Disclaimer: I own nothing I'm just writing this cause I feel like it I am in no way making money out of this…sadly enough.

Fantasies Come True

I don't have anything against my alarm clock but it should really learn that when I'm having a sexy Brad Pitt dream it just shouldn't ring. I looked at the clock only to realize that the stupid thing actually rang 30 minutes earlier than it should have. So my sexy dream could have continued for 30 more minutes! To hell with it all! I figured I might as well get up, it's not like I was going to go back to sleep for 30 minutes besides it was better for me. Now I had more time to shower, brush my teeth, moisturize, pick and outfit and put make-up on. When I was done it was 7 o'clock in the morning; I made great time considering school started at 9. Before leaving my room and going upstairs I looked in the mirror and smiled at my reflection. I was wearing a pair of black D&G skinny jeans, black leather combat boots, a black Alexander Macqueen shirt, a navy blue Marc Jacobs jacket and a black silk scarf with blue polka dots. It was my first day at a new school and I had to look fabulous. I knew how important first impressions were and from the first day these Canadians had to know that Kurt Hummel was better than them, so I picked an outfit that would make Austin Scarlett proud.

As I walked upstairs I realized how quiet it was, of course I'd be the only one up: dad's new garage didn't open until 10, Carol had work at 11 and Finn's morning routine wasn't as rigorous as mine. So I made myself some oatmeal and got my stuff ready. By 8 I was ready to go. I heard Finn walk into the bathroom and frowned at how late he'd woken up (oh well it's Finn). I decided that since there was no coffee in the house I would go to that café I saw near the school; the comma, the apostrophe…the period, eh something like that. I walked upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hey Finn" I said

"Uh yeah"

"I'm going to go ahead and head to school already ok, tell dad where I am if he asks. See you there"

"Uh yeah ok dude"

I couldn't help but sigh, Finn could be so…dim sometimes. I grabbed my bag, phone, iPod and keys and walked out the door to my car. I'm glad we were able to ship my baby up to Canada. I don't know what I would do without it. So I made my way to the school until I saw the place I was looking for THE DOT! That was it!

The inside was lovely but the poor souls there were dressed like idiots. The lack of fashion sense in the world appalls me. At least the guy behind the counter was cute. I sat down on a stool and waited for the guy's attention.

"Look dude I just don't know, Anya and I are in a good place right now. I stood up to my parents about us and stuff so we're fine now" this Indian guy was telling the waiter.

"I guess, but you guys get together and break-up so much I don't even know anymore" said the cute waiter

"I think we should trust this is the last time. If Sav says this is the last time then it probably is right?-said this black haired guy in plaid who was sitting next to the Indian kid.

"Whatever you say Drew" said the waiter incredulously. At that moment the door opened and a girl with brown hair entered followed by a curly headed guy and another guy in a red shirt. She was wearing an awful white dress with orange flowers on it, I nearly died from just looking at her.

"Hey Anya, Riley, Owen" said all 3 boys to the newcomers.

"Hey guys" said the girl as the boys just nodded.

She took a seat in the stool between me and the Indian guy, while the kid in red sat down next to plaid and curly just stood next to the girl, too close to me for comfort by the way, but I wasn't going to complain; he was hot. They were all hot, especially curly and plaid.

"Sup Pete" said Curly to the waiter "how bout some coffee"

"Ooh for me too" said the girl

Ad I realized that I was there for coffee and had yet to be acknowledged by this 'Pete' guy.

"Uh no" I spoke up "How about some coffee for me who's been here for like ten minutes already being ignored by you" I used my best bitchy Diva voice

"Sorry princess but we don't really care" said the guy in red.

"Owen shut up." Said plaid

"Dude I'm sorry I'll get you some coffee right now" said the waiter sheepishly "so just plain coffee or do you want anything else?

"No that's fine.

"Are you new here?" asked the girl "I haven't seen you before"

"Yes I am. My family just moved here"

"From where?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. This badly dressed girl was giving me a headache; with her clothes and her questions. She reminded me of Berry.

"Lima, Ohio" I said.

"Where the hell's that?" asked the waiter as he handed me my coffee.

"Middle of fucking nowhere that's where it is." I said smirking

That made them laugh except for curly, plaid, and red shirt who seemed to be uncomfortable. Homophobes of course. Then red shirt spoke up. "This fag just reminded me, ever since that fairy moved we need a kicker any idea who we could use?" he said to the Indian kid, I couldn't help but flinch when he used 'the word' too may flashbacks to Lima, but I noticed that curly flinched too…weird.

