Full Summary

Bella, Rose and Alice are all off at Northwestern going to med school. They are venturing out of the dorm life into a newly build condo. Bella is stalked by someone. Who is doing it and how much will they get away with before they are caught? Can a new friend help her overcome the violent things happening to her? Can she ever trust a man? Can she survive this or will it break her? Story contains violent actions, stalking, abuse, rape, agnst, and is not geared for everyone. If these things bother you please pass over those items. *warning will be given* AH

This story is not going to be the easiest story to write or read. This is my first fan fiction story that I am writing and I am totally new to writing in any way other then some poems here and there. I am not a great writer if I was then I would not have to tell you that these characters are not mine, and are the sole mind build of a great author and I am only borrowing a few of her characters and doing things to them that make them different but yet somewhat the same. So this is not intended to breech anyones copy right laws and or privacy. Stephenie Meyer is awesome and I am so drawn to her characters that I wanted to use her characters to make a new kind of story with them.

This is my very first ever fan fiction story. I am not going to ask you to be nice but I am going to ask you to please review and give me good avice if you have some. I will gladly take all the input I can get. I am not perfect and will never claim to be. I am flying without a beta right now and will gladly entertain using one if there is one available that likes my story is not out here to try to change it all up for their own. Again with that being said all characters involved in this fan fiction are the creation of Stephenie Meyer and I am only borrowing them and changing them a little to fit them into my story. I will also provide warnings before any seriously graffic things take place such as rape. Please read and review. Thank you.

******** I got a BETA and the stuff she has done for this story has helped me beyond any amount that I could ever give her thanks for! So THANK YOU SO MUCH TO MY BETA: Thaigher Lillie from twcs (YOU ROCK!) *********


Chapter1: 45 days and counting


"Bells, we're leaving. Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Rose said as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"You always stay in and study you need to get a life, it is a Friday night."

"Rose, I am going out tonight." I was really getting tired of these redundant arguments every Friday night. She knew clubbing wasn't my scene. Yet she didn't seem to realize trying to force me to go wouldn't work.

"Bells, the library does not count, I mean really; what you need is a hot night out, Dancing, a few drinks, and one night stand with a no named fuck hot guy who will be left alone as you go home after you use his ass up!" She laughed.

"You are way over-due for that good old walk of shame!" she squealed as

I shook my head at her.

I may be in college and I may be 21 but I do not have to go clubbing and sexing up strangers to have a life.

"Jeez Rose just go screw two guys and you can do one for me how is that?" I retorted throwing her my best bitch brow.

"Hmmmm I may just do that, a Rosie sandwich sounds hot to me! HEY ALI! Are you ready yet? "

I had to cover my ears for a second. She had just bellowed like a man and didn't give it any thought.

Alice didn't even give her an answer as she bounded down the stairs. She grabbed Rose's elbow as she rushed off towards the door. She looked back at me and gave me a wink.

"Time to go on a man hunt!" she squealed.

"Come on Ali! Let's blo-….This Popsicle joint." She said slowly as the words slowly sank in. Rose couldn't even hold her laugher as we joined in. It was so like her to use the perfect sexual innuendo at a time like this.

"Alright…Alright… Out you two. Be safe! I love you guys!"I said as I ushered them out.

Since we were all in our senior year we lived in the upper classmen housing in Kemper Hall. We were lucky enough to be placed in single rooms. There are 3 girls on each side of the lounge and kitchen suite and there are 3 singles on the other side.

Alice and Rose are the best roommates a girl could ask for. I loved them. Living with them was very easy, we never had a problem. They cleaned up after themselves and they keep me entertained with their antics.

We had decided to move off campus a while ago. We had found some nice apartments that were close to campus. We are really excited. We get to move there in just 45 days.

We'll all be attending Medical school here. So it only makes sense for us to move in together. We all have goals in life and our careers and are fast tracking our way to being the best doctors we can be; Although their version of a life outside of class doesn't necessarily match mine.

They like to party, and cut loose. They enjoy nights out on the town; but me….well I am the mother hen. Like most mothers I like being at home. I am the responsible one. Before I could even close the door Alice yelled out for me.


"Yeah?" I said as I stuck my head out of the door.

"It would be good for you to join us later we'll be at The 1800 Club. You don't have to get drunk to have fun with us. You know one day you're going to have to get out and have fun. Stop letting things drag you down." She called out.

"Alice I have to finish my end of term stuff. Go have fun and control the Rose-n-ator, don't let her get too out of control. "I giggled.

Once they left, I set about getting my stuff together to go to the library. I had finals to study for, and one essay to finish.

I'm not the kind of girl who waits till crunch time to do work.

I have worked my ass off finishing a 4 year course load. I've studied since I was a junior in high school for my MCAT and my scores were really high. Out of a possible 60 I received a 58.

I had to earn my full ride to Northwestern. I will not piss off my education or becoming a doctor just for a goodtime. I am right at the top 3 percent of my class, and one of the only girls in the top 5. Rose and Alice are in the top 20 so they definitely not slacking. Those two just like to cut loose way more then I would ever dream of it.

