Hey this was not supposed to turn out like this it was supposed to be how to write a cliché but then this took on a life of it's own and isn't really a standard cliché any more … I don't know what happened, but enjoy.

Title: Saving Lives is Never Easy

Disclaimer: Me no own (anyone can understand that)

Warnings: Slash, time travel, takes place during Tom's sixth year but Harry is a seventh year taking sixth year classes... again as in post hbp but to be the same age as tom when he goes back it'll make sense... I hope

Pairings: Tom/Harry

Rating: T

Summary: Harry get's mysteriously pushed to go back into time to 1943 by Dumbledore and while he's there he will stop at nothing to keep Tom Riddle from being evil. But is it going to be as easy as he thinks? He might fall in love along the way.

Harry's POV:

I look down at what I just witnessed in Dumbledore's pensive. He wants me to travel to the past in order to 'fix' Tom Riddle. He told me that if I went there would be no turning back for me. I stay in the past under a new identity forever. But if I do this, everyone I care about won't have to live in fear and the new Harry Potter that will be born will have a life with his parents, the life I wish I had, but knew would never come.

I curse Dumbledore mentally for playing on my Gryffindor qualities and my 'saving people thing'. Even dead he still dictates my life, but I guess I owe it to him. This ritual won't make a paradox because it might not even work. It involves killing yourself as an offering to fate and if she wills it you go back in time with a new identity. It's a scary thought, but because I'm her favorite play toy I'm sure it will work.

I carefully draw a large circle around the pensive. I had to bring it to the middle of a forest clearing Dumbledore marked off on a map. I make the runes as instructed. I jump into the pensive that has all the memories of my life time swirling around me and I whisper the words "Avada Kedavra."

I feel as though someone hit me over the head with a sledge hammer. I groan and then someone comes over, a nurse. "Are you alright dear?" She asks. I go to tell her to go to hell because I feel like shit, but then memories of a life I shouldn't know come rolling into my head making me double over in even more pain.

I learn that my new name is Sean Harrison and that my parents were killed because my dad was a investigator that got a little too close to a case and was murdered right before my eyes at age six. And that I was bumped from foster home to home and finally came to stop in a magical orphanage in Germany where they taught me magic until we had to flee because of Grindelwald. And, while we were going to Britain, we got caught up in a raid and I survived and so did the little girl I was protecting, a little seven year old named Vera Garren. Finally, a female voice echos in my head, I couldn't just let you die Mr. Potter things are more fun when your around and I had great pleasure in picking this new life to help you on your mission. You should thank me.

Yes, I thought to myself, I should thank you for giving me a terrible life this time around as well. I swear I heard laughter after I thought that. I finally reply to the nurse "Could I have some water and some pain medication? And what happened to the little girl I was holding?"

She handed me what I needed and said "She's out in the lobby she refused to go to the orphanage without you." I have know idea but some how I got saddled with an eleven year old kid. Why me? There's that laugh again.

"Can you go get her please?" I ask sharply. I want to actually meet this girl, that 'Sean' deemed so important.

A blur of blond curls is all I see, before something crashes into me. "Harry!" She shouts happily. Harry? I thought. Then another memory hits me. I hated the name Sean because it was my dad's name and makes me sad when I think about it so I go by Harry. This is going to get confusing. "How are you? Do you feel better? Thank you for saving me!"

Another wave of memory comes to me. I'm holding this little girl and she's crying. Her parents died when she was five and she heard the gun shots. Maybe I care for her because our experiences are so similar. Wait when did I start thinking of them as my experiences? The line between 'Harry' and 'Sean' is getting blurrier.

I guess I just have to accept whats coming, I'll never be Harry Potter again. Those stupid names like the Boy-who-lived and the chosen one no longer matter. I'm Sean Harrison and there is nothing significant in my life other then I need to stop a budding dark lord and fate loves to fuck with my life, but I can live with that.

Goodbye Harry Potter.

"Yes Vera I do feel better now thank you." I offer her a small smile because she really is an adorable little girl.

"Oh, Harry I don't know how to thank you." She said with tears in her eyes. "I know I'm a burden, but please, please don't leave me." When she look up at me with those big blue eyes, I knew what I had to say.

"Vera I could never leave you. I promise I'll stay with you forever." As those word tumbled I remembered my mission to man kind. Ah fuck it. I thought, it should work out regardless.

The nurse came back in. "Good news you're ready to be released. You'll both be going to Mrs. Cole's Orphanage. Including you Mr. Harrison because your only 16. Come along now let me introduce you both the Mrs. Cole." We follow her down the hallway of the hospital, and she leads us to a tired, elderly woman and leaves us there with her.

"Hello I'm Mrs. Cole matron of the orphanage where the both of you will be staying. If you'll follow me, there is a car waiting for us out front." Vera and I glance at each other briefly with apprehension showing in her eyes and wariness showing in mine.

