Ten years ago, an alien named General Xaviax attacked Earth, intent on taking the people as slaves to rebuild the planet he had destroyed in a civil war. Karsh. A young individual named Kit Taylor was thrust into the life of a Kamen Rider, and he fought alongside a man from the mirror world Ventarra named Len. At first, Kit was simply trying to find his father, but his goal changed later on when he found out that Xaviax had been manipulating his father to get to Kit. Together, eventually being joined by Chris Ramirez, a marine forced to retire due to his asthma, they would fight other Kamen Riders, finding out more about how the battle was caused and learning more about Ventarra.
When Chris was Vented, sent into the Advent Void, another Rider appeared-Kase, Kamen Rider Siren. Soon after, when he was visiting his father in the hospital, Kit was captured by the No-Men, a secret group that worked outside the government. Kit eventually escaped, fending off Kamen Rider Wrath and Kamen Rider Strike on his own until Len and Kase arrived to help. After another tough battle following that, Kase was Vented, leading Len to look for revenge. He Vented Strike, but in the end, when Kit attempted to Vent Wrath, he was Vented himself. Alone once again to fight, Len fell onto the No-Men for help, finding the Advent Master he'd been looking for for years. Until Eubulon brought Kase back out of the Void, Maya acted in her place, eventually giving the role of Kamen Rider Siren back to Kase when she chose to focus more on her writing career instead. With the help of the Ventarran Riders Chance, Pryce, Hunt, and once again, Kit, the Riders used a virus created by Master Eubulon in an attempt to shut down all the beacons that would transport people.
Adam, the Rider who had betrayed the Riders to Xaviax in the first place, showed up, begging for forgiveness. It wasn't long before he was revealed to have betrayed his planet and family for Sarah, his girlfriend, and later, it was discovered that, after being threatened by Xaviax, Adam had agreed in infiltrate the Riders and act as a spy. The Riders eventually accepted him back after a brief time of worry, and after the Void Key was fixed and Xaviax's base was infiltrated, Xaviax was supposedly destroyed by a special Vent made by the Advent Master, Eubulon, who created the Ventarran Riders.
With Xaviax supposedly gone, the Riders relaxed, only to get a shock three years later. Kase was killed in a violent wreck that was meant to take Kit's life, driving him to leave the Rider life for good. A month after that, he was dragged back into the life by Chris and Lyra Sharton, making him become Kamen Rider Cynogriffin Equip. Chris had never expected to be a Rider again, not after Master Eubulon had wiped his memory of his time as a Rider, and Kit hadn't wanted to be dragged back into this life. They had no choice, though-the Advent Gauntlets choose the Rider, not the other way around.
A day or two after becoming a Rider Equip, Kit was training with Lyra when she noticed a man watching them train. Kit and Chris recognized him as Master Eubulon. Suspicious, Kit went after him, demanding an explanation. When he didn't get one, Kit brawled with Master Eubulon, barely escaping the No-Men's grasp.
Not long after that, their first battle with the Dark Riders occurred. At the time, Kit and Chris recognized only James and Drew, Kamen Riders Hydra Equip and Falcon Equip, from their time as Riders for Xaviax in the First War. The third Dark Rider Equip they would later find out to be known as Drake, fighting as Kamen Rider Pegasus Equip. They were defeated, still weak as a team, and retreated back to Kit's place to heal up and rest. Or at least, that was what the team planned to do. Following finding a note with the Onyx Deck from Master Eubulon and finding another note from Len under his little stuffed dragon, Kit got a startled jolt back to reality when he realized that James had followed the trio back to the apartment through the mirrors. They split up, and Kit was badly injured by James and Drew in a fight that followed. Thankfully, Master Eubulon and several of the other Ventarran Riders, including Len, Maya, Chance, Adam, and Pryce, found Kit ahead of Chris and Lyra, and, via an Advent Portal, let two other Rider Equips go to their Base while Kit recovered.
With Kit recovered, Lyra started to find herself feeling more and more frustrated. She had come to the realization that Kit was indeed the brother that she had been searching for for almost twelve years, but he didn't remember her. Frustrated, the dam of emotions that the youngest Rider had locked up for so long started to break, but for a short time, she was able to keep it hidden. During that time, Maya joined the team as Kamen Rider Lynx Equip, making the team four. Sarah would take her place as Siren on the Ventarran team, and it wasn't long after that Master Eubulon revealed that he knew that Kit was Lyra's brother, giving her some small comfort.
Soon after, the Dark Riders took a drastic step, capturing Kit and Lyra. Adam, Chris, Maya, and Len attempted to rescue their friends, finding Kit easily. It was then that they all found out that Kase was still alive and that a dummy had been in her place when the wreck occurred. The wreck was supposed to kill Kit, but she ended up being taken instead after she'd shoved Kit out of the way. After finding that out, the Riders all attempted to escape, but Lyra was held back when she had to fight James. The youngest Rider made the others go ahead, and as they did, Kit fought against Len and Adam, screaming, "SIS!" It stunned Lyra and confused the others, leaving the others and himself to wonder what he'd meant.
