Note: This is my first Mentalist fanfic and I don't totally know where I'm going with this yet. ( Or what I'm even doing) and I didn't realize how short this chapter was until I uploaded it. I'll try to make the other ones longer.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Mentalist :(

Senior Agent Teresa Lisbon was having a bad day. It was a bad end to a bad week. She and her team had just solved a rather gruesome case. There was a serial killer killing little kids. They were ripped open with an axe. Cases are always hard on everyone when they involve children. Lisbon and Jane were affected the most. After 6 children were murdered, they got a tip and rushed over to the warehouse where the murderer was. They were too late to save the little girl. Lisbon sighed as she remembered how it looked when they arrive.

The woman stood over the little girl with a bloody axe. After the team ran in a saw the situation, they all froze for a second. But Lisbon was frozen longer. Cho and Rigsby were the ones who leapt forward to arrest the woman, Sara Mattick. Van Pelt was behind Lisbon and Jane was in the back. Sara turned on Rigsby with the knife and Van Pelt shot her. Lisbon was still frozen, her eyes wide even after Sara bled to death. Jane had walked up behind her and gently touched her shoulder before she was able to move. He asked if she was okay, but Lisbon lied and said yes. She knew Jane didn't believe her, but she was glad he didn't press.

She sighed in relief as she finished the report. It was late and she was more than ready to go home. There were only a few people left on her floor when she headed out. She waved goodbye to the janitor as she headed to the elevator. Even Patrick Jane was gone, and he usually didn't leave until she did. Lisbon was so exhausted, when she got into the car she didn't even notice her check engine light was on. It was a complete surprise to her when her car spluttered and died halfway home.

"Damn it!" She swore as she pulled over to the side of the road and cursed her luck. She pulled out her cell phone, but of course it was out of battery. Lisbon swore again. There was a gas station only a few short blocks back that she would be able to walk to. She didn't like it, the cop in her knowing it wasn't safe, but it wasn't like she had much choice. And now that it promised to be a long night, she really needed some coffee. Lisbon got out of her car, making sure to lock it. She wasn't in the worst part of town, but it definitely wasn't the nicest.

It was really quiet. Her paranoid cop instincts went off right away, but she couldn't tell why. Something didn't feel right. Then she heard the muffled scream that was quickly cut off. It came from the ally right ahead of her, so she took out her gun and ran toward it, her feet slapping against the pavement. She rounded the corner and stopped in horror. A woman lied on the ground, covered in blood that was still leaking from the deep cut in her chest.

She felt movement behind her, but before she could turn, something hit her on the back of the head. Hard. Lisbon's vision grayed and blurred, before going back. She hit the ground with a thud. She felt a sharp pain and warm liquid, then sank into oblivion.