A/N: I own nothing

"We lost? Again," whined Cody, the same way he would have if Sierra was doing something stalkerish to him.

"We lost all because of Courtney, and you know it," Heather grumbled. She wouldn't admit it, but she didn't care that Courtney (and Gwen) had lost the challenge in Newfoundland. She had a bone to pick with Alejandro.

Courtney, who overheard their conversation, retorted, "I thought that I saw Duncan."

'Me too," added Gwen, trying to regain her teams trust. She wouldn't admit that she liked Duncan to any of them. In fact, she was surly positive that Trent would never forgive her for her slip of the tongue when she said that she had a relationship with Duncan.

Heather turned towards her team. "What ever guys. No more boy problems. Got it?" But she knew that no matter what, boys would get in the way.

"You know boys will always get in the way," commented Gwen. "Smart girl," thought Heather.

"And I hate him for that," said Heather without thinking. When she saw that the rest of Team Amazon was looking her, she quickly backtracked. "I mean I hate boys for that."

Then she quickly excited the room when she heard Courtney whisper, "I win. I told you she was falling for Alejandro."

She vacated to the most remote part of the plane, hoping that no one would find her. Right now, she needed a plan. What was the point of going to bug someone if you didn't have a plan?" she thought to herself.

But still what was she supposed to do, say, "Alejandro, please stop hurting my team?"

He was a challenge to him; she would be a challenge for him.

Heather sat down, she needed to think. What could she do to hurt her enemy? The same person she was crushing on. What could she do?

Heather knew nothing about the boy, but what if his team knew. What someone "accidently" listened to him in the confessionals? Maybe then, she would find a way to destroy him once and for all.

She would miss him sure, but till she got over him, he needed to be gone and off the game.

She had no reason for any distractions.