I walked out into the chilly night and realized how cold it really was outside.

As I drove across campus to the student library; I felt my body shiver violently. But I knew it wasn't because of my faulty heater. It felt like hell froze over. One thing for certain is that I have to get this heater fixed or buy a different car before next winter. I'm doing the best I can do for now. It's important to me to save as much money as possible because I want a stable life in the future; one that is grounded. I want the life I never grew up having.

As I walked through the doors of the library I started looking into the corner where I usually sat at; to see if my favorite spot was available. I am a creature of habit, I like my area.

Under the stairs off to the left was the table that was usually empty. It was quiet there, I mean it is a library but sometimes you can still hear the others out in the open areas and where the bigger study areas are.

As I made my way to my spot, I am elated to see that it was empty.

A table for 6 all by myself, yay me.

I set down all the stuff I brought with me and went off to grab a few of the books I knew I needed. Sitting back in my chair I let my thoughts wonder a bit.

It was hard being away from home for so long, yet I don't miss it. I love where I live, and I love that I get to attend school here. I miss my Mom and Dad but all I did was work, cook, clean, and study all the time.

I get to do those same things here and all without having to raise my parents. Sometimes I felt as if I was the one that was turning 40 this year; not my mother.

Her maternal streak lasted about 2 weeks before she sent me to a sitter daily.

. My mother was the town hippie. She owns the local craft store but there are days you can go in there and swear you're entering a head shop.

You'll most likely her in her tie-dyed dress and round glasses looking like a 70's reject...

I love her but sometimes she's an embarrassing person to be around.

My Dad is the chief of police in the small town I grew up in. I love and miss my father he is a man of few words but he loves us both dearly.

I have only been home once since I came to school here in Chicago. Being here keeps me a respectful 1824 miles from home, and if I drove home it would take me roughly 28 hours. I definitely can't make that trip in my car; so I use it as the main excuse to not visit.

That excuse is followed closely by the fact that I have chosen to work on extra courses and classes during most of the off times.

I did not spend spring break in Miami with Alice and Rose. I stayed behind so I could stay relax and study.

Even though my schooling is taken care of, my parents make sure that I want for nothing. My father transfers 800$ a month into my account. He has been doing so since I was a junior in high school. My father made sure I was financially secure. But I wanted to be able to earn something of my own. I saved up the money I had from working at the Newton's hardware store and babysitting until it was time for me to pack up for college.

During I worked for The Webbers back home where I was the summer sitter.

They had a set of 5 year old twins and a 7 year old and 9 year old. I made some serious cash from the Webber's that summer. Both of the parents worked in Port Angeles and I made 10 bucks an hour sitting for them.

They both work in the Medical field and knowing I wanted to be a doctor made them proud to have me. It was because of the Webber's I was able to obtain a full ride scholarship to the school I wanted to attend.

Both of the Webber's had graduated from Northwestern and they helped me with all the different forms and letters and scholarship paperwork. I will always be grateful to them.

I managed to have just over 46 thousand dollars saved to take to college with me when I left home. Dad still gives me money each month and for the past 3 years has me sitting better than I could have hoped for.

The only things I use my moneys for are gas and food and entertainment. I also do some tutoring here and there. I don't' do it a lot but it pays well. I honestly never touched my bank account at all. This will change several in weeks. I have to break that baby open to buy stuff for the condo.

In 15 days we were to pay our first and last month's rent for the condo as well as the damage deposit. Rent being 900 each a month plus another 300 a month in essentials and utilities, we were really lucky.

All in all I am able to pay my portion of rent for the next 4 years easily and not have to worry about getting a fulltime job. I am hoping my car holds up. I'm not looking forward for a new expense... Getting back into my books I feel like I am making progress here.

I kept hearing Claire De Lune, I was confused. When did the library filter in soft sounds?

That was when I noticed a person sitting across from me. When did that happen?

=. I glanced up and noticed it was a guy wearing a beanie with a grey hoodie. He had his nose much like mine buried into a large book.

Nice to know I wasn't the only one who chose to study on a Friday night. I don't feel uncomfortable but I find it odd that this guy came to sit by me at MY table. Well not MY table but I was here first. Unsure as to why, but I couldn't stop myself from glancing up at this guy. I really couldn't see him that well but that didn't mean I wasn't trying. The way he sat was awkward. I could tell must have been over 6 foot. Even with a slouched position he sat higher than me.

I noticed the long slender fingers wrapped around the spine of the book. They were surprisingly clean. They were masculine yet feminine in their own way. Normally I never bother to check out guys. I'm not really the girlfriend type. I knew I was a plain Jane, nothing special. I didn't have the model type looks Rose and Alice had. I was always overlooked but I never thought twice about it. I have dreams and I want a family when I get older, I think... But I'm not chasing after a man. If it's meant to be, then he'll find me.

Before I knew it I was being told that the library was closing in 30 minutes. I could've slapped myself when I realized that I was staring at a stranger for 45 minutes. I didn't get a good look at his face, but he does have a really cute habit when he is reading, he hums.

