Asking Too Much

Summary: Post ROTF. Sam's changing; it began after he was brought back to life in Egypt. Unfortunately, his changes are just the beginning of a horrifying sequence of events. As a more sinister enemy forces both factions to finally set aside their difference and work for a better future. Slash. Allspark!Sam

Disclaimer: I don't own the Transformers. What I DO own though is a couple of OC's.

Pairings: Optimus X Sam, Ironhide X Will, Bumblebee X Mikaela, Ratchet X OC Autobot femme.

It was 10 hours after Egypt that we find NEST soldiers and semi-repaired Autobots outside Ratchet's Medical Bay in Diego Garcia, waiting anxiously of any news about Sam's condition. As it was, as they were leaving Cairo on the C-17's readied for them, that Sam crashed, his body failing him. So with him dying once again, so did the impact of the sacrifice he made for them, finally hit them. There was a flurry of panicked action as trained filed medics loaded him into Ratchet's Alt mode hoping to stabilize him long enough until they get to Diego Garcia. On the way to Diego Garcia, the sensitive audios of the Autobots heard Sam flat line at least 5 times. The humans knew it too as they heard their Cybertronian compatriots internal gears clank around in anger or their cooling fans kicking in higher than normal.

Mikaela sat over a sitting Bumblebee in his Mech form. His internal cooling fans never turned off and his gears were all in overdrive since Sam first flat lined in the C-17. His entire frame was shaking unable to control himself. He was angry, sad and a whole set of other emotions as over and over, Sam's death and his body's crashing replayed in his CPU. He was supposed to protect the boy and he failed miserably. Nobody blames him and that made things worse for him. He cared for Sam because he was his friend and because Bumblebee felt that Sam was his brother in everything but Energon. They've gone through a lot of things and Sam did a lot for all of them. His death and crashing will be forever burned into his processors and optics. He could never forgive himself even if no one blames him.

Mikaela just stared on ahead, dried tear tracks could clearly be seen on her cheeks. She felt empty, like a big hole was bored through her chest. Ever since she met Sam, she hadn't been happier in her whole life. He loved her for her, and she loved him honestly, truthfully. But as she sat on that plane while she watched her Autobot friends tense up that 1st time she knew they just weren't meant to be. True, she had never felt more loved than when she was with Sam but… They loved each other too much, she knew, and she also knew that they'll just hurt each other in the end.

'Samuel James Witwicky, I love you. Once you wake up, not if but when you do, I'll tell you. I hope that you'll understand. They've once said, "Too much love will kill you." It's too true for us. One day you'll find that one person for you. You'll love that person as much as you'll resent the fact that you did love them. And I think I know who that person will be.' Mikaela thought as she weathered through the deluge of tears and the wave after wave of sadness that washed over her. Bumblebee held up his servo and used one of his fingers to caress her back, trying to soothe her. They were the closest to Sam after all that time since their first encounter with Cybertronians. They had no one else, except Sam and each other.

Arcee and her two other, surprisingly alive, components were somewhat repaired in courtesy of Jolt, in Diego Garcia, sat with everyone else. She almost died getting Sam to Optimus. She watched the boy as she and her two other components were pulled aside, hastily repaired by the humans on the field. She watched with morbid fascination as the boy went straight to Optimus. As a femme, she knew those kind of things that no man or mech can understand. They, specifically Optimus, dragged the boy into a war that was, at that time, not his own. It was Optimus that launched the All Spark in the first place. It was Optimus who just somehow couldn't let go and kept pulling the boy, who let himself be pulled into their war. Deeper and deeper Sam sank into the war that, he craved normality. But as she watched him willingly veer off a path that lead to normality and chose the path of danger that too few people choose, it stunned her. Watching those that loved and care for him cry out in agony, she felt her spark hurt like never before. She barely knew the human and yet she felt even worse than the time that she lost her 4th component at the battle of Tygar Pax. She watched as Ironhide and Ratchet renew their vigor, enhancing their strength through anger, attacking Decepticons left and right. The Decepticons didn't have chance and Megatron took a slagging worthy of any Decepticon can dish out.

