings?"

Finni stopped scampering and Mey-Rin responded with an "Oh, Um…well."

"Bardroy, shouldn't you be preparing for tonight's dinner?" Sebastian asked.

Bard muttered a "heh."

"Tanaka…" Sebastian looked towards an old man in the corner drinking tea from a Japanese style cup. This was Tanaka, the house steward. "Well, I suppose you're all right as you are." Sebastian went back to the other three. "Now all of you, we have no time for thumb twittleing this morning, so get to work!" The other three were so afraid of Sebastian's wrath that they fled the room in terror.

"Yes, Sir!" Mey-Rin yelled as she ran out closing the door behind her.

"Simply hopeless," Sebastian mumbled. Cielle continued to silently eat her breakfast. After breakfast, while climbing the stairs to her study, she stopped to look at the portrait of her parents in the foyer. With a small huff, she continued her climb.

"The silver is polished to a spotless shine, the tablecloth is crisp, clean, and wrinkle free. There is not a single bruised blossom among mistress's favorite white roses, and finally, the highest quality ingredients have been gathered to prepare a first-rate dinner." Sebastian said to himself while setting up the flower arrangement for the table. "The table is perfection. This will be an elegant Phantomhive welcome." The bell from the study rang as he was about to work on making the food. He sighed. "Still so much to do and she calls me now?" He put back on his coat and went to Cielle's study. Just around the corner, the other three Phantomhive servants watched Sebastian leave.

"A guest is comin'." said Bard. "Alright, then this is our chance!" The other two looked at him, confused. "Sebastian looks down on us all the time. Today we'll be so perfect he won't even now what it im." He made a surprised face and then grinned. "Yeah, that's what he's gonna say!" Mey-Rin and Finni stared at him in surprise. "That's for him to say, not you."

"Oo, that's a good idea!" replied Mey-Rin.

"Right, we have to stop relyin on Sebastian for everything!" added Finni.

"It's settled then, we got a plan of attack!" announced Bard.

"Let's get to it!" Tanaka just sat there drinking his tea as the three triumphantly made their proclamation.

In Cielle's study, Cielle sat at her desk when Sebastian came in.

"I'm a bit hungry. I'd like something sweet to eat," she said. As much as she tried to be an adult, she still had parts of her that were kidish.

"You shouldn't eat now, mistress. You don't want to spoil your appetite for dinner with your guest this evening," replied Sebastian.

"I don't care about that. Make me a parfait."

"I'm sorry, miss." Cielle gritted her teeth. She knew Sebastian was right, she just didn't want to admit it.

"Fine then, about the portrait in the hallway…" she said standing up from her chair.


"Take it down." Sebastian looked at her with mild shock for a second as she faced the window. She touched the ring on her right index finger. It was silver with an sapphire. "I am Cielle Phantomhive, daughter of Vincent, and I am the head of the house now."

With a small smirk, Sebastian bowed and said "Consider it done, my lady."

When Sebastian returned from the study…

"Now…" he pointed at the garden which had been virtually killed, a broken cabinet that once contained fine china, and a scorched table of burnt food. "…how exactly did this happen?"

"I thought things would go faster if I used extra strength weed-killer on the garden!" cried Finni.

"I was tryin to reach the tea set that we use for guests, but I trip and the cabinet fell!" added Mey-Rin.

"There was a lot a meat to be cooked for dinner and it was gonna take a long time… so uh, I use me flamethrower…" said Bard, who now had an afro because of the heat from the flamethrower. Sebastian just stared at them in disappointment.

"We're so sorry, we didn't mean to!" Mey-Rin and Finni cried. Sebastian tuned their chatter out.

'Our guest will arrive just after six,' he thought to himself. He opened his pocket watch. 'At most we have two hours left. Not enough time to replace the tea set or find premium meats. What should I do?'

"Calm down, all of you!" They didn't stop. "Perhaps you should try taking a page out of Tanaka's book and start behaving like…" He trailed off when he saw Tanaka's Japanese tea cup. He had an idea. "Everyone, listen closely and do exactly as I say, understand? We must be quick about this." He walked over to Tanaka, took his cup, and held it up. "We might save this night yet."

At about six, a horse drawn carriage came down the dirt road to the manor. Inside was Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company. Sebastian opened the door for him when the carriage stopped. When he stepped out, all he could say was "Oh, how impressive." The yard that Finni had destroyed had been transformed into a Japanese Zen garden filled with irises.

