(Rewritten on 11/17/12)

Heyyyyy guyyyyssss! In case you haven't read the title and/or summary, this story is about Sabrina getting preggers. It contains a few adult themes, such as swearing and sexual references, but it's definitely not M rated.

Sabrina and Puck are 17, and Daphne and Red are 11/12-ish. The Scarlet Hand has been defeated, and Henry and Victoria moved back to New York with Basil Jr. Sabrina and Puck still "hate" each other.


"Unnnn Ughhhh," I grunted, rolling over.

"Oof!" I breathed as I rolled into something...squishy and...warm. I cautiously opened my eyes, my head throbbing in return.

I jumped a little as I noticed a lanky frame laying on the bed next to me, covers pulled up to his chin, with his back to me. But I knew that floppy blond hair like the back of my hand.

"PUCK GET OUT OF MY RO-," I stopped short when I realized we weren't in my room.

We were in a well-furnished cream-colored room. Black curtains were drawn across a large window; early morning sunlight peeked out from over them. Puck and I sat in a large bed, complete with soft purple sheets and a darker purple comforter shoved to the foot of the bed.

I sat up quickly, but immediately had to lay back down due to the large wave of nausea. I rested my cool hand to my head. My confusion over Puck was temporarily replaced with a pounding headache.

Puck shifted in his sleep, and I self-consciously pulled the sheets up to cover my naked body.

Wait a second, why was I naked..?

I gave a soft, but high-pitched squeak as I ripped the sheets off, revealing my exposed body. I slowly glanced over to Puck, my prediction being confirmed as I stared at his bare backside. My thoughts whirled around in my head, unable to piece anything together. What happened last night? I groaned inwardly as a fuzzy flashback came to me.


The sweat dripped down my neck as I grinded sloppily into a faceless man's body. His buddies laughed and drunkenly cheered me on.

Puck stormed over angrily, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into a bedroom, ignoring the protests from the faceless man. I giggled flirtily at Puck, running my hands through his hair. His breath smelled strongly of alcohol, and I'm sure mine did too.

"Sabrina, you're so wasted. How many drinks did you have?" he asked, his eyes warily following my hands as they groped at his chest.

"Maybe a few, I can't remember. How many have YOU had?" I said, my words slurring and my vision hazy.

"Not as much as you.." he mumbled, but I could tell he was slightly drunk.

I pushed my body up to his, not able to even think straight.

"Come'n Puck, loosen up a little and let's have fun!" I said, running my eyes up and down his body. His eyes widened nervously as I leaned into him closer.

The last thing I remember was him locking the door as I attacked his lips hungrily.

End of Flashback

Oh god, this can't be happening. I practically forced myself upon Puck! I knew I should have never gone to this party.

I lost my precious virginity to stinky Puck Goodfellow. Well, he did shower somewhat regularly, so he wasn't that stinky, but he has that weird foresty smell I hate.

Puck, still sleeping, turned over in the bed, revealing his tan chest. I refused to let my eyes wander down any further.

Ignoring my aching head and certain other aching body parts, I quietly slipped off the bed and hurriedly put on my crumpled clothing that was scattered across the floor.

I was pulling on my shoes when I heard a large yawn come from Puck, which meant he was waking up. I ran out of that room as fast as I could, and was almost out of the hallway when he called out:

"Hello? Who was that?"

My light blue Prius purred to life and I quickly hit the gas pedal, eager to get home before Puck did. I realized that I smelled like sex and alcohol, so I quickly spritzed on some perfume while driving.

As I was driving, I replayed the events of the morning and night over and over in my head. I remembered what Puck had called out as I left; he had asked who I was. Did that mean he didn't know it had been me? I prayed that he would never find out. Maybe he would figure it out later, like I had. After all, he hadn't been as drunk as me...

I finally arrived at home, pulling into my parking spot in the garage and racing to the front door. I stopped in front of it and took a deep breath.I fixed my hair, smoothed out my clothes, and walked inside silently.

I expected to see everyone awake, worrying anxiously over mine and Puck's whereabouts. After all, we did tell them we'd be back bay midnight.

"Hello?" I breathed, still expecting Granny's stern face to come and reprimand me. I felt a little sad when nobody came though, feeling a little uncared about, but it went away quickly. They must all be asleep.

I made my way into the kitchen, seeking out the time. The oven clock read 5:46 AM.

I got a glass of water from the sink and swallowed two aspirin, hoping it would make the pain from both my headache and lady parts go away. I blushed as I recalled why my female parts hurt.

I slowly crept up the stairs a few minutes later, expertly hopping over the creaky step. I ran down the hallway to my bedroom on my tiptoes, though, as I heard Puck's Jeep roar into the driveway.

I locked my door right as I heard him burst into the house, being noisy as ever. I craved a hot shower desperately, but I didn't want to risk seeing( or being seen by) Puck.

Puck must have woken Granny when he entered the house, for I heard her whisk down the stairs, most likely in her robe and slippers, and begin to inquire about where he had been. I gave a slight smile before drifting into much-needed sleep.

Haha, cliffie, sort of, not really.

In case you were wondering, this whole entire story will indeed be in Sabrina POV. I might switch it up once or twice, but most of it will be in Sabrina's point of view.

Anywaysssss, this story is inspired by my beautiful baby girl, who is currently living in my tummy. Her name will be Rosie, and her due date is October 19th! My soon-to-be-husband, Jeffery, is the sweetest human being in the world and he helps me out so much. Before you gripe about teen pregnancy, I will assure you that I am a legal adult (I'm 19) and while yes, we are young, we will do fine!

Please review, and thanks for reading!