Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.
Until We Bleed
'Lights black, heads bang. You're my drug, we live it. You're drunk, you need it. Real love, I'll give it.'
"I can take it, Jacob. I can take it…"
Whether he was trying to convince the boy against his hips or himself, he didn't know.
All he knew was that he was needed. Needed for something bigger and greater than what he really was, Jake's very sanity. He could feel it slipping away in the grasp of his fingers, marring his back as the delicious pressure engulfed him.
Like the sea, pressing upon him until he could barely breathe until finally, with a whisper of his own name against the curve of his neck, it was released.
He could smell the whiskey, curling around his shoulder blades with every breath. Could feel the anger from every moment that passed in the way Jacob's body tensed against his own. Every muscle bunched and ready, waiting for the final moment to come when reality finally snapped back into place. And he realized that this wasn't where he needed to be.
The stench of vampire was still lingering in the air, too sweet in the aftermath of their beauty, at least in Seth's eyes. And to him they were beautiful. Maybe a mess, maybe a complete and utter catastrophe but together they were never any of those things.
Trying to convince Jacob of such things was harder than arguing with the forest trees around them. And when he finally rose, leaving Seth so empty and hollow, all the broken boy could whisper, was a dejected apology. Never enough, and he knew it, for all the pain and anger and complete and utter anguish he put the poor boy through.
With no where else to contain such volatile emotions, all he had was Seth. So young and innocent he hated to poison it with his own hatred. But he took it all, every bite to his tender skin, every scratch to his back, every whispered and needy word that slipped through his unyielding lips.
Seth was all Jacob had.
That, and a dying woman whom no longer loved him the way he had once, and still, loved her.
There was nothing left for them but that forest, where they could unleash it all and never worry about the judging glances or soft words of implications.
All he saw in the eyes of the young wolf was love.
And in the end, that's all one can really ask for…
Isn't it?
Author's Note: I love the thought of this ship. The delicacy in the matter of the two. How dynamic it can be. I'm also very proud of how I wrote this one. I feel like I'm getting my groove back because I wasn't very happy with 'Small Crimes.' I hope you all like this one as much as I do. Song by Kleerup feat. Lykke Li. Reviews are love. -Delta