"Ello. Welcome, sir!" The servants bowed. Sebastian closed the carriage

"This is called a "stone garden". It is a traditional feature in Japan," He said, walking to the guest.

"Ah, Prodigioso! Wonderful! Truly an elegant garden." Mr. Damiano proclaimed.

"We thought it appropriate to serve dinner alfresco this evening. Allow me to escort you inside until the meal is ready." Mr. Damiano followed Tanaka inside.

"I should have expected this from a Phantomhive! I cannot wait to see what else is in store." As soon as the guest was inside and the door was shut, the three servants sighed in relief.

"Phew, we actually did it." said Bard, his hair now back to normal.

"Who would have thought a dozen box of gravel could turn into an amazing garden?" said Finni as Sebastian walked by with Mr. Damiano's coat and hat. He looked back at the other three.

"Naturally we were able to handle this. We serve the Phantomhive family after all," he said. "There's still work to be done. Let's take care of it while the mistress is talking business with her guest. Look sharp now."

"Right!" they answered.

Inside the manor, Cielle and her guest were playing one of her board games. Cielle moved her piece forward three spaces.

"The progress we've been making with the East India factory East India is quite astonishing," said Damiano. "We already have the makings of a top-notch staff…"

"Bewitched by the eyes of the dead," Cielle said reading the board. "What terrible luck. It appears I lose a turn."

"Right now is the perfect time," Damiano said trying to get back on the topic of business. "We should begin expanding the company and building a strong labor force if we…"

"Go on. It's your turn," she reminded him.

"Oh yes, I justa spin this then…" He spun the spinner. "Okay there, fivea spaces." He moved his piece to the proper space. "Now what I wanted to ask you…Perhaps you could contribute anouthera 12,000 pounds to support our expansion?" Cielle looked at him. "I believe it would be quite a profitable venture for you, my lady. And I would consider it an honor to help expand the Funtom Company…"

"Lose a leg in the enchanted forest."


"And it's your turn again. I lost a turn, remember?"

"Oh, I see." He spun again. "Right, I move six…"

"You don't, that's three."

"What? But…"

"You lost a leg, if you'll recall. Now you only move half the number of spaces." The guest chuckled.

"Oh my." He chuckled nervously. "This is a gruesomea board game, isn't it? Is therea no way for me to restore my leg then?" He moved to put his piece on the right space. Cielle's bangs covered her eyes, hiding her expression.

"I'm afraid once something is truly lost, sir, that one can never get it back again," she said, snatching his piece away to put it on the space. "Your body is burnt by raging flames."

Down in the kitchen, Bard was slicing the meat he had burnt as Sebastian walked by.

"How is it going?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm doin' it like you said to. This really what you want?" Bard asked.

"Yes, that looks excellent."

"Sebastian! Found em!" Running down the hall towards then was Mey-Rin carrying five boxes. She suddenly tripped, but Sebastian caught all the boxes and her.

"Oh honestly…" he said. She blushed from being in his arms. "How many times have I told you not to run inside the manor, Mey-Rin?" Mey-Rin realized she was blushing and scooted away from the butler.

"I'm so sorry, sir!" Mey-Rin replied. "My glasses cracked, and I can't see a thing!"

"These are that last items we needed for dinner." Bard and Finni came out of the room. "Splendid work everyone. And now I believe you can leave the rest of it to me and relax for a bit. But I need you to do well—very well, during dinner tonight." Even though it was all said with a smile, the two male servants were still very frightened.

"He said it twice…" said Bard.

"Oo, that's serious," agreed Finni. Mey-Rin was still spaced out.

Sebastian opened the door to the drawing room where the two nobles were.

"Pardon the interruption, dinner is served," he said.

"Oh, dinning out in that exquisitea stone garden? Shall we go, my lady?" Asked Damiano. He began to get out of his chair.

"Very well, we'll finish the game later," said Cielle.

"Oh, is there any real need to finish it? It's obvious I'ma going to lose." Cielle stood up.

"I'm not in the habit of abandoning games halfway through." She began to walk toward the door.

"How childish," she heard him mumble under his breath. Sebastian heard it too, she could tell by how his eyes narrowed slightly. She looked toward the guest. "I-I meana sometimes it takes a child's eyes to see what's really important. It's a true gift. Maybe that's what's made the Phantomhives the nation's foremost toy makers." He stood up again. "It certainly impresses me!" She'd let it go, for now.

