Draco: Ooki... *flops in beanbag* I needed to do something that didn't involve too much thinking without being a complete lack of brain power. I decided: someone else's characters, alternate universe... Good...no character development...no having to try to stay within a certain series boundary... Ooki...good... So...here goes!


"Every night and every morn, some to misery are born"

Omi walked into the new school nervously. His big, blue eyes swept the empty hallway past thick, black eyeliner. He hugged his vinyl jacket around himself and pulled his backpack up. Oh the horrible feeling of being lost. Where was the stupid guidance office anyway?

As he wandered aimlessly, he heard an odd clicking noise, echoing from behind him. He stopped, frowning and listened. What was that? The noise closed in on him rapidly, soon accompanied by a loud, high voice.

"LalaLAAAAAAAA...!" A short, blonde girl shouted as she raced around the corner. Her boots thudded along the floor along with the clicking, which was coming from the junk attached to a backpack far too heavy for her thin frame, as she did a high speed waddle down the hall. When she saw Omi, she tried to stop, and succeeded in overcompensating for her luggage and falling flat on her face.

Omi blinked. "Uh...you okay?"

"Mmph phph!" She stood up with a grunt. "'M fine! Gotta work on those brakes."

"Err...yeah...uh..." he muttered warily. "Do you know where the guidance office is?"

"Guidance?" She laughed. "Why would a pretty, lil, goth boy like you need guidance? I think you've guided yourself quite nicely! It's not like we freaks ever get in trouble or anything! Hey! I don't know you, do I?" She looked absolutely astonished. "A freak I don't know! Ye gods! Blasphemy!"

Omi blushed. "Uh...I'm new here..."

"Oh!" Her eyes widened , then she grinned and held out a hand. "Hi! I'm Heather, but friends call me Dragon!"

Omi smiled nervously and accepted the hand. "I'm Omi. Nice to meet you. Now...uh...guidance?"

"Hai!" Heather pulled her sweat jacket back up on her shoulders and hitched her backpack up as well. "Actually, that's where I'm headed. I'm running late for a peer counseling, no da?"

The blonde laughed, and motioned for him to follow as she somehow managed to bounce away. After a moment's hesitation, Omi did, at a bit of a distance. It was not out of a wish to avoid association, but an attempt to avoid getting hit by a wad of keychains.

Heather led him into an office where a secretary took down their names and told them to sit in the waiting room. The two of them took seats, and Omi amused himself by examining the seemingly endless supply of trinkets attached to the his new friend's bag. There were Care Bears, Invader ZIM, Emily Strange, and other assorted trademark items. Chains and rainbows, pins and a pacifier, and so much more adorned the black canvas. He played with the rainbow ribbon on the one side, looking up as another person entered the room.

His eyes wee greeted by quite a sight. A leather jacket and chains over a tight, black T-shirt. Tight, black jeans went down to black Dr. Martens. Omi stared at the body in front of him, trying not to drool too obviously, until it registered that Heather was talking to its owner.

"Hey Aya!" She laughed.

Omi looked up to the serious face of his new friend's friend. He wished he could se better past the red hair that fell frustratingly across the boy's face. Then he blushed at the realization that he had really thought about that. There was no way this Aya was gay, was there?

"Oh yeah!" Heather smacked her forehead and hitched a thumb to Omi. "This is Omi. Isn't he a cutie?"

Aya gave an almost amused smirk as he pulled something out of his pocket and used it to tie his hair back some. It was some sort of headband. Omi blushed brighter. It was a rainbow bandana. So maybe he was gay.

"Omi," the blonde continued, "meet Aya. He's one of my best friends."

"Hi," Omi squeaked.

How embarrassing! Blushing and squeaking! He must look like such an idiot!

"Hey. Nice shirt," Aya replied.

Omi blinked and looked down at his chest, clad in a Type O' Negative T-shirt turned tank top. He smiled back up nervously.


The secretary walked over and tapped him on the shoulder then. "Mrs. Sydney can see you now."

"Oh...uh...okay..." he stammered, climbing to his feet and heaving his backpack onto his shoulder. He gave Heather and Aya a tentative smile. "Uh...thanks again... Nice meeting you."

As he walked toward the door the secretary led him to, the smile almost became dreamy. Boy he hoped he would meet them again, especially Aya. Omi was beginning to think he might like this new school.


Draco: Ooki...whatcha think? Should I continue? Or should I divert my attention to something else?