Disclaimer: Don't own it.

A/N: This one is gonna be a few chapters long, not ridiculously long, but like, four or five. Reviews are nice. :)



"Where you at?"

"Griffon's apartment."

Sam's heart shattered on the spot. "Why are you there?" She asked, playing with a strand of her hair.

"We hanging out."

"But Fredward doesn't want you even talkin' to the kid." Sam noted, standing up and putting a jacket on.

"What Freddie doesn't know won't hurt him." Carly said plainly, clearly not wanting to have a conversation.

"But he's your boyfriend." Sam shuttered to herself, the thought of Carly and Freddie messing around like couples do was straight up...disgusting.

"He can't stop me from talking to who I want to talk to. Now I gotta go."

"Well, I'm gonna be at your house in twenty minutes, so you better be there." The blonde struggled to put on a shoe while holding her cell phone.

"No promises."

"Um...okay, bye?"

The line went dead. The blonde managed to get both shoes on, which was amazing, seeing as she had only used one hand. Sam was slightly curious as to what was going on in the brunette's head, but decided she would simply avoid the thoughts until she found out the entire story. Her mother wasn't home tonight- she was out at some club. Sam grabbed her key, locked the door, and strolled into the brisk autumn night.

The fall was a wonderful season, to the blonde, even though it got dark so early. It was only seven o'clock, but the moon was up in the sky, and the stars were shinning as bright as could be. Thrusting her hands in her pockets she shivered for a moment, then sighed. Carly was really weird sometimes.

The only thing about the brunette was the random spurs of secrecy that drove Sam absolutely insane. There would be nights, just like tonight, where Carly would completely shun herself away from society. The blonde use to leave her alone- but as she found out later, Carly actually preferred to have someone over then to be alone in one of those moods. Even if Sam would have to bother for forty five minutes to get even a word out of her, she was willing to do it. It was Carly, anyway.

For some reason, that Sam couldn't figure out, she truly cared for the brunette. Sam cared for her as more than a friend should, and she knew that; it was just one of those things she accepted. She knew she liked Carly, but she also knew it was one of those childish things that would never happen. However, there were the occasionally signs that Carly showed every now and then that made Sam wonder, 'What if?'

She would hold her hand when they were falling asleep. Carly would always play with Sam's fingers, and she noticed it every time. Well, of course she did- the static was to much for her to not feel the connection. Then there were the times when she would catch Carly dozing off into her eyes, then snapping out of the trance. Sam couldn't handle when Carly looked in her eyes. During the middle of the show, one evening, Carly turned to Sam and started spilling the lines. Before Sam knew it, they were a jumble of words, and Carly stopped talking mid sentence.

"What's wrong?" Sam had asked her, trying to keep a smile on her face.

"Nothing," Carly blinked a few times, looking away, "I just got lost in your eyes."

And they went on with the show like nothing happened. But Sam felt her heart do a very strange flip, like it had never done before. It was at that moment Sam knew she loved her. It felt to her that those words were so perfect, nothing could have ruined that moment.

Except Freddie.

How he and Carly were together absolutely blew Sam away. Carly always said how he wasn't boyfriend material. Now, after the two dating for almost three months, the blonde almost threw up every moment she saw them holding hands. Once, Sam had the balls to ask Carly why they were together, and she simply responded, "I love him."

So supposedly, Carly loves him, but something in the blonde's gut told her otherwise.

Sam approached her friend's apartment building and entered the lobby. Lewbert was passed out on the desk, twitching and muttering something about ham and cheese. Sam rolled her eyes and went towards the elevator.

Eventually she made it to the brunette's apartment, and opened the door with ease. Spencer was sitting on the couch watching a television show about tacos. "Whadup Spencer?"

The man turned around and smiled. "Hey kiddo. Carly's not here."

Sam shrugged, and sat down on the couch. "Oh well, I can wait."

"Yeah, she needs to get home soon. This guy is gonna explain how a taco saved him from drowning."

"Is that even possible?"


Sam rolled her eyes and kicked her shoes off. "Do you know where Carly went?" The blonde asked smoothly, trying to seem clueless.

"Uh, actually, I don't." Spencer yawned. "She left almost an hour ago. She said she was going out to do a few things. I don't really know." He glanced at the clock. "Am I pathetic for going to bed at seven thirty?"

"A little bit." Sam admitted, jumping up to go to the fridge. "You're really that tired?"

"You didn't have to get up at four in the morning to go to a convention." Spencer argued, standing up as well and stretching.

"Oh, was it an art convention?"


"What was it?"

Spencer bit his lip. "A hamster convention."

Sam stared for a moment, then turned back to the food. "You know, I don't want to know. G'night Spence."

"Night!" He practically flew to his bedroom.

Sam stood for a moment. "How're you gonna watch the taco dude?" She called, glancing at the television.

"Tivo!" He yelled back.

Sam sat back on the couch and ended up dozing off herself. She jolted awake at eleven twenty seven. I bet Carly's back by now. Sam stood up and cracked her back for a moment before the door flung open. Carly stood there, alone, in the doorway.

"Sup Carls? You're home late." Sam pointed out, glancing at the clock. "What the heck were you and Griffon doing?"

Carly stood absolutely still, then ran into Sam's arms. The blonde stood still for a moment, then wrapped her arms around the girl. "Are you okay?" She felt Carly shaking like crazy. Sam rubbed her back and whispered in her ear, "It's okay, cupcake. Whatever it is, it'll be alright. I'm here for you, no matter what." Carly held onto the blonde girl tighter at those final words. The blonde felt confusion rush over her, but she wouldn't allow it. She had to be strong, for Carly.

Inside, however, Sam's heart was breaking.