They went shopping first.
Sanji and Zoro were chatting but something was off.
The spider in the backpack could see it clearly. The spider in Sanji's body loved the green haired idiot, wanted to get to know him better, be closer to him, but couldn't afford to say too much or he'd be discovered as the imposter he was.
Zoro hadn't forgotten Sanji's strange behavior from the disembarking or rather the lack of strange behavior when his Nami-swan was concerned, it seemed. His eyes would flick to the blond's pocket or hands from time to time, careful to notice if a smoking cigarette had manifested itself there yet.
The fact Sanji had yet to insult or start a fight with him wasn't going unnoticed. Nor the fact that the thin mans arm kept "innocently" brushing against him in such a way the cook would not, in the swordsman's opinion, EVER to be seen in public where anyone, especially ladies were present.
Zoro was getting suspicious, the spider on the backpack could tell. Took him long enough. He was sure to try and trace back when the strange behavior began and would undoubtedly and to his regret find that mornings sexcapades held a very different Sanji than one would expect.
They ate a quick meal at a dinner stall and Zoro watched as the Sanji in front of him ate the meal without comment nor critique. About the food or the very attractive waitress that had served them.
Yes…Zoros eyes were hardening at the Sanji before him and the Sanji became aware he had done something out of character somewhere.
"I know I seem a little off today…but I just want to be with you and after this morning I can't even remember what I would normally be doing. You're all I can think about."
To the spiders dismay it sounded both genuine and convincing. Zoro looked away to hide the red entering his cheeks. Damn so close.
It was getting dark and Sanji lead Zoro into the woods until they reached a beautiful clearing. The spider hid in a side pocket as his own large hand opened the sack and pulled out blankets and oil.
The spider wept as he watched his body teasingly remove the clothes slowly. His hands starting to run over his own chest, stomach, and groin with the light gloss of the oil. Sanji's body, despite not being in his current control, had never looked more erotic or alluring then right now glistening gently in the moonlight.
Zoro seemed to agree and was pushing Sanji to the blanketed ground.
The spider felt like he wanted to cry for some reason. Why had he wanted so badly to chase after these two? He had a feeling they would end up having a sex again. He certainly didn't want to see this.
Zoros eyes still had the lust the spider remembered earlier but there was definitely affection there too. This time felt a thousand times worse to watch. Zoro wasn't fucking Sanji in a rush of pent up lust this time. This time there was a gentle, savoring, and seductive intent to the=2 0swordsmans movements. He was trying to express to Sanji this was more to him. That he cared more than he would admit about the perverted chef.
The spider was growing furious that someone else was just accepting this affection under false pretense. He began to crawl up the blanket in determination. Zoros arms were encircling the cooks chest, lips gently kissing the nape of his neck. Sanji's body leaned back into the sensations and let his hand begin to trail down where Zoro's waiting erection was sure to be.
Before he got there Zoros eyes opened, picking up an interfering presence and hostile aura from nearby. Seeing noone he looked down at his lover and remarked.
"Oi, there's a spider crawling toward you."
Sanji smirked as he too spotted the spider.
"Let him watch…I don't mind." And the blond gasped as the strong and recently loving arm clinched him into a painful chokehold. The cook didn't take the opening for the painful kick back into Zoro's private area and it confirmed with finality that this was not the Sanji Zoro knew.
"Who the fuck are you?" He growled in burning murderous rage. Sanji's one visible eye grew wide in pain and blind panic. The fuck Zoro seemed to care though now realizing just how fully he had been fooled. There was a lot about of person that can be explained away with ease if they do things they typically wouldn't and especially if all your being wanted to believe it. Fears hadn't been that long ago Usopp had shared the story with Zoro about Sanji's secret problem with bugs and more pointedly spiders between drunken chuckles. You just don't wake up one day cured.
Sanji's hands pulled at the swordsman's arms and his eye pleaded and Zoro relented a little only allowing the impostor to speak.
"Today, you saved me from drowning. I never had anyone care and I saw you looking at this one. I wanted to say thanks and give you what you wanted."
Zoro actually sputtered which caused the spider on the blanket to snicker amid the relief that the whole story was being revealed and the marimo had finally caught on. Although the fact he was scared of spiders was known by the swordsman at all made him re-think that hug he had promised Usopp.
