helloooo! maybe you remember me from my other story, Big Time Afraid? (heheh... shameless self advertising there)
Or... not.
Either way, this is just something I thought of, since on the show, Logan & Camille's relationship hasn't really been made 'official' yet. I thought it'd be interesting to see HOW they'd make it official... and this came out. hah.
read, review, and enjoy! :)
disclaimer: i own nothing. except the plot. OH. and the four boys of big time rush ;)
Big Time Official
Part 1
"Code Red!" -Kendall Knight
Kendall Knight was currently in a tight situation.
He needed to get Logan, his genius-yet-somehow-clueless-when-it-came-to-romance best friend, to officially ask Camille out. The poor girl had run up to Kendall the day before, slapped him, and started wailing about how she was completely confused as to whether or not her relationship with Logan was definite.
Kendall, who at the time turned bright purple with bewilderment, had attempted to calm Camille down, only to get slapped again. She'd then run off, sobbing hysterically and muttering to herself about how the present circumstances would not help her in an upcoming audition. After running up to his apartment to grab some ice for his cheek, he vowed to himself that he would help Camille out. She and Logan would become official, and his cheeks would be saved from pain. It was a win-win deal.
"James!" He called, spotting the pretty boy as he walked out of the bathroom.
"Yes?" James, who was in the middle of tying one of his bandanas to his forehead, replied.
"I need your help." Kendall replied, pointing at him.
James narrowed his eyes, smiling, "My help... or Bandana Man's?"
Kendall rolled his eyes, "Whichever. I'm in the middle of a very terrible situation."
The fearless leader had a plan. He always had a plan. And this plan was brilliant. First, he'd corner his other best friends, James and Carlos, along with his girlfriend Jo, their buddy Guitar Dude, and whatever other people he could find to explain the situation, telling them to act like they were extremely angry and disappointed with Logan.
Next, he would tackle Logan and stare at him until his best friend began squirming and hyperventilating. Afterwards, Logan would start asking questions, and Kendall would ignore him, forcing Logan to become incredibly confused. Kendall figured it would take another day at the most for the Big Time Brain to realize what was wrong, and finally ask Camille out, causing their relationship to become official, and also causing Camille to become so happy that she would never slap, punch, hit, or do any other form of physical damage to Kendall's cheeks again.
"Ooh!" Carlos, the last fourth of their group bounced in, slapping his helmet twice, "Can I help?"
"Sure," Kendall shrugged, "I was about to look for you anyway. James and-"
"Bandana Man!"
"Bandana Man," Kendall corrected, but not before rolling his eyes again, "and Carlos, go look for Guitar Dude and whoever else you can find and tell them to pretend to be mad at Logan."
"You know," James said thoughtfully, securing a bright green bandana around his ear, "These bandanas were really worth the money I spent for it! I bought them two years ago and they're still in great shape!"
"Focus." Kendall replied, "We need to make Logan confused."
"Why?" asked Carlos.
"Because, Carlos," Kendall said, "Camille is wondering whether she and Logan are official or not."
"So where do we come in?" James inquired.
Kendall pointed to his cheeks. "Well, if we help her, my cheeks won't be slapped repeatedly, and I don't know about you two, but I actually like it when my cheeks aren't stinging with pain!"
"She slapped you?" James said, nodding sympathetically, only to receive a glare from the blonde boy.
Carlos sniffed the air and raised his finger, "I smell plan!"
Kendall stepped away from James so he was facing the two. "Right. You and James, go tell anybody you can find to act mad at Logan, while I go find Jo and explain the situation."
"And then?" James asked, smoothing down the orange piece of cloth across his neck.
"We'll move on from there." The blonde said. He pointed at his two friends, "Move out."
Ten minutes later, Kendall had cornered his girlfriend, who was slightly confused as to why he was making this whole thing more complicated than it should be.
"Why don't you just tell Logan?" Jo asked, raising her eyebrows.
"What fun would that be?" Kendall replied, grinning, "And besides, Logan is terrible at these things." After no response from Jo, he added, "Are you in?"
She crossed her arms, trying not laugh at the ridiculously cute smile her boyfriend was flashing at her, "Do I have a choice?"
He hopped up from the chair, "That's the spirit!" He glanced at the clock that was hanging a few feet away from him, "Now, James and Carlos should be done telling everyone to be fake-disappointed at Logan, so-"
"There's Logan!" Jo pointed out.
Kendall plopped down in his seat, "Act normal!"
Jo chuckled, "You are taking this way too seriously."
The two leaned forward and began talking quickly as Logan approached them with a weird expression on his face.
Kendall jumped at his name, ignored the laugh that came from Jo, and narrowed his eyes at Logan. "Yes?"
"Would you mind explaining to me why half the people here are looking at me like I killed someone, and the other half are racing to smile and wave and me?"
"Racing to smile and- what?" Kendall stood up as the words sunk in and began dashing towards the lobby like a madman. Logan looked over at Jo, who merely shrugged and smiled.
Kendall raced inside the lobby, ignoring the remarks of disgust from Bitters, and hurriedly took the stairs up to apartment 2J. He couldn't afford to wait for the elevator. He ran towards the room and flung the door open, knowing that he'd find Carlos and James inside.
He was right, of course.
James was standing on their bright orange couch, raising his arms and dancing wildly. Carlos was in the middle of what looked like his fifth pudding cup. They'd turned on some background music and looked like they were having a spectacular time.
And Kendall was about to destroy their spectacular time.
"Guys!" Kendall yelled over the music. Both boys turned and looked at him. James reached over to shut off the music and Carlos tried to hide the empty cups of pudding. "What happened?"
"What do you mean?" James asked.
"Yeah!" Carlos jumped in, "We told everyone we knew to act glad at Logan!" He grinned widely and patted his helmet, which was by his side.
