Important Author's Note:
Hello there, my readers. Ah...sorry if you were expecting a new chapter. This is a mere author's note. I know it's annoying and all with the author's notes, but I have something important I need to tell you. to put this...erm...I'll try my best to try and explain it good. I would like to say something kind of sad about this fanfiction of mine: I've decided to discontinue it.
I know, you're probably wondering why, so let me explain it. I hate having to do this, you know. It really sucks when you really like a story and the author just goes and discontinues, huh? But I have some good reasons for you!
See, ah, I've lost interest in this fic. I don't think it's all that good anyway: it's very confusing and isn't really all that well-written in my opinion. I've had my best friend (who's fave pairing is SasoSaku; she really likes Sakura AND Sasori) read it, she says it's actually very good. She says it "leaves this interesting feeling afterward." and "there is a lot of thought put into it." But I just don't think so. I am pessimistic, but still. -.-'
I also have extreme writer's block with this fic. For the record: I DO get writer's block a lot. But I just can't seem to get back in the mood to write another chapter (to THIS story). I also don't think this story is going anywhere. I had intended to make it all seem a little bit confusing, but all make sense by the end. I think my intentions turned on me, or something like that, because I have absolutely no idea whatsoever about how to continue! It really sucks to be in this situation; I HATE situations like these!
*Sighs and continues* Anyway, my life is also interfering with writing. I still have college work to do, and I'm considering trying get myself another job. Plus, I have a boyfriend and a lot of friends to hang out with. And not to mention that I am losing a TINY bit of interest in Naruto and checking out more of other anime/manga series(s).
Oh, but I still am not giving up on Naruto until the VERY END. ;)
Anyway, that's all why I'm discontinuing 'Neighbors Are Such A Pain!'. However, I have considered putting it up for adoption. But I don't think anyone would be interested in having it. There's not many fans of SasoSaku. :| Uh...but nevertheless, I really would consider giving it up for adoption if anyone's interested. If you're interested about it, please let me know!
And now, on a final note, just because this one is discontinued, that doesn't mean I'm not still writing! In fact; I actually hope to write some more new ones! After I can update a few chapters to other stories, we MAY see some more work from me. And...who knows? For the SasoSaku fans, there could possibly be more stories for the pairing. *Hint Hint*
So, that's it. Now for the closing of this note, I'd like to see this: thank you, readers who liked this fic! It's because of the amount of readers starting to like it that drove me to write a few more chapters and come up with part of the ending in advance! ^^;