Author's note; Hello! First story I've ever posted here, no flames please unless they are constructive ladies and gentlemen. All reviewers will be replied to as soon as my schedule permits, and all comments will be taken into consideration. No specific time period intended.

Disclaimer; If I owned this, it wouldn't be as good, and Obi-Wan would get way more screen time. And angst. :)

Obi-Wan had been wandering for a long time now. Tunnel after tunnel in the freezing ice and snow, shivering as it penetrated through his tunics.

He could see the tracks of those that had gone before him. Sometimes it was harder to get through the tunnels because the people before him had only done what was necessary to pass.
They hadn't considered he would have been following, and that he would be carrying such a precious load. Long since past feeling the biting cold, he could only concentrate on the limp form cradled in his arms.
He pulled her tighter to his chest, and the touch of the rough fabric hurt.
Oh, it hurt beyond anything he could imagine. He dropped to his knees with a gasp.

"Don't worry." He whispered. "We'll be fine. We're almost there."

Nothing. No winning smile, no assurance that she was fine… He checked her pulse, searching for the light thrum against his fingertips that would reassure him that not all was lost. Satisfied that she was alive for the time being, he staggered to his feet. That hurt almost too much to breathe.
His blood boiled and screamed for an end to the pain as the ice corridor swam around him. He closed his eyes as he fought a losing battle.

"Just hang on, Siri. I won't fail you again." He choked out as he pulled his robe ever tighter around her.

"Hang on..."

He had been walking for a very long time now. The toxin in his system was tearing away at him, telling him that since he had walked for so long that he deserved a break. A sit down, just so his body could recover. But no. He had to keep moving, or else Siri would die. And that was unacceptable.
He looked down at her lax face, divided by the coppery strands that hung in front of his eyes.

It was pale from the blood loss of her injury, and he winced at the crimson streak that followed the line of her mouth.
Taking his sleeve he wiped it clear, and looking at her then he could have thought that she was sleeping. A peaceful sleep, instead of the nightmares that plagued all of the Jedi since the beginning of the war. The nightmares full of the dead and dying…

The end of the tunnel. Impassible. Impossible. No point even in trying to clear the debris.
He slid down the wall to the ground as his body spasmed once more.

"Nothing is ever impossible, my young Padawan."

A familiar voice admonished.

"Not if you have the will and the Force as your ally."

The Force was almost out of reach though. It laughed at him as he panted on the floor, feeling his own traitorous body finally shut down. He could feel her shutting down too, as the poison located her vital organs and tore them apart. He could feel them screaming…

He arched his back as the flames in his body grew higher. Writhing as they consumed him, he knew, instinctively, that if they weren't rescued soon it'd be the end of them both whether he liked it or not. He slumped to the icy floor once more.
"I can't do it Siri." He croaked. "I can't —"

He choked out a yell as the burn in his soul exploded back to life. Hotter and hotter and hotter until he felt like an inferno of flames let loose on dry timber. "Anakin!" He screamed, desperation rising. All thought vanishing; he squirmed as the tongues licked around him.


And then there was light with the flames, coupled with a shaking boom that threw him into the opposite wall. He coughed at the impact, splattering the white snow with red. Crumpled on the floor, he didn't notice the armored men picking up his precious charge, or the exclamations that occurred when they saw him in the soft powder.

The only thing that Obi-Wan Kenobi noticed before being engulfed into the light was the presence of his former Padawan, who had saved his old master once again…

"Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan, you have to wake up now."

He was tired. Cold. Hurting.
He shivered violently as he cracked his eyes. The figure was clothed in dark tunics and a thermal cape, and had the most worried expression Obi-Wan had ever seen.

"Anakin?" He rasped, surprised at the roughness.

"Good to see you awake Obi-Wan. We thought we were going to lose you for a while there."

Lose him? Why would he have been lost?

"Master Tachi is healing as well as to be expected, and the people of Bathraabin have regained control of the government once more."

Bathraabin? Siri? Healing? "What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

~~~A battle. Cornered in an alleyway. Royal guards, highly trained and lethal, firing from all sides. Drowning in the blaster bolts and poison darts flying at him from ever conceivable angle. An ally, dropping from the rooftop to provide cover.


A gasp of pain as she crumpled, a blaster bolt wound rendering her useless. A new target for the enemy forces. A desperate leap in the Force as he flew to her side and force pushed all of the guards into the walls hard enough to render them unconscious. A twinge of pain as he pulled the metallic dart from the back of his palm. And a twisted sob as he pulled another out of her neck.
Then the gusting snow, covering his tracks as he fled to the Republic tunnels…~~~

"Oh." He breathed.

"Yeah." Anakin looked uncomfortable as he turned to look at the wall next to him.

"You'll both make a full recovery."

"How did you find us?" Obi-Wan asked.

"You're homing beacon was still functioning, but we didn't know you were in trouble until you called me through the Force."

Had he? He couldn't remember. His memory was blurry, ideas and thoughts bouncing through his head like an initiate on a sugar high.

"And you're mission?"

"A success, Master." The formal term a reminder of simpler days.


"Now, you need to get some rest Obi-Wan, you understand?" Anakin teased.
"No active field duty, or even leaving the medbay for another day."

"Of course, Master Skywalker." He returned with a smile.

Anakin turned to leave.

"And Obi-Wan?"

"Yes my former Padawan?"

"That's the sixth time I've rescued you."

Obi-Wan grinned widely as he watched the sloping back retreat out of the room. The light words betrayed a deeper concern.

Someday, Anakin wouldn't be able to rescue him. Someday, there wouldn't be a happy ending to the story. Someday… He closed his eyes. He could think of such things at another time. Now was the time to rest, for he was needed. The Clone Wars still raged on.

Wanna kill me? Love me? I don't usually beg for reviews, so I'll just ask nicely. If you don't tell me what's good or bad, I won't know for future stories! The button is your contribution to the fanfic world. Don't make the button sad. Review and make its day! Till next time! Charliebrown1234