Since 'Fringe' started I have wanted to write a P/O undercover fic in the style of the former JJ Abrams TV spy show 'Alias.'
'Alias' ran for 5 seasons and starred a sexy CIA agent, Sydney Bristow, and her boss/'handler', Michael Vaughn. They both wore dark knit hats and there are some vague similarities to our Peter & Liv. Know why? Orci and Kurtzman were executive producers for Seasons 2 and 3 of 'Alias,' and Jeff Pinkner was executive producer for Season 5 of 'Alias.' Also, Michael Giacchino was the composer for that show also!
One thing that made 'Alias' stand out as a show were some of the disguises Sydney Bristow had to wear, including various shades of red wigs that made her look 'hot' and totally different from her usual self. (Keep that in mind as you read.)
I own nothing to do with 'Fringe' or 'Alias.' This is not a crossover fic. All mistakes are mine.
This fic is dedicated to SamSpade, who should consider this a late birthday gift.
Rouge-Chapter 1
For what felt like the hundredth time Peter Bishop turned to his left. He was running after Olivia Dunham, trying to tail her while she persued another perp in dark clothing down a deserted alley.
Suddenly, Olivia came to a dead halt and fell on top of the man, as Peter lost his footing and fell on top of her. She turned her beautiful head and gave him 'that look' of annoyance she saved just for him. At the same time a loud sound shattered the silence like a woodpecker's pecking.
"Where the heck is there a woodpecker around here?" Peter shouted at Olivia. She replied by giving him a confused look as her image faded into oblivion.
Peter sat bolt upright in his bed, sweat glistening on his forehead. The knocking was even louder now. He realised it was not a woodpecker, but someone's hand knocking on the front door of his and Walter's house. Somewhat disoriented, Peter ran down the stairs and unlocked the front door clumsily, clad only in his boxers.
On the steps stood Olivia Dunham wearing her apologetic smile and one of her numerous dreary, dark pantsuits.
"Sorry for bothering you, Peter, but it's Broyles. Something big's up and he wants to see both of us at the Federal Building right away." She had been looking him in the face as she spoke but her eyes couldn't help drifting south before she finished. She dragged her eyes quickly back up to his face hoping that maybe he hadn't noticed.
"Wh-what about Walter?" was all Peter was able to get out in reply.
As if on cue, Junior Agent Astrid Farnsworth peeked out from behind Olivia.
"Hi, Peter," she said meekly. "Broyles sent me to stay with Walter," she explained, trying not to stare. "It's OK. You two'd better get a move on though."
Peter backed away from the door to let the ladies in, feeling slightly humiliated. Olivia entered the house first, followed quickly by Astrid. He ushered them into the living room to wait, as he closed the door.
As Peter ascended the stairs, Olivia shouted out, "Oh, and pack a small bag and your passport. Broyles said he's sending us someplace."
"Where?" Peter paused on the stairs, exasperated. He had never been a morning person.
Olivia gave her head a little shake. "Guess we'll find out soon." She flashed him one of her mini charming smiles.
"Fantastic," Peter snarked and rubbed his brow, still standing on the stair. "Walter!" he shouted down toward the first floor. "Wake up. We've got company!"
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