Chapter 13

I have been out of the country for a while without my laptop, hence my lack of updates! Here is the next chapter. It wasn't easy to write and I'm still not very happy with the flow of it. I guess I need to get back into the swing of writing! As always any reviews will be deeply appreciated.

Ziggy3: Thanks for mentioning the summary at the beginning. I start to lose track myself these days!

For some reason I see Elladan and Elrohir with a pair of hounds, I have no idea why. As always thanks for your review. I owe you several reviews for your new story! I need to catch up.

VermilionValentine: Who knows at this point. I do have a soft spot for Glorfindel ;-)

Aristania: Thanks so much for your review, I hope you enjoy this.

DemeRain: Thanks for taking the time to review!

Summary: Last chapter saw Elladan storming out of Rivendell to clear his head. He comes across Haldir with his brother Rumil and a contingent of soldiers sent by Galadriel. The Lorien warriors tell him of what happened when they came across the slavers who had captured Legolas. The slavers claimed that legolas was dead and Haldir lost control and killed them.

SSSS indicates a change in perspective

The italics indicate a memory.

Ok that's it. On with the story! Enjoy.


Elrohir was startled from his contemplation of the supplies list in the armory, by the clattering of many hooves into the courtyard, the dog resting by his feet had jumped up and was wagging his tail with enthusiasm, Elladan must have returned. Elrohir stood up and made his way outside to find out who his brother had returned with.

There were many horses milling around, steam was filling the air from their warm breath and sweating flanks, these horses had been ridden at speed. Elrohir squinted through the pounding sheets of rain, trying to identify the riders. They were thoroughly drenched and looked completely miserable. Their cloaks, usually a pale gray, were soaked and filthy until they were closer to a dark brown. Elrohir felt a momentary surprise that the elves of Lorien had arrived so quickly but he could only suppose that Galadriel had known they would be needed sooner than expected.

He looked to the front of the riders, curious to see who was leading them, but he could not tell. He walked towards the mayhem, his boots slipping slightly on the wet cobbles. Elladan appeared beside him suddenly out of the gloom. His twin smiled at him and filled him in quickly on what had transpired on the road, by the end of his telling, Elrohirs face had taken on a dark look.

'So Haldir leads them.' He finally said

'It seems our friends' trials are still not over.'

His hands clenched by his sides in quiet fury. How dare Haldir show his face here after all that had happened, how dare he assume that he would be forgiven yet again!

'He was very distressed, Elrohir, I have never seen him so before.' Elladan tried to reason with his twin.

'He was not distressed enough to prevent Legolas from leaving on his own in the first place.' Elrohir ground out, his anger clearly evident.

At that moment he saw that Haldir was walking towards them, he wondered if the elf had heard them, but then decided he didn't care if he had. Elrohir and Haldir had developed a special sort of loathing for each other that seemed to transcend normal dislike. In that moment Elrohir would have felt more pity for an orc than he did for his friends ex-lover.

Haldir was soaked to the bone and covered with mud, his usually immaculate hair was in disarray, with bits of twig and dried blood throughout. His face was thin and pale and wore an expression of bewilderment. Elrohir felt a grim kind of satisfaction at the state of the usually impeccably presentable Marchwarden. It was no more than he deserved.

Haldir had stopped in his forward trudge and was eying the twins with a strange look on his face that showed his dislike clearly for all to see. He swallowed and his sharp eyes seemed to come into focus.

'Where is Legolas?' He asked the twins, his usual haughty manner firmly back in place.

Elrohir stepped forward, his clenched fist raising on its own, until Elladan grabbed his arm.

'Nay brother, we will not have violence here.' Elladan cautioned quietly. He felt Elrohirs muscles bunch underneath his hand and feared his twin would ignore him. However Elrohir seemed to be bringing himself back under control.

'He does not have any desire to see you Marchwarden, now or ever.' Elrohir said, his tone limned with steel.

'That is for him to decide.' was Haldirs cold reply before he spun on his heels and headed for the last homely house.


Haldir barked orders at he went and the elves of Lorien were soon busy with their appointed tasks. The horses were sponged down with warm water and taken to the stables waiting for them. They were then rubbed down with soft cloths and given fresh hay and cool water.

Rumil worked diligently at getting every last drop of water removed from his sweet mares coat, she had more than earned some attention. His brother had driven the warriors and their horses to near exhaustion after they had come across the slaves. The hairs on the back of Rumils neck stood on end when he remembered the madness that had come over his brother. It had reminded him rather forcefully of another elf, long ago, that had been driven mad with pain and grief.