Outside in the stone garden, the two sat at opposite ends of the table, surrounded by Japanese lanterns. By the table were Sebastian and Mey-Rin.

"On tonight's menu is a dish of finely-sliced raw beef donbouri courtesy of our chef Bardroy," said Sebastian. Cielle knew from past experience that Bard just sliced it and put it on rice.

"A pile of raw beef." Damiano was obviously confused. "And this is dinner?"

"Yes," Sebastian replied. "But surely you have heard of it?" Cielle braced herself for Sebastian's explanation. "This, good sir, is a traditional Japanese delicacy, a dish as a sign of gratitude to someone who has accomplished important work. That, sir, is the wonder of donbouri" She could tell that her guest was blown away by Sebastian's knowledge, most were. "This is a token from our mistress, to show her thanks for all your hard work on the company's behalf. She wanted you to know that it's much appreciated." From the bushes, Finni, Bard, and Mr. Tanaka watched.

"Now that's our Sebastian for you!" whispered Finni.

"He saved the day!" whispered Bard.

"Excellent, what an inspired idea! The legendary Phantomhive hospitality in action!" proclaimed Damiano as Cielle began to eat. Perfect, as expected from Sebastian.

"The vintage we are pouring tonight was specially selected to compliment the flavor of soy sauce," Sebastian said as he gestured towards Mey-Rin who stood next to him with a cart with a wine bottle on top. 'Mey-Rin." She didn't move, she just stood there. "Now, Mey-Rin."

"Yes, Sir!" she finally answered.

"Why are you just standing there," he said, his face so close to hers she was blushing. "Pour the man a glass of wine."

"Of course! Yes sir!"

"Hey " Bard whispered to Finni.

"What?" he answered.

"Is it just me or is Mey-Rin acting a little strange?" Mey-Rin was a little spaced out by Sebastian's face being so close. She was shaking while holding the bottle.

"Sebastian's watching me. I can't take it." she muttered to herself. Through her cracked glasses, his face was all she could see. "Don't look at me that way!" She poured and missed the glass. Luckily, the guest was busy eating, but…

"Mey-Rin, stop it! Can't you see you're spilling the wine!" Finni cried quietly. Cielle watched helplessly as the wine moved closer to the edge of the table cloth, towards the guest. As a drop was about to fall on the guest, Sebastian pulled the cloth down the long table, catching the drop, and removed it without messing up anything on the table. Even Cielle was impressed. All that was slightly disturbed was the water in her glass.

When the guest looked down he asked "Oh? Where did the table clotha go?" as Finni and Bard carried Mey-Rin away.

"A speck of dirt, most unsightly. I had the cloth removed so it wouldn't distract us," Cielle answered regaining her composure as Sebastian finished folding it in a way that didn't show the stain. "Think nothing of it." She went back to eating.

"Please accept my apologies, sir." Sebastian said bowing. "Do continue. Enjoy the meal at your leisure." Damiano was stunned for a moment and then burst out laughing.

"Oh…Oh my! Lady Phantomhive, once again you have truly impressed me. What an able butler you've acquired," he said. Cielle nodded slightly with a smile, almost not nodding at all.

"Pay him no mind. He merely did as befits one of my servants," she said.

"My mistress is quite correct about that, naturally. You see, I am simply one hell of a butler," added Sebastian. Cielle looked at him with a small smirk before continuing her meal.

When dinner was over, Damiano and Cielle returned to the drawing room.

"That was a thoroughly enjoyable dinner, my lady," Damiano said as they sat down. "Now then, about the contract…"

"Before we discuss that, we must finish the game," Cielle said.

"Ah, yes of course. I do have a pressing appointment, perhaps another ti…"

"Children can be very demanding about their games." She looked at him with a smirk, a harsher one then the one she had given Sebastian. "Surely you wouldn't want me to get upset." Damiano looked a bit uneasy.

"No, no of course not. Perhaps you would permit me to use your telephone?" Outside the room Sebastian was wheeling a cart with tea on it to the door as it opened, just as Damiano stepped out.

"I've brought some tea for you and my lady," Sebastian said.

"I'll be right back," said Damiano as he left. When Cielle smelled the tea, it smelled so fragrentless.