Initially, Master Eubulon was furious with the others, but when he saw Kase, his anger subsided. He healed Kit and started Kase's long road to recovery. During a dream, Kit's memories of the past that had been blocked off started to return, and after a talk with Frank, he remembered everything clearly. He went to Adam, borrowing the Dragon Deck and Jacket before heading out to save his sister, being stopped by Eubulon for the briefest moment. When he arrived, Lyra was confused at first, thinking that it was Adam like it had been when she was little, but his nickname for her cleared up all bits of confusion. After a struggle with the Dark Riders, the duo got out, and it was around that time that the Griffin Rider Equip started wondering just who was behind all this.
The Prism Gauntlet went missing not long after, which meant that the Riders had to temporarily stop worrying about the Dark Riders, at least until they found the new Rider. They found him all right-Kit and Lyra were surprised when their cousin, Callen, i.e. Len's mirror twin, was chosen by the Gauntlet, which was why it had disappeared. Now joined by the Peryton Rider, group was made up of five Rider Equips, and at the time, that's how many Riders the five thought the Dark Riders had.
Right after that, Kase explained exactly what had happened to her, and it wouldn't be too long after that Lyra found out about the Ventarran Riders' thirteenth Rider-Kamen Rider Griffin, Sharon Taylor. Adam explained that she had been hidden from the others, kept as a backup, and was killed by Xaviax. He also explained the rest of the reason behind his betrayal, and that was when Lyra's mind was made up-Xaviax wasn't behind this. He was just a pawn. A fierce battle later on would prove her point, showing the sixth Dark Rider to be Kase's mirror twin and a long-time enemy of the youngest Rider-Alexis Lakewood.
Lyra met Sharon in a dream not long after, and Frank was captured soon after as well, revealing in the process that he was a Karshian. He knocked Kit out in a desperate attempted to keep him safe, leaving the Cynogriffon Rider furious with his adopted father. As he tried to cool down, Kit bumped into Vic Frasier, ex-Kamen Rider Wrath and an old family friend. Vic was later revealed to be the sixth Kamen Rider Equip and joined us as Kamen Rider Cerberus Equip after being forced into the Contract by his stubborn Advent Beast, Flarethyle.
The Riders had always been close to Frank, and they proved it when Len came to Kit's apartment early in the morning, clueing the two siblings in on a plan that all the Riders, excluding Master Eubulon, were a part of. Hoping to help Adam out, Lyra convinced Adam that it would be his only chance to save Sharon and bring her back, but naturally, things didn't go as planned. Five Riders were Vented, and Master Eubulon was infuriated, especially since they had failed to get Frank back. Sharon was rescued, though, but the cost had been high, especially since Adam and Lyra had done it behind the others' backs. It was around that time that Kit and Lyra were revealed to be the two Advent Masters of the Kamen Rider Equips, with James and Alexis as the Dark Masters for the Dark Riders.
What none of the others had found out when the Riders were saving Sharon and Frank, though, was that a machine was the reason behind the Dark Riders' kidnapping of Frank. The machine, when activated, would close off the portals between Ventarra and Earth, sealing the two planets off from one another for good. A vision in Lyra's dreams and the memory of what Sharon had said to her in a dream haunted me, making the Griffin wonder if there was a future that Earth could go through without being destroyed. When Master Eubulon told the group that the machine had originally had a bomb that could destroy a planet in the blueprints, all the Riders' hopes started to fall.
Within twenty-four hours, the machine was activated, and the portals started to close off. In a last-ditch attempt to win the war before it got worse, the Rider Equips along with Master Eubulon, Chase, Chance, Hunt, Len, and Kase attacked the Dark Riders' Base. They failed to win the battle, and the portals between the worlds closed off, leaving all of them and Frank weak as they returned to Kit's apartment. Tired but determined, the seven came up with the plan to go through the government like Master Eubulon had, working their way up as word spread.
It's been six years since that plan was formed, and Earth is in chaos. The Riders hadn't been the only ones who had the idea to go through the government to get help-the Dark Riders did as well, and it cost both them and Earth dearly. World War III broke out, and the nuclear and atomic weapons that were used took Earth to the brink of total destruction. As the countries that had been fighting for James and the Dark Riders slowly realized far too late that they'd been played, they joined with the Allies. Despite the fact that they claimed to have given up all the Dark Riders ideas, tensions remained high. A terse alliance was made, and it exists to this day-for now, at least.
World War III broke Earth in the worst way possible. Only about twenty-five thousand people survived the battle, and the domed city Aldous was made as a last resort. Earth is a wasteland now, and though WWIII has ended, the Rider War hasn't. James and Alexis have gained ridiculous amounts of power over all too many mirror monsters, and hundreds die in battle each day. The Council was formed as the lawmaking body, with the two Advent Masters as the heads, the commanders. Frustratingly, there are several Elders on the Council who still agree with what James did, and it takes all the other members of the Council, Kit and Lyra included, to continue vetoing what they suggest.
Things don't look like they're clearing up anytime soon, and even now, to this very day, Sharon's last words to Lyra in a dream haunt the team. "Then Earth is doomed, and only Ventarra will stand a chance." Those words seem like a prophecy now, predicting Earth's downfall, and there are times when they have to wonder if Sharon was right. The Riders don't have anyone else but themselves to rely on, and if things continue going the way they are, Earth will fall.