A/N : Well, this got the most votes on my poll. Plus, I promised it on Not Mine. If you haven't, check out my other stories.

Disclaimer : I own nothing.

I wasn't stupid. I wasn't naïve, either. Toph said I just saw what I wanted to. I told her that I could see everything perfectly fine and that she should just mind her own business.

Maybe I should have listened, because I was apparently missing a lot. While I was focusing on saving the world and figuring out the right way to tell my crush how I feel, said crush was having different thoughts. I never saw it. Nope, not me. I was too young to understand the inner workings of a girl's heart. Not that she'd say so.

Not that anyone would say so. I was too sensitive. Maybe I was. I didn't like to deal with personal problems. Which is why I run away when I encounter any. It was just how I was; I can't help it. That might be why my group thought I was too childish sometimes.

I didn't like to kill in war. I didn't like to hurt anyone on purpose. Everyone said that, at one point or another, I'd have to. I didn't see that. Never.

But that's not what I want to talk about. I just want to make it a point that I am not as dumb as a lot of people think. Even if Sokka saw this coming and I didn't. To me, that didn't matter. I had a lot more things to worry about other than our newest member of my group stealing my girlfriend.

No, that's a lie. She wasn't my girlfriend. I don't think she ever will be. Ask anyone, they'll say that we were made for each other. Go ahead. Ask anyone we've ever met on our travels together. Even that psychic lady. They say we should be together.

Well, everyone but her.

And him, too.

Toph says that they belong together. You know, polar opposites finding similarities in the other. The sun and the moon. Water and fire. Dark and light. Agni and La.

Zuko and Katara.

I used to think relationships were two people that were one in the same. They fought the same battles. Now I'm supposed to believe it's two people who would constantly argue about the stupidest thing.

Sokka tells me that love doesn't make sense. I think he just says that because it's all set for him. He has Suki. She says that, someday, I'll find the right one and feel the same.


I remember when I found out why she didn't want me. The final battle. We all gathered, with all our injuries. We were all so happy and relieved to see that every was alive. And I was so ready for her to be ready for me.

Them those blue eyes turned toward his gold, and she kissed him the way she should have kissed me in that moment. No one was as surprised as I was. Even Sokka, the most unobservant man in the world, just smiled and said, "Took ya long enough, Hot Head."

So I have two options: move on, or wait for her to want me.

Honestly, the second one seems more possible than the first. And I know how sad that sounds.

"Are you okay?" the new Fire Lord asks when he sees me sitting alone. I shrug and he sits next to me, not saying a word.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly, touching the new scare on his chest—the one he got for her.

I turn and give him a slightly confused glance, and he continues. "I know you love her, and you should know I do, too. She's... she's amazing. I couldn't ask for anything more. She makes me feel complete, you know? Katara makes me feel what I haven't in a long, long time. She makes me feel happy."

I can't look at him and congratulate him. So I stand and, without looking at him, finally say what's on my mind.

"She was mine first, and I want happiness, too."

A/N : So I liked the idea of how Aang would have felt if he didn't get his happy ending. I know it's depressing, but you can take it, I'm sure.
