For some reason i just love Sasuke sucking up to Naruto..I mean after all he put him through on the tv show you would think Naruto deserves it right
Disclaimer: I ownz nothing
A pair of feet could be heard running down the spiral staircase, through the living, and only seconds later the sound of the front door being slammed shut could be heard echoing through the large house.
He walked down the driveway with his head hung low know that those dark eyes were on him watching him go. He would not give that bastard the satisfaction of seeing him running to his car crying like some brokenhearted school girl.
No that asshole already had enough entertainment for the day.
As soon as he stepped into his car the tears came crashing down and broken sobs racked his body as memories of recent events ran through his head.
He could still hear that cold voice echoing through his mind.
"Idiot I'm one of the the biggest hit singers in the nation right now, I don't have to deal with your drama and insecurities. We are only casually dating and thatch it, if you hoped for anything more than you obviously didn't know what you were signing up for so let me make this clear. I'm not looking for love just a good fuck and if you don't like it you can leave and will be replaced by tomorrow."
I mean yeah they had been getting into arguments a lot lately, and yeah maybe he had been expecting a little more, but all he had told the guy was, "Sasuke, sometimes I don't think you even care."
Hats all he had said. And even if thatch the way the bastard felt he didn't have to be such an ass about it.
"just a good fuck and if you don't like it you can leave and will be replaced by tomorrow."
He winced as the words rang around and around through his head. Pulling up in his own driveway he stepped out of the car and looked up at the sky wondering why it wasn't raining.
Usually heartbreaking moments like this came with rain so that they can run down your face, and blend in with your tears, disguising them as raindrops. But no their was no rain here but he did feel a little cold.
He vaguely remember the news reporter saying that they would be in the low eighties during the day and high seventies at night.
Hum...maybe it was just him.
RR :)