Chapter 1: Prologue

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid


The blond boy looked up into the sky.

It was already dark, and the only source of light was the moon. Not just any moon, but a full moon.

People long ago believed in werewolves. The savage beasts who would prey on helpless villagers without mercy. These beasts only appear on nights of the full moon, where they would start their hunt. It was all a vicious cycle. Modern day skeptics, however, just brushed this legend aside. These legends however, were partly true. There are werewolves roaming about at night. Any night. Even though the werewolves could go into wolf form at any night, regardless of the shape of the moon, their strength would rise and fall according to it. The fuller the moon is, the better. Same goes for their healing abilities. Another thing is that they do not transform into a wolf-like beasts walking around on two legs. They transform into beautiful, sleek wolves. If you get bitten, you become a werewolf. Lies and utter rubbish. You can only become a creature of the night if you are truly willing to. Humans had twisted the legend so much, we no longer know the facts anymore. Look around you, for all you know, people you know are not of this world.

The supernatural beings had learnt to blend in, only because humans failed to understand them. They all had the stereotypical thought that these beings would gladly kill you. Humans shunned them and killed them without mercy. Look who's the real beast? They had to blend in or risk being killed. It was for survival, as they act like humans.

Humans are such a cruel species, Len thought bitterly. He continued walking down the road, heading towards his home. His mind was normally devoid of any other thoughts, unless he had something important to think about. He would rather spend his time relaxing, than to worry everyday about someone else finding out about his true identity.

However, his thoughts trailed to Rin when he pondered about the stereotypical thought on humans.

She's an exception, and a very special one. She was really kind. Even though she had known him for very long, she could not tell that he had a crush on her. She was naive and gullible, but in an adorable and cute way. They were best of friends in school, while new members of the school constantly mistaken them for twins. It's not their fault they look alike!

But, if she knows what I truly am, I'll risk losing my dearest friend. I know that I would be totally lost without her.

Len frowned and sighed, almost in depression. He had thought about this many times, and had imagined Rin's negative reaction about the truth many times. Fate just had to be cruel to him. Len drooped his head, and walked back home, fists clenched tightly.

He was lost. He did not know what he should do. Should he tell her the truth?

Okay. I thought that the prologue was too short. So I lengthened it. By about a miserable 100 words. LOL. I wanna play Aion. Anyways, school ish over for me! *cheers*

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