Author Notes: Okay, I was feeling emo and I needed to get my depression out of my system so I wrote this fic. This is my first KHR fanfiction and frankly speaking, I didn't expect that it'll be about RebornxLambo. So yes, that means they might be OOC or I probably did a poor job at portraying them. Anyhow, I hope you will still read this and please tell me what you think.:D

Warnings: This fic contains yaoi/malexmale and sexual graphical scenes.

Disclaimer: Amane-sensei owns them. I'm just borrowing them for pleasure's sake.

Six Emotions

by Confusion No Hime


1. Horror.

Green eyes stared at the lifeless piece of paper in front of him. He looked at it as if it was a monster threatening to destroy him. That could pass up as a stupid joke but the revolting reality still remained that the short letter had indeed came to bring the death of him.

Out of all the one hundred words written on that paper in his trembling hands, only two words were visible to him.

Diagnosis: LEUKEMIA

2. Love.

His kisses seemed to scorch his sensitive skin; his large and rough hands were gentle as they passed through every curve and plane of his lithe body. Being held by Reborn was heaven for him. Being loved by him makes him want to live his sinful life longer.

The rhythm of their erotic dance increased as pleasure continued to assault every fiber of his nerves and every cell in his body, making him gasp for air and his heart beat erratically. His eyes rolled at the back of his head as he reached nirvana, four words spilling like wine from his parted lips.

"I love you, Reborn."

3. Lies.

Tsuna gazed intently at him as if he had dirt on his face. The young boss' caramel eyes glazed with wonder and concern. He looked back, focused on keeping his attention towards the young Vongola, determined in hiding his dark secret though his head hurts like hell and his vision were quickly blurring.

"Are you okay, Lambo?" The young boss asked with genuine concern that secretly warmed his heart and bothered him at the same time. He couldn't let anyone in his family know his secret. "You're looking a little pale and thin these days."

He forced a smile on his lips. "Yes, I'm okay. Don't worry. I'm not getting much sleep these days. I promise to catch up on it once I finish my mission." He lied.

4. Hate.

He hates Reborn. Up until now, he still couldn't grasp the reason as to how he had fallen in-love with him. The man was arrogant, cold and sadistic. He didn't care about anything or anyone else. He didn't even care for him and treated him like shit. But despite his immense hatred for the Arcobaleno, he loved him... he loved him like his entire life depended on him.

Tears fell down his cheeks as he looked at the sight of the man he love, handsome, naked, with a smirk on his proud face and an equally naked woman beside him. He searched the Arcobaleno's dark eyes, hoping for any sign of sorry or remorse but there was none... only arrogance and cruelty.

It wasn't the first time that he caught Reborn sleeping with another woman in his lover's apartment and it wasn't the first time that he hated himself for loving him more than his life.

5. Misery.

He was slowly dying every single day, every piece of him was being broken by the disease that has already taken a thousand lives before his. It has been five months since he was diagnosed. His doctor convinced him to stay in the hospital to lengthen his withering life but he refused. If he would die, he didn't want it to be in the hospital. And he didn't want the people he love to know that he died from a horrible sickness. He didn't want to be pitied... especially by Reborn.

He wanted to live longer, really, he did. He still wanted to be with the loving yet crazy people that he called his family. And although he hated himself for thinking it, he still wanted to be with Reborn. But he knew that there was no hope for him... he was destined to die and disappear in this world like an old memory that would soon be forgotten.

He wrapped his arms around himself and buried his face between his knees, endless tears streaming down his white face as he cried his heart out in sorrow and agony, wishing that his heart would just stop to end his misery.

6. Agony.

His bedroom door flew open with a force that shook the entire house. He quickly looked up, fear and pain suddenly torturing his insides as Reborn went inside with a smirk, walking proudly towards him.

He tried to glare, hoping that his droopy eyes were sending the right message he wanted to convey.

"Still crying? You're really pathetic." The other man teased; his voice deep yet as cold as ice.

He wanted to say something but no words came out of his mouth. His lips stayed parted in a silent scream that he wished Reborn could hear. He tore his gaze away from him and looked to the floor, trying his best to stop the tears from falling.

"W-why are you here?" He demanded, hoping that his voice was loud enough to show that he was angry.

The Arcobaleno just smirked then approached him. He felt a strong hand grab his arm, yank him up and push him on the bed. He knew what was gonna happen. Reborn would forcefully take him and show how miserable and pathetic he was for feeling pleasure while he was dryly fucked and abused. He usually struggled but his body was already too weak to protest.

Reborn smirked at him. "What? You're gonna be good today? How surprising." He commented with twisted amusement as he zipped his fly down and pulled his erection out.

Tears started falling from his eyes as he averted his gaze to hide his pain, biting his lip in an attempt to stop himself from screaming as his lover violently ripped his pants off of him and shoved his cock inside his unprepared entrance.

The Arcobaleno thrust into him, hard, fast and unrelenting. He didn't stop until even when blood poured out of his anus. He wasn't horrified to discover that anymore, sex with Reborn has always involved blood and pain. He was used to it but then, why was it that his heart was still breaking, voicelessly screaming in agony? Did it mean he was also already used to the emotional pain his lover always inflicted on him?

Reborn pulled out of him for a second and rolled him on his stomach, only to drive back in and put more strength into his thrusts. He buried his face on the crumpled sheets, muffling his cries and screams, wondering when will the painful torture end. He lifted his head up when the need for oxygen taunted his muddled brain. He took a deep breath but no air came inside his already burning chest. He gasped, clawing on the sheets as the erratic movement of his body made breathing seemed harder.

"S-stop..." He uttered in a raspy voice. "S-top... Rebo... Reborn..."

Reborn ignored him. As usual, he ignored his cries of pain and agony, intent on only achieving his own pleasure. So, he stopped and let his head fall back on the mattress. All of a sudden, he felt a hard lump form inside his chest. He coughed hard, feeling the lump drive up his throat and out of his mouth in the form of blood and tasted the metallic taste of that crimson liquid on his tongue. Blood stained the pristine white sheets as his body slowly lost all of its strength and energy, as darkness languidly engulfed his vision.

Author Notes: Okay, it's not finished yet. There's going to be a next chapter that tells about Reborn's side of the story. Please tell me what you think and don't flame me. Concrits are welcome of course, only if you will deliver them in a very nice manner.:D Thanks for reading!