Happy end of old year. Its the last Tuesday of the year and my last chapter. It's kinda funny how that happened.

Anyway, all of you guys were amazing. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing.

I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did.

Well, here comes the end. Bye everyone. This story is over. Thanks again.


It was over, and all was lost. Fans from all over were temporarily depressed, along with Heather and Alejandro. But the rest of the TD cast was happy. Why were they happy? Because the torture Chris had put them through was over, at least that's what they thought.

But Heather was sad, she lost all of the money. All of it, and she turned down the one she kind of loved for it. And, well, Alejandro wasn't in much better shape; he was all burnt up and crispy-ish. On the bright side, he was in better shape then Heather's money and the Gollum-like Ezekiel.

Either way, neither Heather nor Alejandro was enjoying the end of the season celebration party. Heather was depressed in a corner; Alejandro was depressed in corner. Both were party poopers.

"Um… Heather?" Cody quietly asked, hitting himself for not thinking this though. "Are you okay?"

Heather gazed up as Harold joined the questioning Cody. They were there for her when she needed help before, they were there again. "Guys, go party; and Harold, don't talk to me, your girlfriend doesn't like it."

"Heather, get up," ordered her worst enemy Gwen. "I don't care how much I hate you, but I think you should talk to Alejandro. He's about as depressed as you."

The small group all turned to see the injured Alejandro. "Why isn't he in a hospital?" Cody and Heather asked simultaneously. They all smiled, sort of getting along with each other.

Duncan appeared behind Gwen, pulling her into a hug. "Go ask him, 'cause I want to know. Even if you both got me kicked off, I think we need to end all the bad relationships."

"And even though I weirded out by you and goth-girl being so sensitive, I think you're right." Heather replied as she stood up, excepting help from the little group who had joined around her.

"Hey?" she asked halfway to Alejandro, since the group was pretending to not follow her and she knew they were there. "What happened to Noah?"

"I'm right here," Noah said as he walked out of the crowd. Heather ran up and hugged him. But Noah went stiff in her hug. "Heather, this is my girlfriend, Alice."

"Hi, Alice," grumbled Heather, not sure how she wanted her friend to respond.

Alice rolled her bright blue eyes. "Just go comfort the guy okay. We are perfectly happy. Right, Noah?"

"Yup, perfect. Now, weather or not you lied to me before, I have someone to stay with. So go help your piece of beef jerky and get over with it." Noah told her. He, at first was mad at Heather. But when he met Alice, he was happy. Alice was almost a replacement of Heather, and he could deal with that.

"Whatever, I'll go," Heather mumbled as she continued her journey to save a poor lost soul. She finally reached the poor burnt up little Mexican guy.

Alejandro didn't even look at her. It hurt to much to look. "Just go away, Heather. I could never be as important to you as money."

Heather smiled and answered with a quick, "Nope."

"What the hell, Heather! Shouldn't you at least pretend that I was wrong for a minute?" Alejandro screeched, flabbergasted at how quick to the truth Heather was being.

Heather sat down next to the sad depressed soul. "Considering that I put work before family and money before love, I don't think so."

Alejandro finally looked at her. He looked at her like she was a witch. "That's a cruel way to live."

"I'll probably be more successful," Heather pointed out. "But I have lost everything, even you."

Alejandro studied the crazy talking Heather. "And that is supposed to mean what exactly?"

"Can you give me another chance?" Heather asked with a puppy dog stare. Then she straightened up, "but not until you grow up a bit and sort your feelings out."

"That goes for you to, my goo women." Alejandro said with a laugh, leaning closer to Heather.

They leaned in and kissed. "Now off to the hospital with you, my good man."

And Heather and Alejandro started to walk to a car, laughing the whole way.

"Well, that turned out nicely," Noah said as the little Help Heather & Alejandro group nodded in agreement.