hay another brand new story hope you like

okay listen here, i know vampires can't have kids but this is my story so deal with it or don't read.

So this is my story, Isabella Marie Esme Cullen is a chosen one along with Harry James Potter. Her parents Esme and Carlisle Cullen gave her up and now 17 years later they are reunited, what could happen and Carlisle and Esme were both wizard and witch before they were changed.

Hay, hay hope you guys are ready for the next chapter, I have done my exams and won't know intill january how well i did. So i am on 2 month holidays so i should update all my stories. {:~)

Chapter 3
Last time
"Okay let the Feast begin" he said and food covered the table. I pushed my food away and layed my head on the table. "How could he do this to me". I asked.

The feast finished and Dumbledore stood up and everyone went quite. I turned to him. As a storm started raging outside. My emotions turning from sad to anger very quickly
"Ofcause there are new head prefects this year andi would like them to stand up" He said I groaned and looked at Harry, he nodded and we both stood up. There were cheers from all over the Great hall but boo's coming over from the Slytherin. We sat down and looked at Malfoy, his face was so funny, shock was written across his pale face. I snickered, and looked back at Dumbledore who started talking again.
"I would like to see the Head Girl and Boy in my office after the feast. Now Bed pip pip" He finished and looked over at me. I turned and put my head on the table, a sigh escaped my lips as my friends left patting me on my back.
"Bella come on, we have to go up to Dumbledores office" He said and i got up. We left to go up to the seventh floor to the large ugly stone gargoyle. "Chocolate Frog" I said and the Gargoyle leaped aside and the stairs started to move. We got on and waited, we pushed his door open and inside was him and Professor Lupin.
"Remus," I yelled and ran over to him, he pulled me into the ordinary fatherly hug. I let go and stepped away so Harry could hug him.
Dumbledore stood up and started to apologise "Bella I am sorry but we needed the protection, with the Voldemort at large it would help all of us sleep at night" I nodded looking down at the carpet. I heard him come around his desk and i was pulled into a hug. I looked up int his face and smiled. "Thank you Uncle" I Said and put my head on his chest.
"So to another problem" He said "Do you want me to tell them" I pulled my head away and I shock my head.
"I would like them to figure it out on there own. Its a good thing i had my shield around everyone that knows my past" I said and he nodded understanding where i was coming from. We both let go and i held my hand out to Harry.
"Is there anything alse Professors" Harry asked and they nodded explaining about our duties. We left hand in hand discussing Quidditch and how we are going to smash Slytherin in October but we would have to start early. We reached the Fat lady and she smiled.
"Hello Bella, Harry good to see you. Password please" She asked and we smiled back
"Good to see you madam Lady and the password is Lion." I said back and she swung forward.
We entred and saw the cullens standing at the back talking. I was suddenly pulled into a hug by the youngest Weasly.
"Are you okay Bella" She asked.
"I am fine Ginny but thanks. I am going up to bed" I said back and headed to the top of the stairs and to the right. One the door was the sign Year 7 & 6 Ginerva. W, Hermione. G, Isabella. C, Alice. C, Rosalie. H. Oh crap not only were the in my house but I also had to share a room with them. I new what to do. I opened my truck and got out a quill and parchment. Time to imform the Big gun.

Auntie Molly

Hope you are ok and happy having a quit house. I miss you and
Uncle Arthur very much. Say hi to Sirius when you see him.
Head Girl duties are okay. We got 5 new students and 2 new
member of staff. Oh and guess what its, the cullens. I started
crying in the great hall when they came in. I miss them but

the really hurt me i don't know what to do. I will send this
with Emmalie as soon as I find her. It is going to be difficult.
I don't know if they will find out who I am or if I should tell
them. I made a huge storm. It was funny. And Draco Malfoys
face when he found out, I was Head Girl was so pricelice.
Miss you.

Love Bella

P.S Esme Cullen is the new potions master.

I folded it up and put Molly Weasly on it. I headed back to the common room, when I got there i saw only my friends and the cullens up. The Cullens were looking Green and glaring at the others.
"Hi Bells" harry said when he saw me " I thought you said you were going to bed" I smiled at him.
"I was writing to Aunt Molly, have you seen Emmalie?" I asked and they gasped. Harry shock his head to my question.
"You are writting to Mom, boy she is going to go nuts" Ron said shaking his head.
"That is my intention"I said giving them my evil smile and they laughed at my words.
"Oh you are bad" Ron said
"Don't you know it" I said. We all started laughing. There was a sudden hoot, and a gust of wind. I looked towards the window to see my pure black owl come in. I smiled.
"Emmalie, please come here" I called to her and looked towards the cullens. There eyes full of shock at an owl being so close to people. I chuckled. I felt pressure on my shoulder and Ilooked to see Emmalie there. I pulled out a piece of string and tied the letter to her leg.
"Take this to Aunt Molly, Okay" I said to her and she nipped my ear then took of."Bye, have a safe flight." there were chuckles from behind me. I turned sharply and harry pointed over my shoulder. The Cullens were just standing there with there mouths open. I laughed this time and me, hermione and ginny started upstairs. We changed and fell asleep as soon as we hit the pillow.

