Lilly's P.o.v.

Harry Potter, 'The chosen one', 'the boy who lived', 'Savior', or the 'defeater'. In opinion it was all RUBISH, just complete RUBISH! All those names were so, what's the word? Oh, yes! Fake, Stupid, dumb, and complete lies. My grandmother was the only reason he survived Voldemort as a baby so she should get way more credit, and did anyone ever think about the help he got 'cause he got tons. But everybody just assumed it was him, but really my Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione did practically just as much as him. Oh I forgot my name for him, Dad. Yes, I am Lilly Luna Potter. The reason I hate my dad so much is because he would freak, ground me, and probably disown me if he found out who I was dating. Which unfortunately he is considering right now I am being lectured by my brother James who is like my dad in countless ways. Why am I being lectured? Well, because I was caught in a major snogg session with Scorpius Malfoy. James freaked when he saw me, which I guess he would with any boy, but Scorp especially. I guess my family has two reasons to hate me now. One because of this and two because of the house I was put in.


5 years ago.

"Anderson, Mathew" Professor McGonagall called.

"HUFFLEPUFF" the Sorting Hat yelled.

And so many names went on until,

"Potter, Lilly", a wave of whispers ran through the crowd just making Lilly even more nervous.

"Ah another Potter, Weasley child," The Sorting hat called. "Normally I would put you in Gryfinndor, but you seem to have a sly, secretive side to you.

"I suppose the correct choice for you would be…SLYTHERIN!"

"What!" Yelled James and Albus Potter.

Lilly meanwhile walked calmly to the Slytherin table, trying to hide a smirk on her face. Inside she had wanted to be in Slytherin, like her cousin Rose.

Unfortunately her family had different hopes.

End of flashback

"Lilly are you even listening to me?'' James said his face beginning to turn red with anger.

"Nope," Sighed I inspecting her nails.

"You are so grounded when I tell Dad you were snogging that thing".

"James, do tell me why I care, and that thing happens to have a name," I Said Lilly looking up from her nails.

"Okay you were snogging Malfoy," James said saying the last word with disgust in his voice. "And you care because we can easily disown you"

"Again, I care why?"

"Lilly you are a disgrace to the family, and I will fight Mum and Dad until they kick you out"!

"Oh James dear brother," Said Lilly with fake sweetness in her voice.


"Suck this," I said turning around to continue snogging Scorpius.

At first the kiss was just to piss James off, but then I almost forgot about him. I was completely absorbed in the kiss, and I didn't even see James lift his wand, but Scorpius did.

"Stupefy," they shouted at the same time.

Both of them fell back and scrambled up, but Scorpius was faster

"Expelliarmus", He shouted.

James wand clattered to the ground

"James, I don't want to fight you. I'm not like my father, and I ask you to accept me". He said lowering his wand.

"Never", James said. Turning around to leave "Good bye Potter" he called over his shoulder.

I couldn't tell if I was sad or mad, but I guess my body decided, as hot tears ran down from my cheeks.

"Lilly it's okay", Scorpius said wraping his arms around me. "Sooner or later our families will-"

Scorpius was interrupted by a voice that I recognized as my loud and obnoxious roommates Eleanor, Juliana, Natalia, and Corina.

"Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, Lilly", they all yelled.


They all took turns yelling first Corina, then Natalia, Juliana, and last but not least, Eleanor.

"Hi" "hola" "Was up" "We need you in our room right away, like pronto."

"Fine, see you later Scorp" I love you. I thought.


"We saw James and we just want to congratulate you on pissing him off," Eleanor said.

"Yeah it must have been so awesome" Juliana practically screeched

"I still think he's hot" Corina Sighed.

"Eww, gross Corina, that's my brother you're talking about"

"I'm with Corina on this one" Natalia smirked.

"You guys are my best friends but sometimes you creep me out", I said

"Whatever, I'm tired goodnight" Natalia yawned

"Yeah we have to wake up early tomorrow I'm going to bed"

"Me too"

"Yeah goodnight"

I slipped under my covers and turned out the light behind me bed.

Goodnight my dear Scorp.