Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, Beyblade or any of their affiliated characters.

Here we go people, my first crossover fic, at the request of Negative Alliance. I can't believe you roped me into doing this…

Alliance: Not my fault you said you were willing to do any idea I suggested.

Shut up you. Or do you want me to change my mind?

Alliance: You won't cause otherwise I will change your password and screw around with your fics…

:O All right, get ready for an ass whipping you won't soon forget!

Alliance: EEEP! (runs away)

Sigh…okay, enough messing about. By the way, the pairing this fic centres around has been dubbed Iceshipping by Negative Alliance so look out for me doing more of this pairing in the future.

Let the story begin!

Proud Hearts

Prologue: The Brink of Oblivion

Screams flooded through the air as the remains of London came tumbling down. The earthquake itself was of high intensity (measuring at 6.7 on the Richter Scale) but with troops marching down the ripped up concrete and shooting down anyone they came across, things were desperate. People were having to take their chances in the abandoned buildings on the verge of collapse or they were faced with certain death. Among these people was one of the Rescuers: a band of teens willing to stand up to the soldiers and helping the public escape their harm. These four teens had single-handedly stopped 'The Crusaders': an international terrorist group, from taking control of the world two years earlier but it resulted in over half of the world's population being killed in the space of 1 minute and 30 seconds. The world did not know what the reason was behind 4 billion people being killed in a series of natural disasters but the loss of life had been dubbed as "Exposure" by the Rescuers.

Only those four teens knew the truth of "Exposure" and of how to stop the Crusaders permanently.

Two years on and humanity was being rounded up and forced to work in labour camps for creating extremely advanced technology or being trained to hunt down their only hopes. No-one knew what the technology was, or what it was meant to find: or rather, who. All they knew was that they had to complete it or face death. Had it not been for the Rescuers, the world would be in the hands of the Crusaders, but they were now at a serious disadvantage. Only weeks earlier, the Crusaders had developed brain altering technology and had since recruited thousands to their cause.

Four versus sixteen thousand was not very good odds, but the Rescuers were unafraid.

That was why Max Tate, youngest of the Rescuers, was now in the centre of London, risking his life, trying to save as many people as possible from the Crusaders.

"Max, are we going to die?" asked a young boy next to him. Max looked down at the child and ruffled his hair, trying to provide some reassurance.

"Nah, we'll be fine, trust me," replied Max cheerfully. The teen's appearance made him easy to trust: with blonde hair, soft blue eyes and wearing simply a green t-shirt and black jeans he did not appear intimidating to many. The small group of survivors he was guiding all nodded their heads in acknowledgement. The only thing that gave Max away from the common person was the massive blaster on his back and the small guns strapped to his thighs but it was these additions which had triggered the massacre of London.

Max peered out as another shockwave shook the building above their heads. Troops were shooting everything which moved, whether it be a person or a bit of paper floating down the street. Max shuffled back and signalled his group to move back and find another way out. The group of fifteen followed his instructions and disappeared into the darkness but it was quickly apparent that they were cornered. Max drew his pistols and prepared to shoot his way out should the situations deteriorate.

Another shockwave destabilised the building further and a large amount of rubble dropped onto everyone's heads. The small amount of children whimpered and snuggled into an adult be that a stranger, parent, friend or Max. Max pulled himself free of the boy glued to his hip and peered out over the small amount of debris which shielded them. He caught sight of four troops scanning from the outside of the building and slipped out of danger. The rest of the group ducked further into the darkness and quietened their breathing, in fear of the slightest sound giving away their position. They sat in silence for about half a minute: until Max heard the soldiers depart.

Max breathed a sigh of relief and ushered the small group out of ruins and directed them towards the river, carefully keeping out of sight of any soldiers. When other survivors saw Max guiding his group, his numbers steadily grew.

When they reached the river and made their escape on a large hovercraft, Max was happier with his efforts, but it was still not enough lives saved in his opinion.

Tyson Granger waited impatiently on the shores of Rescuer Isle, the small undiscovered island which the Rescuers had adopted as their home, for Max to return with the survivors of London. Being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean had provided a safe haven for the Rescuers to begin planning their attempts to stop the Crusaders, but it also made contact with the outside world a pain. Tyson thumped his foot impatiently off the white sand and willed to hear Max's voice through his radio.

"Tyson!" Tyson spun around to find his long time friend and fellow Rescuer, Ray Kon, standing behind him. Ray's long black hair was being caught in the breeze despite being tied back into a ponytail and his white shirt was catching the reflection of the calm ocean. His dark blue combat trousers were covered in sand around the bottom and his cat-lie eyes were fixed firmly on Tyson. Looking at Ray almost made Tyson conscious of his appearance: with a torn red denim shirt, black combats which were ripped in many places and scruffy dark blue hair hanging down, he didn't exactly appear well kept. "Tyson, Max has got back in contact."

Tyson sighed in relief. "Thank god, it took him ages to let us know what happened. What was the hold up?"