And yet it was Sam that the femme couldn't take her optics off of. As a femme they had a stronger connection to the Well of All Sparks, psychics in the closest human terms. And even as the humans declared Sam dead, she felt through the haze of pain from her spark that it wasn't over yet. A spectrum of light unseen by human eyes surrounded the boy. A burst of familiar and comforting energy burst through her and every Cybertronian near enough as Sam woke from death. Her spark jumped erratically in her chassis, it felt like meeting Optimus Prime for the first time all over again or the one time that her Creators took her to the Allspark to ask for a new spark to be her sibling. It felt like she was in the presence of regal descent or an entity of the All Spark's level.

After the battle, she had almost forgotten about it but as Sam's body crashed, unable to sustain itself, she remembered clearer than ever. She along with all her compatriots kept vigil on the boy who sacrificed too much for too little. As each time he flat lined, they all felt a little more frightened. They were all warriors and have seen their fair share of deaths but loosing Sam was too surreal and too frightening for all of them.

Jolt, a mech who, in terms, had the most expertise in field repairs, aside from Ratchet and Ironhide, sat to the side. He had only landed just hours before Optimus' untimely off-lining and joined the fray in Egypt. He hadn't had the time to know the human boy, Sam. But even he was affected by the boy's system failure. He had watched from the sidelines in Egypt, protecting Arcee and some humans from stray shots or Decepticons. He watched the boy veer off his formation with the three other humans, unafraid of being hit. Then Megatron came after the boy. Something inside Jolt's spark wrenched at the sight of the towering, powerful form of the former Lord High Protector go after the boy. The boy died, he died, his body failing him as the shock of the blast from Megatron's fusion Cannon that most mechs can't get walk away unscathed and the fall that it caused. It was completely normal but then, to all of their astonishment, the boy woke up from death and lived once more, re-sparking their fallen leader aiding to their victory. A rush of something came from his spark at that moment but didn't have the time to ponder on it as the Fallen took prey. Still in stupor he did what Ratchet asked of him without conscious. The boy… they boy gave them their hope back. And hope was a concept he never believed in after the start of the war. He didn't know who the boy was but he'd be slagging sure to get to know the boy, to know his story with the Autobots. He wanted to thank the boy who gave him back his hope. And it can only be done if the boy survives. He prays, 'Primus, I know that I haven't prayed to you to a too long a time. Too many vorns have passed since I've stopped believing in you but please. Please help Sam. He might not be one of us right now but in heart he already is. You've decreed it that he should be the one to help us so please help him.'

Leo, Simmons, Skids and Mudflap sat together. Even the ever annoying, ever noisy and ever fighting twins were silent. They all doubted Sam on their whole journey. And yet he came through for everyone. They heard from the others, the kid was clinically dead for 5 minutes before he surged up form death's grip back into life. From stillness to full out charge to Optimus Prime, the kid reactivated the fallen leader seconds after he himself came back to life. They were the biggest doubters out of all of those gathered there. Sam was an awkward kid, an enigma all on his own. It's the reason they couldn't understand him. They couldn't see the hope he saw, couldn't understand where he took courage from, and couldn't understand how he could just keep on going. But there was one thing they could understand, they and everyone else on earth should be dead right now, if not for him.