I opened my eyes from my reoccurring nightmare. I looked at my clock to find it 4am. I pulled back my curtinsand got up. I looked and saw the Cullen's "Sleeping". I pulled my uniform out. My white shirt, Gold and scarlet neck tie, Black pletted skirt, grey sweater vest and black robe with Gryffindor logo. I pulled outmy Grey knee highs and then my black shoses. I walked downstairs. The common room was of-cause empty, I stepped out of the hole and headed towards the prefects bathroom. I got to the protrat and said "Dumbledore" It swung forward . I just got into the bath when a voice came from behind. I turned to see Myrtle.
"Hi Myrtle, how are you. Still spying on people I see" I said smiling.
"And you are down in the dumps again." She sighed then contunied. "Is it because of the other Cullens?" This time I sighed. I looked at her and got out. I dried and dressed quickly. I sent my back to my dorm and put my wand in my arm holster. I walked out and down towards the great hall. I took my time, I love this time of day it is so peaceful, because there is no students or teachers to get on my nerves. I pushed the doors open and sat down at Gryffindor table.
A pop came out of no where. I looked and to my left was the house-elf Dobby.
"What would you like this morning Miss Bella" He asked bowing. I smiled at him.
"Surprise me, Dobby" I said and he bowed again and disappeared with another pop. Mearly secounds later he appeared with a goblet. He handed it to me and was gone. I smelt it and drained it in one. Lions Blood my favourite.
"Dobby" I called. he reappeared, I gave him the goblet and asked "Do you have any elk" he nodded and left. I sat there looking at the sky. The great halls doors opened and in came the Cullen kids. I looked at my watch i got for my seventeenth birthday. 4:59. hmm must not of wanted to pretend anymore. There was a pop and the cullens turned to me. Dobby was by my side holding a goblet. I smiled and took it from him.
"Thanks can you get me some breakfast" I asked, he nodded and bowed. As soon as he was gone the Cullens asked Questions
"What in the world was that" Rosalie asked I chuckled and took a sip of my blood. Not as sweet as lion.
"That was a house-elf, Hogwarts as over a hundred of them." And drunk more of my elk.
"Is that blood" Jasper asked and I nodded draining the rest. Just as Dobby repaired with my breakfast. The smell was devine.
"Thank you dobby, oh I have got something for you" I pulled out a new pair of socks and a sweater. I past them to him and a smile came across his face.
"Oh thank you, Miss Bella. You are too kind even when you set Dobby free, you are still nice to Dobby. He said and looked at me.
"That is okay Dobby, you saved both mine and harrys life many times, you should head back to the kitchens. oh and give Harry a wake up call. Both him and Ron sleep in." I said he nodded and bowed again then left. I ate my breakfast while the cullens just sat there looking at me. I snorted and finished my food.
"So you guys are just going to sit there looking at me rather than eat food that you will have to vomit up later. Great choice if I do say so." I said and chuckled at there expressions. "And yes i do know what you are, all of the DA do"
The doors opened and incame the staff. None of which were surprised to see me there. Remus came in and looked at me. I got and gave him a hug.
"Hi Remus, I didn't get a chance to ask you last night. How came you are back? and what about Tonks, Izzy and Teddy" I asked and he chuckled
"Dumbledore needed me and they are fine and at the weasleys" He said with a sigh. ( In my story remus and tonks had twins, ted and isabella) I nodded and saw that he was sad. I saw professor McGonagall come in
"Professor McGonagall can me and Harry hold tryouts on saturday" I asked. She looked at me and nodded.
"I will see if it is available. Professor Sentra is head of Slytherin house this year" She said with a smiled.
"We are going to win again this year I know it" I replied. And she walked towards the teachers table. I had just sat down when the doors brust open to find Harry Potter, and Ronald Weasley in there soaking wet. The few students that were in the hall started laughing.
"ISABELLA CULLEN-POTTER-WEASLEY" They yelled running over to me, the tackled me pining me to the floor.
"Did you guys like your wake up call" I asked laughing hard. They scofted and walked out, with me on the floor laughing my head of. Hermione and ginny came in gigling. I got up and sat back at the table.
"Hi Bella" a voice said from behind. I looked and saw Luna.
"Hey Luna, sit have breakfast with me" I said and she nodded. The other sat down.
"So did you guys like the boys wake up call" I asked and all 3 started laughing again.
"It was great Bells" Ginny said. 10 minutes later the boys came back in, dry and in there uniform.
"Oh Harry, McGonagall is going to try and get the pitch for us this saturday" I Said to him as both he and Ron stuffed there faces with food. Ron looked up
"I am so going to be keeper this year again" He said and Hermione rolled her eyes. I snickered.
"It would be so good if we win the Quidditch cup this year again that would be 5 years in a row" Ginny said jumping up and down.
"Are you guys even going to put a team together this year because you are not going to win." A slide vioce came from behind, we turned to find the ferret himself standing there with his clones right behind him.
"Oh hello Malfoy, you do know that we have smashed slytherin in all its games for 6 years. You don't think you will beat us now do you." I asked his face turned into a snarl.
"Well maybe there will be a Dementor or two." He snarled I laughed
"Yeah, well make like the ferret you are and Bounce" I replied and there were laughs from all around.
"Oh well atleast my parents didn't dump me like trash" He said laughing. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at his neck.

Hope you guys liked that, Review and tell me if there is anything wrong. tell me what bella should do about Malfoy. Please review.
