Author Note: I can only apologise for how long it has been since I last updated but I think that I am finally back into writing mode so more will follow soon! Thank you for all of the reviews that you have sent and I hope that you enjoy! Torchwood is owned by the BBC and I guess now Starz!
Chapter Thirty Two
Ianto lay on his side in bed, listening to Jack snoring and watching the neon red digits on his alarm clock. He hadn't had much sleep, he kept drifting in and out of dreams and reality and his thoughts were centred on one person.
Ianto knew that it was inevitable that Lisa would one day move and he knew that it was necessary for them to move on and grow as individuals. He had even encouraged... practically forced Lisa to find a place but now the day was here he didn't know how to feel.
Ianto let out a low sigh as the time finally clicked on to eight o'clock and his alarm started blaring. The harsh sound was only ringing for a moment, as Ianto's hand quickly shot out of the duvet to silence it but it was enough to disturb Jack; his rhythmic snores halted and Jack groaned as he became fully awake.
"Morning" he mumbled.
Ianto said nothing, lost in his thoughts and dreading what the day was going to bring.
"Yan?" Jack said groggily; he rolled over, slipped an arm around his boyfriend's waist and pulled Ianto's body back into his. Jack nuzzled at Ianto's neck with his nose and yawned before saying, "wakey, wakey."
Ianto opened his mouth and tried to speak but nothing came out, he swallowed heavily and whispered hoarsely, "I'm awake."
"Good" said Jack. He yawned loudly and said, "I'm just nipping to the bathroom."
"Uh huh" Ianto mumbled, desperately trying not to cry. He'd watched that clock for hours and now the time was here, he couldn't stop it. He would be having his last breakfast with Lisa and then soon she would be gone. He knew how these things went, you'd say that you'd stay in contact but then work and boyfriends and family would get in the way and soon it would be the odd text at Christmas... before nothing. Not a dickybird. No clue as to how that person is and what they are up to. He'd spent practically every day for nearly a decade with Lisa and now she was leaving.
Jack frowned as he padded barefoot back into the bedroom, Ianto still hadn't moved.
"Come on" he chided, pulling the duvet off of Ianto. "We need to get ready for the movers."
Jack's eyes narrowed as Ianto didn't even fight for the warmth of the duvet. "Yan?"
Ianto moved his head into the pillow, trying to suppress the tears leaking out of his eyes. "I'm fine" he mumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow. "Stick the kettle on yeah?"
Jack hesitated before deciding that Ianto clearly needed some time alone. "Okay" he whispered.
Ianto gave into his tears as his bedroom door softly clicked shut.
Jack paused in the hallway, instinctively knowing what was wrong and trying to work out what to do. After a few moments he came to a decision and softly knocked on Lisa's door.
"Hello?" Lisa called.
Jack turned the handle and let himself in. "Hi" he said quietly.
"Hi" said Lisa, looking surprised. "Is everything okay?"
Jack shifted his feet and finally made eye contact, "I think Yan needs you."
Lisa looked at him for a moment before whispering, "thanks."
"I'll stick the kettle on" Jack said, smiling tightly.
Ianto heard the bedroom door opening and quickly wiped his eyes, "I'm coming."
"It's me" Lisa said softly.
Ianto turned around in surprise, "Lisa?"
Lisa walked across and perched on the end of the bed. She patted Ianto's shoulder and said, "Jack said that we needed to chat."
Ianto pulled a face, "great, now he'll think-"
"He understands Yan" Lisa interrupted. "Or else he wouldn't have told me to come in."
Ianto sat up and shifted so that he was sat next to Lisa. "It's going to be odd not seeing you all the time."
"I know" Lisa said, tears welling in her eyes. "But it's for the best."
"I know" Ianto said simply. He took one of Lisa's hands in his own and they sat in silence, contemplating yet another big change in their lives and relationship.
"We'll stay in touch" Lisa said determinedly. "A bit of space will do us good Yan. We've been living in this bubble where we would have ended up staying together in some sort of weird platonic relationship."
Ianto nodded, "you're right and you deserve a guy who can do more for you. Give you everything."