"Zane, Owen his name is Zane it's not that hard to pronounce" Said plaid

So he wasn't a homophobe. Good because he was hot. "Yeah whatever, Zane. The point is we need a kicker"

I wondered if I should say something. I liked being the kicker at WMHS but those idiots on the team were the same people who tried to kill me. But maybe it was worth a try.

"I uh…I was the kicker at my old school and I was amazing if I say so myself" I said with a smug smile

"Really?" asked plaid in disbelief "you were a kicker and you were good?"

"My school's team won 3 games last year and it was the 3 games that were left after I joined"

"What is it with fags wanting to play football all of a sudden" said red shirt disgruntled

"We just really want to check out hot guys like you" I said smiling, my voice drenched in sarcasm. "You know I just can't get enough of you Neanderthals your stupidity is quite a turn on." I mocked, rolling my eyes

"Wow Owen you got owned!" said the Indian guy laughing

"Yeah well at least I'm not a fag." He said scathingly

"Yeah ok Owen cut it out." Said curly annoyed, he then turned to me "Hey never mind Owen he's just bitter cause he's not getting laid" he smiled "but um you definitely got the job as our kicker if you want it."

I knew it probably wasn't a very good idea but I couldn't say no to curly he was just too hot and he looked really hopeful, so did plaid and he was just as hot. "Yes I do indeed want to be your kicker" I said while I tried to pretend I did not mean that in a sexual way and that I did not put an emphasis on 'your.'

"Cool, then pass by the football field today afterschool so we can introduce you to the team and tell Coach what's going on."

"Alright I will"

"By the way I'm Riley Stavros" he introduced while extending his hand.

"Kurt Hummel" I said as I shook his hand.

"Drew Torres" said plaid

"I'm Anya" said the girl "and this is Sav" she said pointing at the Indian guy. I nodded.

"So…please tell me you have a sister or something that used to be Head Cheerleader because ours left and Chantay wants to take over but I don't think she's good for the job" said Anya scrunching up her nose.

"Um I don't have a sister…but I uh also used to be Head Cheerio at my old school" I said blushing

"Did you just do everything?" asked Sav.

"Kind of yeah…except for the Av Club, I repel technology"

They all laughed, even Owen.

"But how did you play football if you had to cheer during the games?" asked Anya

"I don't know I joined the Cheerios after football season was over, but I guess I'd pick football for the games since they need me for the game while you guys could cheer without me"

"Good point" She said

"That's where I've seen you!" exclaimed Owen suddenly "My sister loves watching Cheerleading Competitions and your team won nationals or something. I just remember seeing you at one point"

"Wait you guy's won Nationals?" asked Anya excited

"Yup, it was unanimous too" I smiled "I sang a Celine Dion medley entirely in French"

"Wow that's…amazing; so you basically combined cheering and singing? I nodded. "That's so cool we should do that here one of our cheerleaders, Jenna is a really good singer! You definitely have the position as Head Cheerleader!" for like the 30th time that morning I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes, she was basically jumping out of her chair. More like Berry every second.

"Great. By the way do you guys have a Glee club?" I asked
"No" said Sav "but I'm Student Council President, so if you want to start one I'll help you…and then I'll join because I'd really love one" he said

I laughed "Alright, I'll definitely start one then" I said genuinely. I turned towards the door and saw Finn's car speeding towards the school

"What time is it?" I asked

"8:40" Said Riley

It took me like 10 minutes to get here so it probably took Finn about that time meaning he got ready in 30 minutes.

"Wow, that's lovely" I said out loud

"What's wrong?" asked Drew

"Oh nothing I just don't know how it's possible for someone to get ready for school in 30 minutes."

"What do you mean?" asked Anya

"My step-brother just walked into the school, which means he got ready in 30 minutes…boys are weird" I sighed "well I should get going he's probably looking for me" I said drinking the last of my Coffee.

"Ooh pass by the gym after you go to the football field for Power Squad practice" Said Anya

"Power Squad?"

"Our cheerleading team"


"And find me during lunch so we can talk about that Glee Club we're starting" said Sav

"Alright see you guys later" I said as I walked out

I couldn't believe how weird that had been. In 30 minutes I had joined the football team, become head Cheerio, and started a Glee Club. Maybe this school would be better.

Review people or else I'll cry or draw something ugly and put it on my fridge and make my parents cry because I have no artistic talent. So…yeah review.