"What is this? It smells terribly weak," she said.

"Out of consideration for our guest I brought some Italian tea," he answered.


"Italian's drink more coffee than tea, miss." Well that explained it, she hated coffee. "So finding high-quality Italian tea can be difficult. This particular selection is not to your liking, mistress?" Cielle stared at the drink for moment before answering with a glare.

"No it is not. I don't like it at all," she said, knowing Sebastian would know her meaning. For a moment, she saw his reflection instead of her own.

"I'll see the dessert preparations," he said placing the teapot on the cart.

"Good, we must show him every available hospitality. The Phantomhive family is known for its courtesy," she said with a smirk.

"Yes, my young lady." He bowed and when he came back up, his red eyes where glowing, his pupils like a cat's.

Down in the telephone room, Damiano was talking to his so called "other meeting".

"I'ma tired ofa babysitting thisa teenaged countess!" He said. "Yes, I've already sold off the factory. Now all that's left is to pocket the extra cash. I'm trying to squeeze more out of the brat right now." He smoked a cigar while he spoke, knowing that Cielle detested the smell of them. "The employees? Who cares about them?" For a moment, he could have sworn he was being watched, but when he turned, there was no one there. "Never mind. The rest of the formalities are for you to deal with. No, it'll be easy. Please, she only a child, not to mention a girl." The whole time, he was unaware he really was being watched.

As Damiano made his way up the stairs, he could feel eyes on him. He turned to see the portrait of the previous Phantomhive head and his wife. For a moment, the deceased lord's face seemed to come alive, but when he looked again, he was just as frozen as he always was.

"Impossible… I'ma seeing things," he thought aloud. He resumed his climb.

"Bewitched by the eyes of the dead." He could hear Cielle's voice in his head. He stopped for a moment before composing himself.

"No, that's ridiculous." He continued, but, as he tried four doors, none of then opened to the young lady and her butler. "Huh? Not here either… Or here…" He wandered in the hall. "This manor is like a giant maze! I can't even find the drawing room."

"Bewitched by the eyes of the dead." There were her words again. Ahead of him he could see someone walking towards him, someone who looked like the deceased lord. Damiano panicked and ran back the way he came.

"S-S-Stay away from me!" he screamed. The lord, as it turns out, was only the portrait being carried by Bard and Finni.

"That's odd? Was that our guest I heard just now?" Finni asked.

'Hey! We need to move this, or Sebastian will start yellin again!" yelled Bard.


Near the foyer stairs, Mey-Rin came by with a mop and bucket.

"Oh, how embarrassing!" She complained to herself, blushing as she remembered dinner. "I really messed up this time!"She thought back to Sebastian. "But at least I was able to get close to Sebastian… Oh, what a shameful day it all! What kind of lecherous maid am I?" She then noticed that the bucket was gone.

"You lose one turn." Cielle's voice rang as he ran down the halls. He tripped over the stairs with a yell of pain and fell to the bottom. Mey-Rin noticed him.

"Ah, sir, are you all right?" she ran over to him, but backed away when she saw his leg. "His right leg...it's twisted round. What appened to it?" It was true, his leg was twisted completely 180 degrees. It was then that Bard and Finni came by with the portrait.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Bard asked.

"Our guest! Something's happen!" Mey-Rin pointed out. Damiano looked at the portrait, the deceased lord's face moved.

"And now you lose one leg in the enchanted forest." He spoke with his daughter's voice. Scared for his life, Damiano crawled away, slowly.

"Sir? Um, Sir…come back?" Mey-Rin asked. Damiano ignored her and crawled away to the kitchen's hallway and didn't stop until he came to a pair of long black covered legs. He looked up and saw Sebastian in the dim light.

"Surly you aren't leaving the manor yet, sir?" he asked politely. Damiano backed away in terror. "We haven't given you the full Phantomhive treatment yet. We still have to serve dessert." Damiano tried to crawl away, but Sebastian was easily able to keep up with him by walking. "You've lost a leg, remember? Now you can only move half the number of spaces." He looked back at Sebastian who had a slightly amused smile on his face. "So why not just relax a bit and make yourself at home?" Damiano somehow managed to crawl a bit a ways from Sebastian and into a random room.