Sideswipe had come months after Mission City and knew Sam fairly well. The kid was unique to say the least. Sure he was intimidated of Ironhide, who wouldn't be, but he was NEVER scared of him. He liked pranks, a human after his own spark if he could say so himself. He was one of the few living beings that haven't angered the Hatchet yet and many of them doubt he ever will too. He genuinely cares for all of them, the big-ass giant alien robots, but he wanted nothing more than to live a life of normalcy, a fairly impossible act after Egypt… if he survives this that is… No, Sideswipe couldn't think like that but he still couldn't quite believe everything that had happened in the span of 3 human days. It was all too surreal. It's like waking up next to Sunstreaker back in Cybertron, greeting his little brother, Red Alert and his sparkmate, Inferno. Like he was just getting ready for a normal day at Cybertron, going to the Energon Refineries and their war never happened. But that was not true, this is what is true. His twin, his sparkmate and his little brother, Red Alert and his own sparkmate, Inferno was still somewhere in space. Cybertron was as good as dead without the Allspark and the war has been going on for thousands of vorns already. Sam… he was just another casualty if he dies… 'No, Sideswipe. Get real. He'll be alright. We all still need him… I need him… he's… he's my little brother now as well and… Primus, if you can still hear me… Don't let Sam die. Please.' Everything was all too surreal that it was awe-inspiring and terribly unnerving at the same time. To think an organic, not even a fraction of their lifespan, power or advancement could do so much that they could never possibly even hope to. He wasn't dumb, he had to be smart if he could pull pranks of his scale, but Sideswipe just knew there was something more to the human than meets the optics. It will probably come in time but he's slagging sure that whatever will happened, he doesn't think that any of them are prepared for it...

Ironhide and Will had the closest human-autobot relationship aside from Sam and Bumblebee; there was quite a difference then from now. Ever since Sarah died and Annabelle being a permanent fixture in Will's life, he and Ironhide were closer, much, much closer. The events at Egypt… they were shaken up pretty bad, Will more than Ironhide. Tough as nails, Ironhide as his name implies was all wound up from all that had happened. Optimus Prime, his commanding Officer, his friend even before the war, had offlined. That in of itself had shaken him up. But when Will received that call to go to Egypt with a hope of bringing Optimus back online again, he didn't hesitate. But… the boy, one they dragged almost unwillingly into their war, had also offlined, destroying his hope, angering him even more. He and Ratchet shot down Decepticon after Decepticon, in almost blind rage. True, he was closer to William than Bumblebee is to Sam but all of them cared for the boy who didn't hesitate to sacrifice even his life in Mission City and even more so now in Egypt where he did die. Anger, despair and a sense of hopelessness conquered his mind until he saw he saw the boy crossing the last few steps in the courtyard to Optimus. And by Primus, Optimus returned to life. The boy truly did risk everything this time, prematurely leaving the world of the living even, and in the end, they won, they saved the planet. A boy, unwillingly dragged into their war saved their afts just by being there, by believing in them. Now, they'll repay that belief by standing by him, as long as he lives. In the end, they will eventually lose him but as long as he lives they will all stand by him.

Out of those shaken up the most, Will was one of the worst. Ever since Mission City, he couldn't help but blame himself for dragging the kid in deeper. He is a soldier and he… he was just a kid back then and he's a kid still. 'You're a soldier now!' He hears his own voice shouting to Sam. Was it that the reason why he chose to run to Optimus, into danger or was it something else? 'No Sacrifice, No Victory.' He really wasn't sure to hate or be grateful for that motto. It's because of that motto they won two of their greatest battles against the Decepticons but it's also because of that motto that he's so shaken up now. The kid died while he was supposed to be under his protection. Sam died as he tried to revive him. Ultimately, he felt it was his own fault why the kid was inside Ratchet's Med Bay. Ultimately, he felt as though he was the one who killed the kid not Megatron. Ironhide felt Will's feelings through their bond and placed a comforting servo on his back and sent feelings of comfort and reassurance through the bond. Will just gave Ironhide a tired smile and leaned further into Ironhide's hold.

Physically, aside from Arcee, Optimus was the worse off of the Autobots. His prior damages from his offlining weren't repaired yet. And the new ones that he acquired defeating the Fallen, Megatron and Starscream were not even attended to. He simply refused to be repaired by Jolt or Ironhide and even Ratchet, when they landed Diego Garcia Ratchet moved to repair Optimus while the humans placed Sam in his Med Bay, Optimus rather stubbornly refused.

