Disclaimer: I don't own Card Captors Sakura, CLAMP does.

I Hate You

I hate when you look at me.

Because it feels as if I'm the only person in the world.

I hate the color of your eyes.

Because anybody can get lost in them.

I hate when you smile at me.

Because it takes my breath away.

I hate your laugh.

Because even when I'm not in the mood – when you laugh I laugh.

I hate when you say sweet words to me.

Because it makes my knees go weak.

I hate when you hug me.

Because you always let go.

I hate when you kiss me.

Because you always pull away.

I hate your hair.

Because every time we kiss my hands are always tangled in them.

I hate when we get into fights.

Because the thought of loosing you kills me.

I hate after we fight.

Because one of us always calls to apologize.

I hate when we don't talk.

Because I don't get to hear your voice.

I hate when your attention is not on me.

Because I feel alone.

I hate that you are flawless.

Because you are completely perfect.

I hate when you tell me I'm pretty.

Because I know I'm not.

I hate that you are good looking.

Because I'm not the only girl that wants you.

I hate when you say you love me.

Because I say 'I love you too'

I hate that I love you.

Because I can't help myself.

A/N: Please R&R and check out my other stories too (: `thanksyou everyone.

& add in your review if you want Syaoran's reply to this.

Love you, you guys are so cool !
