Disclaimer: of course, Sailor Moon isn't mine, I'm just writing a half-wit fanfic :) Hope you enjoy!

As a bit of a prelude, I'm writing this off the top of my head, so bare with me. Usagi and friends are freshmen in college. As a little sidie type note thing, I'm very nervous about writing this, seeing how I don't know much about Japanese culture and traditions and I haven't revisited Sailor Moon since like… yesterday.

"Usagi!" Papa called from down the platform, "Come and give your Mother another hug!" I resisted the temptation to stomp my foot and plop down on the concrete refusing to move. But I was beyond that! In public…

I sighed, trudging back to the Tsukino family unit.

"All aboard!" the conductor leaned out the door.

Good grief, my mom is more held together than Papa. As I approached, he inhaled a long snotty breath.

"Shingo, take care of the house while I'm gone," he stuck his tongue out at me when the 'rents weren't looking.

"Mama," she winked nodding toward Papa. I smiled embracing them both in a tight hug. Papa pulled away, holding me by the shoulders so he could stare into my eyes.

"Usagi, there is to be NO fooling about at college!" Papa said sternly. I began laughing, almost hysterically at the thought of having any kind of boyfriend.

"Don't worry Papa!" I pecked him quickly on the cheek before grabbing all of my luggage.

"Well, I've gotta get on that train before it leaves," I waved before running back to the train.

"Bye honey! I packed an extra little something in your suitcase!" Mama called after me.

Not that I expect to get a whole lot of feedback from this, seeing as it's just a tiny little chapter, I'll get the second up right away! I hope whoever's reading this enjoys it :)