We arrive in front of a dingy old building, almost identical to the one shown in Dumbledore's memory, but it looks a little more worn. "Sean-"

"Please call me Harry." I say softly. "Sean brings up bad memories."

"Harry, then, you will have to share with a young man named Tom Riddle. He can be slightly... off, but he goes to boarding school, so you'll only have to put up with him for a few more weeks. If it gets to bad ask one of the other boys and I'm sure they'll let you bunk with them for a while."

"I'm sure I'll be fine Mrs. Cole." An elegant smile forms on my face, fate could not have planned this any better. "What about Vera? She'll room somewhere close to me, right? We're all each others got. She is like my little sister. We prefer to stay close together."

"Um, yes the young girls dorm will be right down the hall. Is this okay Mr. Harrison?" She seemed a little put out by his request. She pointed out which rooms were ours and turned to leave

"Thank you for your kind help Mrs. Cole." I give her another charming smile. "Come on Vera let's get you situated in your room first shall we?" I walk down the hall to where Mrs. Cole pointed. Vera's hand in mine.

I reached in my pocket for my wand and luckily it was there as well as a small purple back pack and a black one. I enlarged the shrunken objects and handed the purple bag to Vera. There wasn't much just her stuffed unicorn and some clothes. "Okay princess," it seem as though that is what 'Sean' called her most of the time. "I think that plain bed in the corner is yours, so you stay here and try to make some friends while I investigate my room, kay?" she nods. "I'm right down the hall if you need me."

I turn and walk away from the little girl and head to my own room Riddle is in there reading a textbook with a glamor on it. "'Advanced Transfiguration' a fairly decent book don't you think?" I say. The look of surprise is immediately masked with a cool blank look.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He says coldly in response. "I'm reading Hamlet, if you must know."

"Yes," I say, "Of course I'm going to pretend you're not a wizard and you are actually reading Hamlet. Will this please you?"

"I'll have you know that I am not a wizard Mr...?" He trails off, attempting to have a some sort of kind consideration for me, but he fails miserably.

"Sean Harrison. I prefer my last name or Harry." I say with a small smile on my face. "And you are?"

He hesitates for a moment, "Tom Riddle at your service."

"Well Riddle, you pretend that is Hamlet and I'll pretend this," I hold up a copy of Quidditch Monthly, "Is time magazine. If that is alright with you?" Then, the door slams shut and there is a small click signaling that it was locked as well.

"I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing here, but I will get you to tell me what I want to know." He hisses.

"I'm actually who I said I was. The magical orphanage where I was staying in Germany was attacked and as we were fleeing everyone else died. It's quite simple."

"No one by the name of Dumbledore sent you here to keep an eye on me?"

"I, Sean Jim Harrison, swear on my magic that Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore did not send me hear to spy on Tom Marvolo Riddle." Of course there is that small loop hole that I wasn't sent to spy on him. I was sent to change him.

"Well Harrison this could be the start of a wonderful friendship." He said and I couldn't tell weather it was sarcastic or not.

"I must agree." We shake hand briefly and I can tell he doesn't like contact. A loud banging stops my musing.

"Harry open up." Vera yells.

I go over to the door and unlock it and find my arms filled with a hyper blond. Tom is staring at the sight. "Tom, this is Vera Garren the only one left alive at the orphanage besides me. Vera, this is Tom Riddle roommate."

Vera lets go of me and rushes over to Tom and says "It is nice to meet you Mr. Riddle." She shoves her hand forward.

Tom puts on a fake mask that is made to look charming. "The pleasure is all mine Ms. Garren." Vera giggles uncontrollably as Tom kisses the back of her hand.

She suddenly turns around to face me and says "Harry you have to come with me and meet all my new friends."

"Okay Vera. I'll be there in a minute." She runs out the door and I turn to Tom "I'm sorry about her. She can be very... enthusiastic. I'm the only one she has. She's like my little sister. She might come in here at night because she frequently has nightmare of her parents death. I apologize in advance."

"Were they like us?" He asks.

"Yes and she is too."

"I suppose I'll live."

Tom's POV

Harrison nods in my direction and looks for that young blond girl. I'm grateful he left because now I have a decent amount of time to think on this new and interesting character. I was shocked he could see though the glamor I put on the transfiguration textbook. The only other person that can see through the glamors put up is that Bumblebore, what a horrid teacher. I wish they all were as easy to manipulate as Slughorn.

I am most intrigued by the brief flash of recognition that shone in his eye the moment he opened to door. Maybe this years stay at the orphanage won't be so bad.

Alight so that's the first chapter. What do you guys think? I think I'm going to write around 2,000 words per chapter and update every 1-3 days depending on life. I like to think I've grown as a writer compared to my other fics, so I hope someone reads this and likes it as much as I do. Please review or alert or fave and if you do I promise I'll look at your stuff. :D and if you don't have stuff up you'll get a nice pm with my thanks. I hope you all enjoy.