Well, this isn't one of my better fics, but it's just a little drabble i came up with. As always, HowCouldThisHappenToMe is responsible for the
awsome beta-ing!
I forgot to put this on my other fics, but i remembered this time!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. If i did, Toshiro and Momo would have already been a couple by now.:)
On to the story!
This is the second time I've had to watch Momo laying in bed and wonder if she'll die. I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling of my own zanpakto stabbing the only person I really ever cared about.
I remember when we were just kids, sitting on the porch during the summertime, eating watermelon. I have always hated summertime, but it's Momo's favorite season. So I decided to tolerate it just a little more. It seems like just yesterday Momo had left for the shinigami academy and I being the overprotective fool I am, went as well after she graduated. Now look at how well a job I did of protecting her. She's in a coma and almost dead because of me.
"Please just wake up Momo. I'm so sorry." I pick up her hand that is lying limply at her side. "Forgive me." My eyes began to feel wet. Astonished, I brought my hand to my face and felt tears moistening my fingertips. I snapped out of my stupor when I felt Momo's hand squeeze mine.
"Momo, I... I'm just so sorry. I was fooled by Aizen and I thought I had stabbed him but I…I… I saw it was you and…I'm just so sorry... please wake up..."
She squeezed my hand again.
"Momo, you can't die on me..."
I watched her brown eyes flutter open and focus in on me.
"Momo, how do you feel?" I asked in a worried tone ignoring the unwanted nickname.
"Like I got stabbed," she replied with a breathy little chuckle. I watched her backtrack when she saw the expression of pain and regret play across my face. "I mean uh... I'm doing better." Another nervous little laugh. I let it go for the moment.
"Momo, ever since you went into this coma, I just wanted to make sure you knew that.." I took a deep breath and felt my cheeks heat up at what I'm about to say. "I've never cared about anyone as much as I care about you." I looked away, embarrassed.
"Awww.. that's so sweet Shiro-chan.. I feel the same way," she said the last part quietly.
"It's Captain Hitsugaya," I said slightly irritated but mostly just relieved that she feels the same way I do.
"I'm tired Shiro-chan. Can I go back to sleep?" Momo asked groggily.
"Only if you promise to wake up again."
Momo just smiled at my answer and within minutes she was asleep. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
'You have to wake up so I can tell you how much I love you.'
Well, i could have done better, but please do me the honor of sharing your review! It only takes a miniute, be my inspiration lol. :)