To those who were emotional wrecks, other than Will, who saw Sam as maybe a little brother or someone under his direct command that he gave a kamikaze order to, Mikaela, obviously as Sam's girlfriend, and Bumblebee, who was supposed to be Sam's guardians, Optimus was the worst of all of them. There were not many words that could describe his feelings yet his emotions were a thousand and one. He had long acknowledged his more than platonic feelings for the boy. There was no mistake as his spark leaps in joy whenever Sam was physically close, like when he climbs on Optimus' shoulder or servo. Whenever he doesn't see the boy, his spark aches. In their talk in the cemetery, Optimus hurt inside when he saw the fear and anger in Sam's eyes. But as a Prime, as a "giant alien robot," as the person that dragged Sam into their war, Optimus knew he had to distance himself. But when Megatron dared him to let Sam die for their race's survival, Optimus never hesitated, though logic still hid his true words, his feelings shone through. There was not a thing Optimus wouldn't do for Sam. And if recent events are used as evidence, Sam would do anything for Optimus as well. By account of Mikaela and Bumblebee, Sam was driven, not only by the urgings of the All Spark in his head, but a want, a need to have Optimus back. They both stated that Sam was desolate, so devoid of life that they feared, if the Decepticons wouldn't kill him, he'd off himself. But when Jetfire old them of the Matrix of Leadership, Sam's eyes lit up, that hope flared in him. To Mikaela and Bumblebee, the feeling of elation from Sam was infectious. Even when they all felt all hope was lost, Sam found it in himself to believe. It was within that belief that Optimus, though at that time still dead, and Sam knew in their hearts and sparks, minds and processors, that in the very core of their being they knew.

Optimus felt his spark lurch as memories of feelings, emotions and KNOWLEDGE when he was still in the darkness of death, waiting. Though so far apart, both their species and time, their very essences were intertwined. Long before Sam's race even started, Optimus was built and sparked for Sam. As much as Sam, millions of years and light years apart from Optimus, Sam was born for Optimus. Optimus knew, how, he didn't know, that Sam knew. Their connection was blessed by Primus and their essence thrives off of each other. But for now as long as Sam lay inside that Med Bay, Optimus will stay at vigil. The connection was there but they were not bonded, not yet at least because he did not know what was happening in that Med Bay. The silence and solemnity of everyone around him only enhanced the warring voices in his processors. Logic struggled against emotion under his still drawn battle mask. If any Decepticon even comes near Diego Garcia at that moment, they would be slagged to the pits to never come back.

Then finally, the Med Bay doors opened after so long, the sight that greeted them were all of the Medical staff of NEST looking haggard but triumphant. Ratchet soon followed after, his stance proud, his optics shining, his faceplates arranged in a way that was smiling.

"Samuel is alive and stable." Ratchet announced. Relief was palpable amongst all those who stood vigil.

But among those who kept vigil that night, there were 2 that had not mingled with the others and just stayed among themselves. Watching as friends of their son wait for him to come out of this ordeal alive, they've made their decision. He said to them to let him go and they will. The events in Egypt proved that with them Sam was most likely to get hurt more. They have to. They have to turn their backs on him, to walk away and never look back. It WILL hurt for all of them, more so to Sam since he'll never know the reason why but some things must be done. Because for Sam, their son, they would do anything and they knew it'll just break their son to pieces if they died in the crossfire of the war. If they left him behind, make him think that they don't want anything to do with him anymore and just leave Tranquility altogether and just disappear; they hope Sam would be in a better situation. Egypt proved it and they were just a danger to their son and living with the military would just have the same repercussions should they die in the crossfire. To love someone, they'd have to let go at some point and it's better if they let go now than later when things would be harder.

Hi! It's EmInArEvOl again! I know, I know. Stupid right? Didn't even finish or even half way through any of my other fics then I start this. It's ShiningGalaxy's fault I tell you. She's the one that pulled me in to this fandom and HELL I'm loving it! Anyways I'd have to say I'm an irregular updater so just believe in me that I'll pull this through ok?

Now here's some questions: Though I'd go through with the plan to have Sam's parents leave him how would you like it to happen? I won't poll it but give me some suggestions here. I'm scratching my head of what I'm going to do.

Here's some trivia for this. Jazz will live again. And oh by the Pit… AUTOCONS?

And please please please! I'm begging to you and Primus! Please! So that I can update faster!

Press this button and review!