"Oh Ianto" Lisa whispered, placing a hand on his face and looking into his eyes. "You did. You were the best person I could have ever fallen in love with." She pressed her forehead against Ianto's and closed her eyes, "I just wish that I could have been everything you wanted."
Ianto went to open his mouth but Lisa shook her head and moved her body away from him. "Don't Yan" she whispered. "Our time together was great but now... now you never know Jack might be everything you need. I'm glad that you have him in your life."
Ianto gave a wobbly smile, "he is special." Ianto swallowed heavily and pulled Lisa into a hug, "I'm glad we had the time that we did."
"Me too" Lisa whispered, closing her eyes tightly and trying to memorise the feeling of Ianto in her arms.
A short time later Lisa and Ianto walked into the kitchen to the sight of Jack expertly flipping pancakes.
"Hey" Jack grinned. He slid the pancake onto a plate and said, "I figured you'd like a great big American breakfast to set up the day."
"That sounds great thanks Jack" Lisa said. "It's going to be a long day."
"A big day" Ianto said softly.
Lisa's mobile began to ring and she pulled it out of her dressing gown pocket. "It's my mum" she said, "won't be long."
Lisa left the kitchen and left the two men alone. Jack set aside the frying pan and turned around fully to look at Ianto, "you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah thanks" Ianto said, smiling tiredly. "Just kind of hit me that's all."
Jack smiled understandingly, "of course it will. You should have seen me when it truly sunk in that my marriage was over."
Ianto closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Thank you" he whispered.
The next couple of hours seemed to go by in a rush for Ianto. They had eaten and dressed in what felt like a few moments and before they knew it the removal men had arrived to load up their van. The seemingly endless piles of boxes soon dwindled to none and soon it was finally time to say goodbye.
"You sure that you don't want a hand unloading it all at your place?" Jack asked, as he handed over the final box to be stored on the van.
Lisa smiled brightly, "no thanks Jack I have a team of helpers waiting for me apparently."
Ianto put an arm around her and squeezed sympathetically, "your mother interfering again?"
Lisa rolled her eyes, "would my mother interfere? Besides, all these hunky men getting sweaty and helping me unload my things? You'd just want to ogle them and that's my job."
They all chuckled but soon an awkward silence enveloped them.
"I'll just go and check that you have everything" Jack said, heading back to the entrance of the flats. He knew that Lisa had already checked but he felt that they needed to say their goodbyes in private.
Lisa took Ianto's hand and squeezed it gently, "I think we said all we needed to say earlier" she said quietly.
"Yeah" Ianto said softly, a strange feeling of acceptance fell over him.
"Once I'm ready I'll have a housewarming, I'll send you and Jack an invite" Lisa said.
Ianto smiled, "thanks. We'll come."
"You better" Lisa laughed.
She eyed Jack coming back out of the building and said, "right I best go."
Lisa looked down to Myfanway sat at Ianto's feet and petted her head, "bye girl."
Myfanwy whined and butted her head against Lisa's hand, making her smile sadly. Ianto registered Jack's hand on his shoulder and stepped back so that he was pressed against Jack's front, seeking the support that he needed.
"Bye guys" Lisa said, moving towards her car.
"Goodbye Lisa."
Later as Ianto wandered around the flat, he couldn't help but think that it seemed empty; pictures that had hung on the wall for years were gone, he opened the kitchen cupboards and half the plates and cups had disappeared and Lisa's beauty products had vanished from the bathroom.
It truly set it when Ianto opened the door to Lisa's room and found nothing but carpet and curtains. Ianto stared at the empty room for a moment and then shut the door firmly.
He walked into the living room and smiled as he saw Myfanwy lying on the floor, her belly being fussed by Jack. Ianto sat next to Jack and smiled as Myfanwy immediately sat up and started pawing at his jeans.
"You okay?" Jack asked.
"Yeah" Ianto said. "She needed to leave, we both needed it."
"So you can move on" Jack said quietly.
Ianto looked into Jack's eyes and said, "Jack... I already have."
Jack smiled and caught Ianto's lips in a soft kiss. "Good" he whispered.