A Bonus chapter for taking the time to read and review this story. It has really brought up my days and helped in my motivation.

The Most Precious Gift in the World

9 months later


That sound was annoying me to no end. I was trying to enjoy a dream I was having about me and Ember but that infernal tapping was getting annoying. I did my best to ignore it but it was constant.

It was then that the tapping stopped. I gave a sigh of relief and drifted off to my dream again. A pleasant smile formed on my mouth as the dream now added two kids.

Our kids…

I could imagine them as clear as the day. They were one male and one female. The male was a red dragon with a golden underbelly like mine. He had the same color eyes as mine and the same general build as me. He was constantly active, always looking and trying new things. He was always smiling and that caused me to smile as well.

The girl was the exact opposite. She had light purple scales and a cream underbelly. She had deep blue eyes like her mom and was also the same build as her. She was sitting next to Ember, watching me and my son playing on the beach of Dragon Shores.

The strange part was that I could not name them. No matter how much I tried, their names would always escape my thoughts.

Not that I really didn't care at the matter. All I was focused on was playing with my son. We were wrestling on the sand and I was feeling a sense of pride from him at how much he had grown.

It was then that I felt my stomach growl and told my son that it was time for dinner. He nodded his head and we made our way back to Ember and our daughter. They were talking about some girl related stuff and I just kind of drowned it out.

When we approached, I laid down so I could place my right wing over Ember. I watched as our two kids were eating the dinner that was lain out for them.

I turned to look at Ember as she looked at me. Our eyes were the same, a deep love and compassion for each other and our two kids. I gave a tender kiss on her nose and whispered "I love you so much and I love our kids as well."

She returned the kiss and said "I love you too Spyro and I am so happy to be the mother of your kids."

Our mouths leaned in closer, eager to share this moment with the one who holds our heart.


"What now." I grumbled as I was suddenly awakened from my sleep. It was almost midnight outside and a cool breeze was coming into the room, seducing me to go back to sleep. However, it was the second time I had heard that infernal tapping and I was determined to find out what it was.

I got up from the bed Ember and I have shared for the last nine months. I watched as she slept on peacefully, as if she could not hear the sound of that blasted tapping. A small smile was formed on her face, so I assume that she might have been dreaming about either me or the kids.

I hated to wake her up but I may need help on finding where the tapping was coming from. With great caution, I gently nudged her shoulder and whisper "Ember…my love, I need to ask you something?"

I watched as her breathing started to pick up and she opened one of her shining blue eyes at me. The smile was still there as if she enjoyed the fact that she was walking up to me. She gave a tired yawn and said "What is it my love. Don't you know that a dragoness needs their beauty sleep?"

I gave a sheepish grin and said "I'm sorry but there is this infernal tapping that keeps bothering me."

It was then that I felt a something pushing my underbelly. It was making it uncomfortable and I was now hearing that constant tapping. It was like someone was trying to cause me to have a headache.

I then said "Ember, are you pushing me?"

"No…are you pushing me?"

"No…" I replied confused.

I thought "So if I am not pushing Ember and she is not pushing me then…that…means."

Ember must have been thinking the same thing because we both looked down at the eggs that Ember had given birth to nine months ago. We watched with wide eyes as the eggs started to wiggle and the tapping was becoming faster.

I heard Ember say in an almost whisper "They're hatching."

I was now fully awake and got closer to Ember. She snuggle her head on my chest while never taking her eyes off of the eggs, which were now shaking almost violently.

We were both breathless as the first egg, a red egg with a couple of gold strips going left to right, start to crack. The cracks were almost violent and it didn't take long for the hatchling to get out, leaving a gaping hole in their egg.

The dragon was exactly the same as the boy I have always dreamed about. He looked at me and a wide grin formed on his mouth. He then started to bounce up and down, happy for the fact that he was alive.

I gave a small chuckle and said "Gee…I wonder who he takes after." That caused Ember to also give a small laugh. We then looked at the boy for a few minutes before Ember said "So…what should we name him Spyro?"

I replied "Why don't you name him Ember?"

She smiled and said "Because I want you to name him."

I gave a sigh of defeat and thought about any names that were appealing for him. I looked at his purple eyes as he looked at me. He gave a squeak of happiness and started rubbing my head. I gave a small smile and said "How about Alex?"

He gave another squeak which I thought meant yes and I heard Ember say "That is a lovely name."

We turned our attention to the other egg, which was having a hard time getting out. There were a lot of small cracks but they were scatter everywhere. We waited for a while before the egg just collapse on itself.

The dragoness was also the same as she was in my dreams. Unlike Alex, she looked at us with a scared look, as if she didn't like all the attention she was getting. I heard Ember gave a small laugh and slowly make her way over to the youngling. The youngling was a bit surprised but must have recognized the mother scent and grew confident. She rubbed her head on Ember head and I said "Well…I named the boy so you get to name the girl?"

The room was silent before Ember said "How about Star?"

"That is a beautiful name for a beautiful daughter." I replied and also introduce myself to Star. Naturally, it took her a while before she got the courage to approach me. She then notice Alex and the two started to play with each other.

My smile was never as big as it was now. I was holding Ember as close as possible, planting a small kiss on her forehead every now and then. She responded by rubbing her head on my chest, cooing the whole while.

I whisper "I love you Ember, so much."

"I love you too Spyro." She replied

That will end this story and I hope that you all enjoyed it. I think I may have found my writing style but will continue to work on it.

Read and Review Please