Ray's face quickly turned sombre. "Crusaders."

Tyson needed no other answer and quickly dashed to the control room a hundred metres away. He threw open the door and screeched to a halt in front of the microphone. "Maxie? Are you all right?"

"Hey Ty. Yeah, I'm okay but things didn't go well," replied Max sadly.

Clearly something was very wrong. "How many people did you get out?"

Max took his time in answering. "I only got 107, Tyson…"

Tyson's face quickly drained of all colour. "Max…there were over five thousand still living there."

"Yeah…but that was until the Crusaders realised I was there. They started shooting down everything that moved. There is no-one else left, Tyson. They killed them all."

Tyson's fist was visibly shaking with anger. "How far out are you, Maxie?"

"I'll be there in about 4 minutes."

"Okay, see you then." Tyson stepped away from the microphone and turned to Ray, but did not look him in the eye. "107 people…out of over five thousand… Those monsters! How could they?"

Ray stepped up and placed a hand on Tyson's shoulder. "Tyson, we can't do anything about that now. Let's go and meet Max. We might be some help."

"Shame we don't have any good news to give him…"

When Tyson and Ray arrived at the dock, Max was helping the last of the survivors off the hovercraft. Max's stony face said it all: it wasn't enough.

"Max?" asked Tyson steadily. Max turned to face him.

"I'm fine, Tyson."

"You don't look it," added Ray.

Max sighed deeply before continuing. "I don't know how I got spotted, but a Crusader soldier saw me and straight afterward, people were being massacred. I didn't even have time to put up a fight, all I could do was watch and try to save as many as I could."

"Don't worry about it Maxie, we still have you."

Max chuckled darkly. "That doesn't make me feel any better. It's still my fault that all those people are dead."

"Max, you coul-" Tyson was interrupted by his radio going off. "Go for Tyson."

"Tyson, get Ray and Max and head down here right now."

"Why the urgency?"

"I've finished it."

Tyson's mouth slowly opened in shock, which drew the attention of Max and Ray. "You serious?"

"Just get down here."

Tyson took a couple of seconds to realise that the conversation was over because of the shock. It took Max three attempts of addressing him before Tyson finally snapped back to reality. "Tyyyyson? Tyson, snap out of it!"

"Huh? What?"

"Tyson, what's got into you?"

"Kai's finished it. He's actually done it. We can end this!"

Max and Ray stood dumbfounded for a couple of seconds before breaking out into massive grins. "He's done it?"

"Kai didn't sound like he was kidding. Come on!"

Kai Hiwatari leaned against the wall as he waited for the rest of the Rescuers to arrive. Kai was the eldest at 18 and was also the one who had founded them after single-handedly stopping the Crusaders from taking control of the world, but at the same time was responsible for the sad state humanity was now in. Humanity may not know and his friends may not have known, but he knew. He was responsible for the deaths of millions but he was about to make amends. I'm finally going to atone for the deaths of so many…I just hope I haven't screwed up somewhere.

"Kai!" Kai raised his amaranth orbs from the floor to gaze at his now panting friends in the doorway. "Is it really ready?"

Kai chuckled before answering. "I wouldn't have dragged you all down here unless it was."

The grins on Tyson, Max and Ray's faces couldn't have been wider. "I can't believe we are actually going to do it…" stuttered Max.

"You know, you three don't have to come with me," stated Kai. The other three looked at him disbelievingly. "I'm the only one who needs to go. Besides, somebody needs to keep an eye on this thing."

"Kai, we've been through this. We started this together, we sure as hell are going to finish it together," declared Tyson.

"And I don't think you guys realise the gravity of the situation. This isn't just a random trip we'll be taking. We will actually be going BACK IN TIME. We are going to be changing history and have to live through it until we catch up to the point in time that we originally left from. That means we will have to relive the past two years without meeting ourselves. This is not going to be easy."

"Kai, there is no point arguing about this. We are going with you and that is final."

"We've been waiting nearly two years for this, Kai, we aren't going to back down now."

"Since you came up with the plans for the Vortex Generator we have been adamant that we are going with you. Like you said, this isn't just any trip and you might need some help should something go wrong."

"Guys…" Kai was speechless for once. He gave a small laugh before answering. "Thank you."

"We should be thanking you!" chirped Max. "You are the one who came up with this idea and you are the one who figured out how to actually journey back in time! I can't believe we are actually going to do this!"

"Yeah, no kidding! I am so stoked for this!" exclaimed Tyson. Kai walked over to a console on a nearby wall and activated it. One of the other walls opened up and revealed a large machine with a circular front which started to glow.

"All right, are you three ready?" asked Kai, even though he knew the answer. Max stripped himself of his weapons while Tyson and Ray took up position in front of the device.

"Hit it, Kai!"

Kai smiled before pressing a single button on the console. The four friends stood and faced the light and knew they were in for an adventure, but they did not realise just how great and life-changing that experience would be for all of them.


Chapter 1 is going to be coming up soon.