Chapter 4: First Glance

Yugi practically ran as the two walks out of the village and onto a dirt road leading to the forest. Joey chuckle as he watched the enthusiastic boy happily run back and forth. "Come on, Joey," he chirped as he took a hold of the blond's arm and pull him along as they begin dashing towards the forest.

"Y-Yug!" the blond stopped his enthusiastic friend.

Yugi stopped and look at him, "What?"

Joey smile, "There's no need to rush. I don't have to get home soon you know. So let's take our time, okay?"

"Oh," Yugi replied, "Sorry for being over exciting, it's just that we hadn't gone to the forest for a long time."

"That's alright," the blond gave him a reassured smile, "Anyway, let's go."

The tri-hair boy nodded and they begin walking again.


"Cousin," Yami asked he eyed the trees and bushes suspiciously.

"What," the brunet growled.

Yami frowned, "You don't have to sound so angry, you know?"

The brunet glared at him and then turns back to the road before them, "Whatever."

Yami pouted, "Remind me never to come here with you again."

"Joey look, we're almost there!" The two royalists stop and quickly hid behind the bushes that block them out of site. Not far from them, a tri-hair boy and a blond were coming towards them. The blond were smiling as the shorter boy chirped excitedly.

"Calm down Yug, someone might hear you," the blond said.

"There's nobody out here, Joey," Yugi reasoned.

"You never know," the blond continues, "There might be pervert or stalker out there. Who knows, there might even be one who's listening right now."

Seto growl quietly. Yami continues to eye the two stranger, well the little one at least.


Yugi shook his head, "I'm not scared about any of them, Joey."

"Why?" the blond questioned.

He smiles, "Because we have each other."

The blond blink, and then a smile form on his lips, "True."

Yugi took hold of his hand, "Let's go before it gets dark."


Once the two teens were out of site, the two hiding got up and out of their hiding place. Yami look towards the empty space that the two were before, "The one name Yugi seems interesting."

Seto stared at Yami questioning, "Are you sick?"

"Huh?" Yami asked blankly.

The brunet let out a sigh and turned away, "Let's go home."

"Why?" Yami asked.

"I just felt like it," the brunet replied.

"But I don't want to,' Yami said, "I know! Let's go after those two!"

Seto sprung around and stared shock at him.

"What?" Yami asked curelessly.

The brunet narrows his eyes, "Since when did you become a stalker?"

Yami pouted, "Whatever. Come on before they disappear and we can't find them."

The brunet glared at him but sighs and quietly followed.


"Look!" Yugi pointed to the eagle not far from them on top of a pine tree.

Joey followed his finger and caught sight of the eagle, "Beautiful!"

"Come on Joey, let's get in the water!" Yugi pulled the blond and jumps into the shallow water. The two resurface and laugh.

"Man that was refreshing," the blond said.

"Yup!" the shorter one agrees, "Say Joey, aren't your step-father going on a business this week?"

The blond nodded and laid his back on the water, "He is, and I think Genko is going with him."

"Genko? Why only him," Yugi asked.

The blond sat up, "it was father's idea, but I just don't get them. Father always denies Genko of everything he ever wanted, while Yama could easily get it. I just think it's unfair sometimes, even though I hate Genko."

"That's true," Yugi said, "I do feel kind of bad for him, though I totally hate his brother!"

The blond chuckle, "Yup, you do!"

"What's so funny?" Yugi narrowed his eyes angrily.

The blond continues to chuckle, "Nothi-" SPLASH!

Yugi laughed as the droplet of water drip down the blond's face and bang. The blond glares at him and splash water towards the younger boy. The two laughed and splash water at each other's.


Seto sighed heavily at the childish behavior the two strangers had, while Yami lovely admire the shorter teen. That's it, he made up his mind. He might as well choose the smaller teen as his future bride, and no one is going to stop him.