Annie watched from the window. It wasn't until she let out a sigh that she realized she was holding her breath. When she told Michael to be honest, she wasn't certain that Danielle would understand why he lied. Annie loved her sister but she also knew that Danielle was not one for being lied to and could be rather snippy and hold a pretty good grudge. At least for a while. Danielle would forgive in the end, but in the meantime it might not be pretty. So seeing her sister's totally understanding and loving response was a total relief. After the last week, Annie needed a drama free weekend.
Annie flipped off the television, hit the lights and padded in hosed feet to the bathroom. Minutes later she was relaxing in a hot bubble bath, the greatest hits of Mingus coming from the old CD player on the shelf. Annie closed her eyes and let the warm water and music lull away the frayed nerves and bruises from her unexpected ass kicking. She'd have to see if Auggie was up for another workout and lesson in dirty fighting. She'd leave a message on his cell so as not to wake him up. After almost 72 hours of non stop, high stress work and an unhealthy amount of coffee and energy drinks, he would be sleeping it off all weekend.
As the CD reached track 10, Annie realized the water was cooling down and figured it was time to get out. She quickly shampooed her hair and ducked under the water to rinse it off. As she sat up, she heard the sound of knocking on the front door. She quickly climbed out of the bathtub, pulling on her robe and grabbing a towel for her hair
"Annie, you awake?" Danielle's voice softly called out from theliving room.
"Yeah. Hang on. ." Annie yanked out the plug and turned off the CD player on her way out. The kids were probably tucked in bed and Danielle had come to talk about what was going on with Michael. As tired as Annie was, it wasn't very sisterly to refuse to listen, at least for a little while.
"Hey Dani-" Annie stopped short when she saw that her sister wasn't alone. "Auggie."
"I didn't think about you being asleep." He said with a blush, "I should have called."
"No, it's okay. I wasn't asleep. "
"I'll leave you to to whatever." Danielle said from the doorway.
"Thanks for showing me up." Auggie nodded to her. "Sorry if I woke your girls up."
"Once they fall asleep, they're out." Danielle said, smiling at Annie. "Nice meeting you, Auggie."
She left without waiting for a reply. Annie knew she would be in for an interrogation in the morning. A guy of reasonable attractiveness, even a blind guy, shows up at ten o'clock at night and something has to be going on. Danielle would assume the best and want to know all the details. Where did he work, how did they meet, how long had they been dating, why hadn't Annie said something sooner. And 'we're just friends' wouldn't cut it. Although letting Danielle think it was more than that might end the awkward "I want you to meet this guy" games. So perhaps Auggie's little social faux pas had done her a huge favor.