Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Two men looked toward her; she was their last chance. One of the men, known as a man named Neji laughed a hollow chuckle, one not meant out of humor but out of desperate grief. He supposed that this was fate, destined to happen. Otherwise how could God make them suffer this much, let them come this far only to lose the war. They had gotten her out hadn't they, right from beneath the clutches of a man so despicable and evil.
The other man was none other than Naruto and he was dieing. He bit his lip, clenching his fists and tried to hold his burning tears at bay. How could it end like this? Konoha was no longer. The other nations were most likely in the same situation. It had been years since the attack and while they had gotten out with a couple of the families from the village as well as a select few of the shinobi, hiding in a rural area behind the caves somewhat of a distance from their old village, they had all died but them. Swallowing his tears, Naruto winced. That poison expert thought to be killed all those years ago by Chiyo and Sakura had gotten him good. In a few moments he didn't think he would be able to move. The Kyubbi in him was yelling at him about even having saved Sakura but she was the only person alive who stood a chance.
Over the years, Sakura had gotten stronger. In theory, they should have known. With her perfect chakra control, no jutsu would be impossible for her to attain. The only real problem was her chakra levels or the lack there of. But she had overcome that obstacle somewhat, delving into the medical arts and genjutsu which she seemed to have a knack for and didn't require too much chakra powered behind it, for the most part it took concentration. Her taijustu had improved somewhat but by the time she could perfect it, they hadn't had time. The war had come and with it, their home had been destroyed. But if they could go through with it; If it worked, She could stop them and kill them.
Sakura watched Naruto and Neji nod to each other; it was time. She spoke for the first time, "I don't know if I can do this, I think Neji would…", but before she could finish, Neji spoke. "No, You're going to do this, for all of us, Konoha but most of all, for those that died."
She closed her eyes, remembering everything they all had been through but most of all him. Pursing her lips, she opened her eyes. Her eyes held a desperate glint of determination before they hardened. Nodding, She looked toward them and said "I'm Ready."
In turn, they smiled for the first time in long while. Bringing their hands up, they both flashed through a myraid of hand signs before both their chakra burst around them. And then it happened. The Kyubbi started to manifest from outside Naruto before leaping into it's next host.
She screeched and thrashed around when she fell. White blinding pain seemed to dance and flicker in bursts within her very soul before it seemed to simmer down. Her body twitched involuntarily as she tried to regain her control. In time, she breathed in and out, trying to block out any phantom pains and aches the transfer took.
Getting to her knees, she looked in front of her and smiled sadly. In front of her was Naruto and Neji, both dead with tiny smiles on their faces. She supposed they were happy to leave. Their was nothing left for them to do, with their final act, she would be able to save them all and perhaps, even if she couldn't, they were finally in peace or atleast she hoped so. She hoped they had gotten that bright light at the end of the tunnel. Then she supposed maybe it didn't matter because when she went back, she would prevent them all from dieing and stop the war from ever starting.
Letting one last tear drop, she spoke, "Are you ready, Kyubbi?". The nine-tailed demon in her chuckled, "Are you, little cherry blossom?".