Rumil ran behind his lord Celeborn towards the Healing area. The subjects of the golden wood paid them little mind as they ran, everyone was focused on the scene playing out in front of them. It was horrific, the elves were transfixed by the screaming writhing figure being forcefully brought to the ground. Haldir had arrived in the Golden wood a mere 3 days ago clinging to what had turned out to be Legolas the prince of Mirkwood, or what was left of him. Celeborn himself had had to pry his marchwardens fingers from around the frail creature. Life had been turned upside down ever since. The first day had passed with a fair amount of co-operation as they had cleaned him up and treated his many wounds. Haldir had stayed faithfully by his side the whole time.

Rumil had come to the conclusion that Legolas had simply been too exhausted to fight them at the time. But that was the last time, since then he had fought and fought. Eventually the healers had resorted to tying him to his bed as he screamed profanities at them in several languages. Still Haldir had been there, tears streaking his face as he used all his strength to restrain the elf.

He was clearly insane, Celeborn had been told. Another healer had suggested sending him straight to the Havens as soon as possible. Celeborn couldn't do that. This elf was his kin, however distant. Thranduil had to be told, but how? Rumil had never seen an elf so unhinged in all his long life, how could they expect Thranduil to cope with seeing his son in such a state. Especially given the fact that he was still mourning his late wife.

He reached the scene just in time as Legolas wriggled out from under his captor, a desperate hand grabbed him and without pause he sank his teeth into the flesh. Blood gushed as the healer screamed and released him. Wild eyes found a gap heading into the trees and went for it. Celeborn stepped in front of him at the last second and wrapped his strong arms around the elf. broken fingernails tore at his face and tunic and he winced as a bare foot hit out at his shin. Rumil was shocked at the strength possessed by such a damaged elf. He remembered how formidable Legolas had been before his capture then. How the fey light would come into his eyes before a sparring match. And how very graceful and fierce he was in action, like a deadly dancer brimming with life.

Celeborn clung tighter, refusing to release the elf from his grasp. He could not let this one fade. His light was too bright to end like this. Celeborn would fight Mandos himself if necessary but he would pull Legolas back from this madness. Rumil felt his brother brush past him to place a capable hand on Celeborn at the elbow, he looked up into the determined eyes of his Marchwarden. Haldir was another who would fight for Legolas, an ally against this darkness. Haldir gently laid his hand on Legolas' shoulder and kept his voice steady and even.

'Come now Legolas, it is not yet time. But I promise when you are well we will go into the trees together.'

Legolas turned his deep blue eyes to the Marchwardens face and Rumil saw a flash of recognition.

'You promise?' came a raspy voice.

Celeborn could barely contain his gasp of surprise.

'I promise, now come on. You need to rest.'

Legolas resisted for a moment then stared accusingly at the miserable looking healers lurking nearby.

'They tried to use rope.' the voice quivered slightly

Haldir smiled a little.

' Well they are fools. But we needn't be. There will be no more rope.' He stated firmly

'That's alright then.' replied the prince of Mirkwood. He pulled away from Celeborn and smiled.

'My thanks my Lord' he said

Then he turned and walked with Haldir back into the healing rooms, for all the world as if nothing had happened.


Legolas started from his work when he heard the sound of a great many horses. A strange feeling crawled up his spine and he suddenly knew with certainty that Haldir was in Imladris. How he knew this he could not begin to explain, he simply did. What he should do about it was another matter altogether. If he wanted only to please himself he could remain in his chambers indefinitely, not even Haldir would presume to disturb him if he demanded solitude.

'Coward.' He started at the sound of his own voice in the quite of the room around him. He placed his hands on the table top and supported himself to his feet. Legolas had been called many things in his life, few of them flattering. But that word had never been associated with him. He would not allow it to start now. He turned towards his wardrobe to find suitable clothing, he would be damned if he let his former lover see any weakness or frailty in him.

He had no intention of rushing down to courtyard, that was not befitting one of his station. However the hour for the evening meal would soon be upon him and he needed to bathe and change and order his thoughts. Unconsciously he stood a little taller and rolled his shoulders back, his chin raised slightly and his eyes turned to chips of ice. He would be ready, oh yes. He moved towards the bathing chamber with sure, steady steps, so different from his weary hesitant gait from only yesterday. Before long steam filled the room until all he could make out in the mirror was the glitter in his steely blue eyes, he smiled.