'Sup guys~

[hacked AHAHHA] *inserts Vi* [I'm not an object you can't just insert me T-T]

This is the first time I'm attempting a Reborn fic, I never tried before because I'm not exactly good with Italian stuff…Anyhow here goes~


As the orange and red leaves slowly fell towards earth, a man was sitting on a park bench watching dwelling in the peacefulness of the moment. There weren't many times like this in his world, his world was filled with negotiations, meetings, and countless killings. However at this time he had been finally allowed to spend some time alone in order to clear his head. As he immerged himself within his clouds of thought, he didn't notice as a brown haired man came running towards him, with a trail of men clad in black suits.

In mere seconds, the sitting man's foot connected with the running man's leg, tripping him over. Having fallen front-on the brown haired man, slowly got up with minor scratches and threw the other man an accusing look. Noticing what he had done, the man quickly got up and offered his hand to the other.

"I'm so sorry, I was too immerged in my thoughts," the man said as he offered his hand.

"Urgh, don't mind it that was half my fault, for not watching where I was going."

At that moment the men in black suits caught up and surrounded the both of them.

"Give it up! We have you surrounded, hand us the ring!"

"No way, I was hired to bring this ring to my client, you're going to have to fight me for it." Looking at the other man who was still standing next to him, he said "Leave I don't want to involve a civilian in our fight."

With that the black suited men attacked. However in the blink of an eye, all had been taken out. Looking around the brown haired man realised he was no longer looking at the same person that stood next to him. He noticed that the man had an orange flame on his head and emitting from the gloves on his hands. As he slowly awed at the sight he didn't notice a man creep upon him.


A heavy object made contact with his right shoulder, making him stagger backwards. As the attacker ran in for another blow, the man with orange flames threw a quick punch his way and knocked him out.

Once again holding his hand out for the other man to take he introduced himself, "I'm Giotto, Vongola Primo."

"Kozart, of the Shimon Family," taking his hand and stood up, ignoring the pain in his right shoulder, "Thanks for the help, I owe you one."

"It's nothing, I'm use to it, are you alright?"

"Yes, it's just a scratch it'll heal."

For the first time, their eyes met and each noticed each other's strong resolve. Both suddenly shared a small laugh and knew immediately that they would be great friends. As a single yellow leaf floated towards the floor, the two figures could be seen focused in deep conversation walking towards the now setting sun.


That was a dodgy drabble, if I don't say so myself. Listening to Romeo and Juliet while doing this doesn't help either, anyways…thanks for reading!

(This was written during a 45 minutes English lesson)