Normally other people's noises make me irate, I find his charming and cute.

Gah where is that coming from? Ok Bells get your shit together. I bet you wish he was humming your ear…Slut! You haven't even seen his face yet.


I ran a hand down my face as I mentally berated myself for arguing with my own thoughts.

I finally took one last sneak peek at the guy at my table and oh my lord he had the sexiest eyes I have ever saw before.

He was seriously Holy Mary Mother Of GOD Hot! I quickly packed up my stuff and gathered my things to go. I needed to get away from this man,

Putting the books back quietly, I returned to the table. Unsure why I did it I quickly wrote "Debussy is wonderful" on a piece of paper and discreetly slide it across the table and walked away. During my whole bedtime routine I couldn't stop thinking about those eyes. I even saw them right before I closed my eyes to sleep. I ended up waking several hours later out of my slumber feeling like someone was watching me. I rolled over to look at the window but nobody was there. I chalked it up to those eyes I was dreaming of and went back to sleep.


When I got to the library, I was focused on getting to the quietest place available so I could finish my studies. Once I found the best possible place, it was just my luck someone was sitting there. I really didn't like to be bothered but I guess it would have to do.

It is a public place so I decided to sit there and not bother her and hopefully she returns the favor.

Studying to be a doctor is a lot of work and being a home town boy I am lucky to not have to live on campus but I still love the campus life.

It is relaxing to be here to study, and soak up the knowledge.

I feel like I am at home in the library. I loved to learn and this was the best place to do it.

I heard the girl across from me get up. I glanced up and our eyes met.

I have never seen a depth of dark, melted chocolate color eyes like that before in my life. They took my breath away.

The last thing I needed these days was for a female to complicate things. I looked away from her and went back to my book. I heard them give warning that the library closes in a few minutes. I waited for her to finish packing her stuff up to I could leave after her. I was still unsure of the feelings surging through me after seeing her beautiful eyes. When she finally she left the table; I set down the book I had been uselessly holding for more than 15 minutes and got my things together. I saw a piece of paper sitting on the table and glanced at it. Once I opened it I felt a smile creep across my face. "Debussy is wonderful".

Score one for this girl she knows her music. All of a sudden I had the urge to find out her name. I hurried out the door to find her but I didn't see her.

Wait…what are you thinking? Why do I really want to see her, big deal she knows something about music. Get yourself together. You need a girl like you need a cavity.

I reluctantly got into my Volvo and went home. Walking into the house my father was sitting at the breakfast bar having a glass of warm milk.

"How was your night Dad?" I asked.

"It was good son, the hospital is going to be opening the newest wing here in two weeks and I tell you that our new updated cardiology department will be the best in the U.S. "he hinted.

"Dad I know that you want me to follow in your footsteps, but I have always had my sights set on general surgery. No reason to do the same stuff every day. I want mixture in my work life."

"I know son I just want you to be all you can be and if it is general surgery you want then so be it. So what did you do all night go out have a beer with the guys?" he smirked.

"When was the last time I went out with the guys? I know you worry about me but I have no desire to be out with the guys, or picking up strange women. It just isn't my thing."

"Edward are you interested in women or not so much? You know me and your Mom just want you to be happy…." He said between coughs.

I was mortified by the way the conversation had turned. But I was more pissed he thought I was gay.

"OH. MY. GOODNESS. DAD! Please! I am not gay! I just want to get my life where I want it before I try to find someone to share it with." I said exhaustedly.

"Son you are one of the most grounded men I know. You are only 23 and you just took over your great grandfathers company. Together you built the most amazing groups of condos and not only that you are top of your class, to become a great doctor. I am sorry to insinuate that you might be interested in males over females. I just don't want you to be all business and no fun. I don't want you to be burned out. You need to some fun sometimes. I am not asking you to get into trouble. I just want you to live your life and have some fun too while you are at it." He grinned.

"Well I'm not a kid anymore, but I will try to start having some fun. What has Mom said about me moving into my own condo? Has she said much more about it? She is not having empty nesting syndrome is she?"

I let my mother have free reign on all the designing and décor to the building. The gym and pool areas are really looking nice. I suppose it was my way of compensation for leaving the house.

"No son she is not at all upset by you spreading your wings But you shouldn't worrying about her I'm off to keep you her company so she isn't alone, have a good night son." He winked.

I stuck my finger in mouth like I was about to gag only earning me a chuckle.

"I love you Dad, even when you interfere and give me more information than I ever wanted." I shouted as he headed up the stairs. Once I was in my bed. My dreams that night were overcast by some of the deepest brown eyes that seem to call to me in my dreams like they owned my soul.

Well I hope that you all like this story. It was a HOT MESS til I got a great BETA. I have been tossing this story for a long time and I have to say that it is not an easy task to do (writing that is). I really look forward to hearing feed back. Positive or negitive I want to hear it. I will update at least 1 time a week. If I get really far ahead on the story I will update more often.


TAT (TeamAllTwilight)