Wish For Me

Chapter 1: The Accident and Saving Him

Love. Love was the only thing that made me hold him close, that made me try and fight for his life. He couldn't die now, I wouldn't let him. He had to live; I had so much to say to him, He had so much to live for. If I lost him now, the world would lose one of its angels, one of the few people that loved unconditionally left. I had to keep him alive. I love him. I screamed at whoever tried to pull me off of him, I fought them to keep him safe, I love him. "Noah! Noah, you have to let go! We have to get him to the infirmary! The only person that can save him is him!"

Chris was wrong. Chris was dead wrong. I could save him, I would show that I could save him; I would fight for the both of us. It finally took DJ and Duncan to pull me off of him as Chris had to put him on a gurney and wheel him away from my arms. I hated every inch of weakness in my body. I hated myself.


Cody was sitting on the cliff where they had done their first challenge just an hour before. All he could do was stare off into the sunset and cry. This camp had been the first place he had ever been to that he actually had "friends". Friends, he liked the sound of that. But he didn't deserve them. He wasn't as cool as Trent, as funny as Owen, as collected as Gwen, as clever as Heather. But most important was Noah. He was no where near to Noah's standards. Noah. The boy that he started dating the day they saw each other at the orientation back home. Noah had always lived across the street from Cody since they were little. He had had a crush on him the minute his family moved in. Noah had shown him so many new paths in life, that to live life, you had to love life. He didn't deserve to have anyone show him that much compassion. He was just the scared little kid that everybody made fun of behind his back. It hadn't happened yet, but he was sure it would happen soon. It always did. Cody stood up slowly and stared at the sunset just a bit more. Then took those steps forward. He looked back just enough to see Noah smiling and jogging towards him. He gave Noah his final smile, and jumped off the cliff.

End Flashback

He sat outside the infirmary until the ambulance came. He was then placed in there, like a broken angel. "Hey, one person can come with us in the back, who is gonna do that?"
I stood up, before Chris could interject "I will."

The guy in the back stared at me for a second "And who are you?"

"My name is Noah, I'm Cody's boyfriend," An undeserving boyfriend.

"Oh, um sure, hop right on in."

The minute I "hopped" in, I grasped on to Cody's hand. I stared down at Cody. His body looked so lifeless, so sad. I couldn't save him, I couldn't keep him safe. The trip to the hospital seemed to take hours, especially because the guys in the back with me kept on staring. They would go from staring at him and trying to keep his heart beat at a constant speed, then to staring at me. When we finally got out, like three people tried to help me out of the back of the truck. One of the guys that was stuck in there with me stared for a second and the blurted out "He is really lucky to have such a loving boyfriend," Did he really just say that?

I kept walking to keep up with him. "Hey, what do you mean?"

He just smiled at how hard I was working to keep up. "Meet me in the cafeteria at 9 p.m.; I will be on my break then. We can talk some more."

What was this guy's deal, was he crazy? I didn't have time for this, I needed to find Cody. I scoured half of the hospital before I found the hallway outside of Cody's room. I attempted to walk in to the door, much to no avail. That guy! He pushed me back, with a slight smile and sad look on his face. "Sorry, you can't go in."

I looked up at him, with the nastiest face I could possibly make. "Why not?"

"Sorry, Cody is getting operated on," he definitely looked sad.

"Oh, ok, I'm sorry."

I just sat there for hours on end. Some of the doctors took turns talking to me, asking me what happened, telling me about his condition and heart rate, and about how brave I was. Why did people keep on saying that? I couldn't be brave, or loving! If I was that brave or that loving, I would have been able to protect Cody. I hated how weak I was, but what I hated more was how strong people kept telling me I was. After about three hours, I walked down to the cafeteria. I grabbed a couple packages of Jell-O, frankly, looking at any of the other food made me want to ralph. It looked suspiciously like Chef's mystery meal. No wonder I lost ten pounds ALREADY on this show. Sitting down, I glanced over to see that weirdo guy staring at me. I scooched over to sit next to him. "So?"

"So what?" he looked at me with a smirk.

I stared at him flabbergasted "Umm, hello! You wanted to talk to me!"

"Oh, so I did."

"Well? Why am I such a loving boyfriend?"

He smiled at me and gave me a light hug "Because, I saw how sad you looked in the ambulance."

I pushed him off and looked at him "Well duh! He is my boyfriend! Aren't I supposed to be scared when he tries to commit suicide!"

"That just proves it," he said staring at me.

"Proves what?"

"You love Cody."

"Well duh! Hell yea I do!"

He smiled and starting fishing in his pocket for something.

I attempted to ask what he was doing "Hey, dude, what the hell are you-"

He showed me two charm necklaces, one with a small silver star, and another with a shining crescent moon. He placed the necklace with the moon in it around my neck and looked away for a second. "Do you see this one?" he was pointing to the star shaped necklace in his hand.

"Yeah…" This was stupid.

"Every night, at exactly midnight, make the star and moon necklace connect. You have to connect the two outside so that the moon and stars can bask in it."

All I could do was stare at him in disbelief, "Are you serious?"

"Noah. Please, listen to me! I want to help Cody and you!"

His face looked very, very serious. "Alright. I promise, but why and what am I supposed to do with them?"

"First you have to connect them every night this whole week, Sunday to Saturday, and every night once they are connected at midnight make the same wish, do you know what to wish for?"

"Umm, oh, I've got it! I wish that Cody will be safe, and nothing would hurt him."

"Perfect, then you and he will be okay as long as you wish for that. After Cody is awake and out, place the star around him, and he will always have his own shining star to protect him, and I know that this whole thing sounds crazy, but you have trust me, okay?"

"Alright, thank you, you are really sweet!" I gave him a hug, and we sat there and talked the rest of the night about Cody and I. Finally, at midnight, I walked out onto the terrace with Dean (Yea, I gave him a name after all) and stared up at the moon. I placed the star and moon so that they intertwined until they met and the star fell into the and crescent of the moon. My hands suddenly felt soft and light and I whispered into the charms "I wish that Cody will be safe, and nothing would hurt him."

I looked up and a slight tear came to my eye, and that was the first time I actually believed what Dean said. I love you Cody.

And so I leave you. I will update soon, please oh please review! I love you guys and this was a spur of the moment decision. If you guys want me to continue, please tell me, I love you all! Mwahness! ; ) 3 Luvs ya all!