Thanks for reading and please is really appreciated


I had to say goodbye to Kelly. I had to let her know what was really going on. When I reached her house I paused outside of the door. Leah stood across the street beyond the trees. I could see her hand movement telling me to proceed. We still had to stop by Emily's and Billy's. I had no idea where Jake was but I was willing to search the entire earth for him. He was apart of me and I could never feel whole without him. I knocked lightly onto the door. After a few moments Kells appeared. She looked horrible and I knew why. Her eyes were wide and then her face grew hard and angry. I knew it was because she had been trying to reach out to me and I had blocked all attempts in the past two weeks. Kelly folded her arms over her chest and shifted her weight.

"Well look who it is. What do you want?" she asked

"I want to talk."

"Don't bother. You knew what was going on and your didn't bother to tell me. I don't know who you are you lie to me about them and then you shut me out completely you are supposed to be my bestfriend Bells but I'm starting to think other wise."

"Kells it wasn't like that and I still don't completely know whats going on. I'm sorry I have been ignoring your calls it's just I needed time to clear my head and make sense of everything. I know you are hurting just as much as I am and I sware I did not mean to hurt your feelings kells."

"Well maybe you should have returned my calls. Your not the only one who is going through something and for you to shut me out completely is wrong Bella."

I sighed lightly, "Kells I'm sorry. I've been depressed and I've been sick. I'm sorry.

"No your not sorry your selfish. Bella I know where they went. Embry left me a letter. I wanted to tell you. I knew you were the only one who could help them but you completely ignored me and now my Embry could be dead."

"You have to tell me. Kells you have to tell me where they are," I demanded.

She rolled her eyes, "Why should I? You have not told me a thing since you been here. Maybe I should tell you on my time just like you came to talk to me on your time."

"Kells you have to tell me now because they're lives are at risk and because," I paused for a second. "Because I'm pregnant."

Kelly's eyes grew wide, "Oh my god Bella. When? how? I mean I know how but damn"

"Kelly I can't explain everything right now. I need you to tell me where they went. I know your pissed with me but my baby needs Jake more than I do. I can't be a single parent. I don't want my baby to live without him and I don't want to live without him either."

"Oh honey...I was going to tell you anyway whether you are pregnant or not. Bella your my family and so are they. In Embry's letter he said that there first stop would be to Louisiana and then Katarina was going to set up a home in Bon Temps. I've never heard of that town but something has to be going on there. He said that he was not sure if he would see me again and he practically begged me in the letter not to tell you. He knew you and Leah would come for them and he could not risk you getting hurt."

I hugged Kells tightly and sighed.

"I love you Kelly. You are one of the most important people in my life. I have to go after him and I know I will have to fight. I'm not sure of the outcome but I hope I'll see you again."

Tears began to fall from her eyes and I could not help but cry myself.

"Bella I love you. I have faith in you. You'll be back soon with Jake, Embry, and the pack. I'll be here waiting. Take care of that little bun in the oven for me," she said placing her hand on my stomach.

I hugged her one last time before taking off. I found Leah in between the trees where I left her. She smiled lightly.

"Bells are you ready?"

"As ready as I'm ever going to be but I have good news. I know where they are."

Leah's eyes widened and a cheerful smile spread across her face, "Fucking awesome. Let's go."

she turned to faze but I grabbed her arm. Leah turned to face me.

"Leah you do know that we may not make it back alive. Do you want to tell your parents or anyone that you love them?"

"Bella we are going to be fine. I promise. Let's just go at least now we have an idea of where we are going.

I followed her and before I knew it we both were in wolf form. I didn't want to waste anymore time than she did. I needed Jake back beside me and I needed that bitch Katarina dead.


Everything was so much clear. I felt stronger with every breathe I took. Sophie Anne blood had done something to me. It gave me a spark like never before. I gazed around the basement of her mansion to see the packs caged up and wide eyes. There bodies cling to the bars and there heads tried to peak out.

"Jake man get us the fuck out of here," Embry Yelled.

I shook my head no.

"I can't do that."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Jake get us out of here now," Embry demanded.

I looked over at Paul who just stood there shaking his head, "Jake I can't believe you are just going to give up. What about your family? What about our families? What about Bella?"

"Bella..." I repeated slightly confused. It had been a while since I heard that name or even thought about her for that matter but the sound of that name, that beautiful heart melting name hit me completely in the heart. I had hurt her. I was sure of it. I left her again after I promised I wouldn't. She probably hated me by now and with that alone I could not go back. I could not bare the thought of Bella, my sweet Bella hating me.

"Jake I know that bitch is brain washing you but you have to wake up man. Do you honestly believe that she wants you? She's using us and god only knows what she's going to do when all her fucking debts are paid," Embry said.

I rolled my eyes, "God you are still jealous."

Embry clenched his hands onto the bars, "Give me one minute out of this cage and I'll give you a fucking jealous rage. You think I'm jealous well your sadly mistaken because there is nothing to be jealous of. If anything I pity you. Your a fucking idiot. I have Kelly and I love her with every bone in my body and I want to get back to her. You are so fucking blinded by lust that you can't see anything your leading us to a grave and your going to leave Bella alive to mourn your lost forever." Embry clenched his teeth, "You fucking idiot," he yelled.

I clenched my fist tightly. Embry was pressing the wrong buttons and totally ruining my buzz. I took a step closer, "Shut your mouth or you're going to get your wish princess."

"I'm not afraid of you Jake and quite frankly I want to rip your fucking head off. If it were not for you I would not be in this situation. I'm just glad I wrote Kelly that letter telling her everything."

"You did what?" I asked angrily

"I told her everything. She had a right to know."

"Do you have any idea what you have done? I don't want Bella to come after me. This is not her problem."

"It is Jake. It's our entire problem. This little situation affects us all you idiot."

"Embry," I yelled. "Bella is going to come here. Katarina will kill her don't you get that."

"No I don't and Katarina won't kill her unless you just plan to stand there and watch."

"I'm going to kill you," I hissed, walking over to remove the latch from the cage.

I phased and suddenly there were four angry wolves on the outside of it ready to strike. I held my ground and braced myself for an attack. I could have silenced them because I am the alpha but it was time I showed them just what that meant. I let out a disturbing growl and lunged at full force attacking Embry. I had no idea how this brawl would end but being out numbered could not have been a good thing, I think.