Kendall's eyes widened and backtracked, "Glad?"
"Isn't that what you said?" Carlos replied, slowly realizing he'd done something wrong.
"No!" Kendall sighed, "I said to act mad. Why would we ever ask everyone to act glad at Logan?"
"Don't yell at me!" Carlos cried, reaching over to pull his helmet over his head, "I thought you said glad!"
"Dude, don't worry." James cut in, "Logan's obviously confused right now. I just saw him walking towards the pool with this weird, not-pretty expression on his face."
"But that wasn't the plan!" Kendall said, slapping his forehead. All three boys jumped as they heard the doorknob turn and the footsteps of a certain boy.
"Guys," Logan said slowly, "I'm only going to ask you once. What's-"
Carlos lept in front of his dark haired friend, whipping out his red watch and waving it in front of his face, "You will not ask us what's going on, you will not ask us what's going on, you will not-"
"Carlos!" Logan said, snatching the watch away and threw it on the couch. He faced his best friends, all of which were looking extremely guilty, "What's going on?"
"Follow my lead," Kendall muttered out of the side of his mouth. As soon as he saw James and Carlos nod, he jumped and tackled Logan to the ground, holding him until Logan stopped squirming.
Logan's face began turning red. "Why did you just tackle me?"
"Stare at him!" Kendall whispered, following the previous plan he'd constructed in his mind. James, Carlos and Kendall widened their eyes and stared at Logan, who began making faces.
"Why are you guys staring at me?" Logan asked. After receiving no answer, he sighed and began spitting in his best friends' faces.
"Hey!" James was the first to react, screaming girlishly, "You do not spit on this," He gestured to his face, "Pretty face!"
"Ew!" Carlos exclaimed, rapping his helmet for comfort, "Why would you spit on our faces?"
"Why would you guys stare at me and tackle me to the ground for no reason?" Logan challenged. He suddenly sprang up and in a moment, he and Kendall had traded places on the floor.
Kendall sighed in frustration. This was the first time one of his plans did not go the way he wanted to. He quickly thought of a Plan B and prayed that James and Carlos would use their best-friend-telepathy skills at that moment to follow along.
"Let me go and I'll explain." Kendall offered. It seemed like Logan was considering the pros and cons of it, like he always did, but after a minute he sighed and let go.
"Act disappointed." Kendall said out of the corner of his mouth.
"I can hear you, you know." Logan retorted.
"Well, we are disappointed with you." Kendall replied, pointing at him, "All of us can't believe you!"
"For what?" Logan asked, "What did I do?"
"Oh you know what you did." James thundered, widening his eyes.
"Yeah!" Carlos added enthusiastically. He couldn't stop the next name from tumbling out of his mouth, "Camille!" James slapped the back of his head and Carlos huffed, pulling on his helmet.
"So," Logan replied, smiling leisurely, "This is about Camille?" He squinted at James and Carlos, "Do you guys like her or something?"
"What?" The two replied simultaneously, "No!"
"Then what is this all about?" Logan asked. A thought occured to him and his eyes widened, "Is this about the time that I took some money from you guys so I could pay for that dinner I took Camille to?"
The other three boys looked at each other.
"What money?" Kendall asked, narrowing his eyes.
"And when did you take Camille out to dinner?" James added.
"Uhhh," Logan stammered, laughing nervously, "I- I just- I thought I could- you know, well- heh," He began going on his rant of incoherent words as he always did when he got nervous, ending with his usual, "Bleep, blap, bloop!"
"You took money from me?" Carlos and James exclaimed together.
"I was broke!" Logan cried, "And desperate! Camille was all like 'Why don't we go out to dinner?' and I couldn't just say no, and if I told her I didn't have money because I used it all for that fractions class, she would have killed me because-"
"Forget about that," Kendall cut in before Logan fainted with anxiety, "You need to figure out what's wrong!" He pointed at Logan.
"And since you're a genius," James said, "It shouldn't be that hard."
Carlos pulled out his watch again, "You will figure it out," He chanted, "You will figure it out!"
"Yes," Kendall said, "You'll figure it out."
"And we're not speaking to you," James said cheerfully, "Until you do!"
"What?" Logan yelped, "What do you mean you're not going to speak to me until I figure it out? I don't even have the slightest clue as to what you're talking about! You all are being so, incredibly vague about everything, and even though I'm the genius of the group doesn't mean I always know what you're trying to say!"
"Here's a hint." Carlos said. Logan waited expectantly, and gave his friend a look of agitation as he said nothing.
"That was your hint." James announced, catching on.
"Yeah," Kendall smiled, "That was your official hint!"
"My official... what?" Logan asked, "What are you guys talking about?" He tried to pull his best friends back as they began walking away from him, but failed.
"I don't like being confused!" He yelled after them.
Kendall, James and Carlos grinned and bumped fists before starting on their separate ways. Kendall smirked as he walked out of the apartment to look for Jo. His plan hadn't gone the way he would've liked, but it still worked.
"I'm guessing it went well?" Jo asked, seeing the grin on Kendall's face.
"Sure did." Kendall winked.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" She pressed.
"Jo, Logan's the Big Time Brain. I'm sure he'll figure it out."
The two turned and stared as a certain whirling figure ran past him, screaming. "BUDDHA BOB! HELP!"
"Then again," Kendall leaned back nervously and let out a laugh, "Maybe not."
Woohoo! There's part 1 of the 4-parter. The next installment will be coming soon, and hopefully this whole thing can be finished before school starts. WAH. SCHOOL.
Review if you'd rather go to the palm woods school instead of your own. hahaha, just kidding. but really, review please? it only takes a minute and it makes me feel super good! :D
thanks for reading! stick around for the next part :)