"Damn, It's too dark," He whispered to himself. As he stopped to catch his breath he froze, hear Sebastian's footsteps coming closer. He bumped into a door and felt for a handle "Is this a cupboard?" Finding the handle he crawled in and shut the door, just before Sebastian walked in. "Damn…These are really tight quarters!" When he put his hand down, he heard a squishing sound and realized something was on his hand. "What's this?" He smelled it. "Smells like sugar…" He heard a click and the interior started to glow and become hotter. He turned to the door as a peephole in it opened and Sebastian's eyes peered through it.

"What an impatient guest we have," said Sebastian. "You couldn't even restrain yourself until dessert was out of the oven?"

"Th-The oven?" Damiano looked at him, scared for his life. "Open up! Please, open the door!" he banged on it, but Sebastian had locked it. The butler stood.

"Perhaps the Italians aren't familiar with our customs. There's plum pudding, mincemeat pie… There are many traditional desserts here in England that make use of meat. I find them all quite tasty." He smirked. Damiano's eyes widened in fear as Sebastian closed the peephole.

"Your body is burnt by raging flames." Cielle's voice rang one last time as he screamed in pain and terror.

Outside, Bard turned when he heard the scream.

"What was that? Someone screamed." he asked, stoking the fire in the furnace.

"Don't know…" Finni answered. "Oh, hi Sebastian!" Bard turned towards the approaching butler, who held a tray containing tea and a pie in his hands.

"Thank you for your hard work today. As a reward how would you like some lemon meringue pie?" he offered. "The sugar will give you energy." The two were all over him.

"Sebastian! You're such a nice person! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Sebastian! Thank you so much Sebastian!" After giving them the tray, Sebastian left to return inside.

"Oh, yes, and Bard, a workman will be coming by in the morning. When he arrives kindly let him know we'll be needing our oven thoroughly cleaned." Bard looked at him, confused.

"Huh? The oven?" Sebastian nodded and went back inside.

'Mr. Damiano, I hope you enjoyed your stay, and the Phantomhive family hospitality, all the way down to your bones.' He thought to himself. Some ways away from the manor a figure shrouded in shadows limped slowly away. It screamed.

"Mamma mia!" Cielle laughed as she heard his scream.

"What an unattractive scream. He sounds almost like a pig taken off to slaughter. What presumption, first he sells the East Indian factory without telling me, and then he dares to ask for more money? Did he think to retain my trust?" She moved her game piece to its final spot, "happy end". She frowned at it and knocked the piece over. "I'm afraid once something is truly lost, one can never get it back again." She leaned back into her chair and winced when she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She placed her hand over it and sighed.

'Is there really that much of a difference?' She wondered.

That night as Cielle was getting into bed she asked the question that had been troubling her.

"Sebastian?" She laid back in her bed as Sebastian pulled the covers over her.

"Yes, My lady?" he asked.

"About what Mr. Damiano said, is there really that much difference between men and women?" Sebastian looked at her for a moment and chuckled softly, knowing she had heard it through him.

"If you would allow me to be frank, my lady." She nodded, sitting up. Sebastian suddenly grabbed her wrists and forced her back down on the bed, him poised on top of her. She stared at him with her eyes wide open. His face was completely serious. "Surely you aren't so naïve that you actually believe that a person's sex doesn't matter. As a man, I can molest you at any time and as a woman, you'll never be able to stop me." His face was so close to hers. His serious face then disappeared and was replaced with his usual smile. "I hope that answers your question, mistress." He released her, got off of the bed, and bowed. "I apologize for my rash actions."

"No, you were merely answering my question," she replied. She turned away from him. "Good night Sebastian." Sebastian took the candelabra from her bed side table and smirked now that she had her back turned. He knew perfectly well that on her face at this very moment, was a full blown blush.

"Goodnight, my lady." He bowed, blew out the candle and left. As he walked down the stairs he passed by where the portrait had been. The wallpaper underneath it was a different color than the rest. "It would appear we'll be needing to hang new wallpaper as well." He looked towards the pallor. In his mind's eye, he could see a younger Cielle playing with toys while her mother and father sat on the couch.

"Mama! Papa!" the image Cielle called. Just like that, the image was gone. He thought back to what his young mistress had said before.

"The new head of the Phantomhive estate, ha." He smirked and left the pallor.

So, I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be going back to my once a month format starting in September.

Can I get out of this thing now?

Yeah, I don't know why I thought of this. I don't even like dresses.

Both: Later!