A/N In case you ignored my summary, THIS CONTAINS MAJOR MOCKINGJAY SPOILERS. If you haven't read MJ, don't read this. If you're one of those people, good bye, I don't want to spoil it for you. For those of you who have read it, this story is about the letters between Katniss and Gale after MJ ended. I HATED the way that Gale and Katniss's relationship ended, and hated even more how Katniss only felt relief that Gale was far away in District 2. For now, it's going to be just Katniss and Gale, but I may add some more letters from other people. It's all pretty open. Enjoy



I don't know if you'll ever read this. You probably won't, because I know you're angry at me. For all I know, you may even hate me. I tried calling, again and again. Did you know it was me, and that's why you didn't pick up?

This is the sixth time I've tried writing this letter, and I'm not it writing again. So if this turns out completely horrible, I don't care. I'm still sending it either way.

I saw Peeta when he came to get a hoverplane ride to come back to 12. He seemed really excited about something, but he wouldn't tell me what it was. He's with you now. Of course he is.

You may not know, or even care, but I'm in District 2 now. They offered me this job, in communications. I don't even know how I'm qualified for it, but I took it anyways. It's a weird feeling, not having a home anymore. I wasn't going back to 12, for a whole bunch of reasons you probably already know, because some of them involve you. I didn't know what I was going to do. It was all wide open—I could go to the woods and live off of squirrels the rest of my life. Remember, before you got reaped that first Games, I told you we could make it if we ran off into the woods. We wouldn't have had to worry about any of the hell going on in the districts. I still think we could do it.

What are you doing in 12? Does it still look like it did came to visit it months back, the coal dust replaced with ashes? Are you still hunting, every day, by our nook in the rocks that looks over the valley? I miss it. If there's one thing I really miss, it's hunting in my woods. Our woods. It's solitude. It's the closest to safety I ever got.

So here's the thing that I really need to say. Sorry. I'm sorry. For the way we ended up, because I could tell you anything, and it was the same way for you, and it's not like that anymore. Because I loved you, and I still love you, and I didn't tell you until it was too late. It was too late the moment Prim's name was called.

And I'm sorry about Prim. It probably sounds horrible to you, because my apology won't fix anything. But I realized I never said it, and that no matter how hollow it may seem to you, written down on a piece of paper, I should say it anyways. Sorry isn't enough. But I'm sorry.

Sometimes I wonder where we would be if all this had never happened. If you were never reaped. Where would we be, Katniss? It's pointless now, to dwell on the past.

I'm really going to send this letter. I can't decide if you'll reply or not, but I guess it doesn't matter. I'll always be the hanging man in the tree, waiting for an answer.