"You're telling me YOU'RE spider?" Then he shook his head as if that fact was just a small insignificant detail. "You IDIOT! It wasn't his body I wanted! Well…not jus t. I wanted the whole thing! The real one!"
"This is his real body." Sanji purred as his fear subsided a bit. He ran a hand down the swordsman's chest despite his headlock. "Doesn't feel real? Isn't it a fun body?"
Zoro shoved off the man suddenly.
"That just makes it worse! Where is Sanji! If this is his body…then I…oh god. It is like I….and with his own body! Something…it's so fucked up! Is he alive? Safe?"
"But I love you."
Zoro looked over to the blond laying sprawled over the blankets long since forgetting the spider still sitting there, witnessing the full blown expression of forlorn and longing anguish that could only be displayed at seeing and hearing exactly what you want and desire but knowing it wasn't true. Wasn't the genuine article.
"I'm glad I could save you. You're welcome. But please, give him back. I don't want to hear those words right now. Not from you."
A tear started to roll down Sanji's face and Zoro couldn't help himself from wiping it away. He never wanted to see Sanji cry, even if it wasn't really him in there. A pissed off Sanji. An irate, irritated Sanji. Anything was better. Tears on this face…for some reason it made him feel weak.
"I'm sorry…"
The spider wasn't sure who or what it had been meant for but decided to accept the apology anyway even if it wasn't for him. Seeing the scope of Zoro's emotion play out before him and for him, it made so many things so clear in him mind.
This particular spider loved Zoro enough to earn Sanji's forgiveness and silent promise not to squash him later. Quite generous in his opinion.
Zoro was still wiping away the tears as Sanji lunged forward pushing Zoro down, quickly pinning him with a deep and passionate kiss. Zoro grunted and started to force the blond off him when the tongue in his mouth drew back momentarily and then surged back, then quickly retreated as the cooks teeth lightly grabbed Zoro's lower lip and pulled gently before releasing it.
None of the kisses today had been like that. This kiss held a similar passion to those but intent was clear. Domination. A challenge was being issued. A line drawn in the sand. I'm not going to go any further unless you can do better and I'm sure as not going to let you do whatever the hell you please. I'm going to take you however I want if you don't fight back.
So much in one kiss. He had never experienced one like it before so when the blond drew back with a tell tale smirk, no sign of tears, and began digging for a cigarette where his clothes had landed earlier, Zoro hadn't been surprised.
He was surprised what it meant though. The genuine article had just kissed him. Had kissed him and wasn't getting back into his clothes with disgust…instead getting a cigarette.
"How much do you know?"
Sanji took a deep drag and smirked. The spider hadn't even explained his weird swapping ability, giving the chef the option to lie and spare the swordsman the embarrassment of having revealed so much in front of him. Like hell he was taking that road, though.
"Pretty much all of it."
Zoro deserved the truth anyway.
"Oh…sorry then."
"No need for apologies. I saw pretty damn clearly what you did with my body asshole. I don't intend to let that go unanswered."
Zoro blanched as he remembered just what the chef would have witnessed him doing. He closed his eyes and expected the deserving barrage of kicks.
"You took me however you damn well pleased today, therefore starting now your body is mine."
"Huh?" The stupid look on the marimo's face caused Sanji to grin in spite of himself. He took another drag of the cigarette.
"I have no idea how to get back to the damn boat anyway and I'm sure you're not going to be any help in that department. It's dark. I'm naked. You fucked with me all day. Therefore, that ass is mine all night."
Zoro forced a challenging sneer upon what was momentarily a slip of elation.
"And what then…if you manage to make that happen?" His tone fully suggesting it wouldn't be easy to fulfill but certainly worth it should the chef succeed.
"We sleep. We go back to the ship. We start down this fucked up road of a relationship together."
Zoro's smile was blinding. It wasn't any declaration of love but coming from Sanji it was just as good.
Although what the ero-cook was doing now, his skilled hands were quickly rising to that point of good too. The cook apparently had something to prove as far as being a better lover than a wayward spider. Zoro already had no doubt he'd succeed.
An observing small spider smiled a tiny, bittersweet smile and skittered into the woods knowing at least Zoro seemed happy with getting what he really wanted. Even if it came in a roundabout way.