A/N: I apologize for how long it took me to get this chapter up; I've been very busy lately with preparing to go back to school. And...I'm so sorry for Howard's reaction. I didn't mean to write it this way, I SWEAR! I'll try to make a happy ending, I promise I'll try. I feel bad torturing poor Raj.

Warnings: Okay, this chapter is rated M due to hateful language on Howard's part, and somewhat disturbing content from Howard's past.

***If anyone guesses where I am getting the title/chapter names from, you win my love forever. Forever.***

Chapter 3: Wait Another Day

"Wh-what?" Raj's face paled. He hadn't expected Howard to react this badly.

"Seriously, thanks a fucking lot." Howard spit out, getting angrier and angrier, "Way to fuck up our friendship. I honestly thought you cared about me…as a friend, not some fucked up pervert who probably watches me in the shower. Great, now I have another dirty faggot in my life. Never. Touch. Me. Again."

Raj just stood there shaking as Howard stalked towards the door. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! He wanted to stop him, he needed to touch him just one last time, to convince him to stay with Raj. Tears began to flow from Raj's eyes as he took off after Howard.

"Wait," he yelled as he pulled at Howard's arms, "Please, just wait!"

Howard stopped and whipped around to face him.

"What do you want now, pussy?" he spat out like acid, face red.

Raj wrapped his arms tightly around the other man. It was his best attempt to win him over. Howard pushed him off with all his might, and then punched him square in the jaw. Raj tumbled backwards in surprise, hitting the ground with a thump. His tailbone hurt like a bitch and his lip was split and bleeding profusely into his mouth. He leaned over and spit it out. Raj wanted to give up, and just crawl home in shame. But then he looked up at Howard. His eyes were glistening, and he looked like he would rather be in the grave than standing here. Raj braced himself slowly and stood up. His head was still spinning from the punch. Howard was stronger than he looked. Raj took a step towards Howard. Howard looked at Raj with eyes that were filled with some very strong emotion, possibly guilt.

"N-no," Howard whimpered, "Please, just…just go away."

"No," said Raj with a renewed passion, "Just tell me why."

"I…can't," muttered Howard as the tears began to fall.

Raj once again wrapped his arms around the other man, but this time Howard buried his face in Raj's neck instead of pushing him away. As Howard quietly sobbed, Raj rubbed his back gently. After having held Howard for quite a few minutes, Raj began to feel the impact of the injuries that had been inflicted on him. Blood from his lip was dripping on to Howard's back. He led Howard over to the couch and sat him down before walking slowly over to the freezer. Raj didn't want Howard to feel too guilty about punching him. That could wait. He opened the door and pulled out a freezer pack for his jaw. Before walking back to the couch he also grabbed some tissues to try to stop the bleeding from his lip.

He limped awkwardly back to the couch with his belongings, and began to tend to his own injuries. He balled up the tissue and began to gently prod at the split in his lip. He winced as it throbbed painfully. Howard reached over hesitantly to grab the ice pack. He lifted it gently to Raj's rapidly swelling jaw, almost as a sort of peace offering. Raj looked at him thankfully. They sat like that for a few long minutes, until Raj broke the silence. He had to know why Howard had reacted that way.

"Please," he said gently but firmly, "Just tell me why."

Howard drew the icepack away from Raj's jaw and set it in his lap. He studied it intensely. Finally he spoke:

"It…it was when I was a kid," he began hesitantly, "I was at Hebrew school, and he was the rabbi."

Raj gasped, startled at Howard's implications.

"You mean…he…? How far did he…you know?"

"He took every part of me that he could get his filthy dick into."

With this confession, Howard couldn't help but break down into tears again. Raj set aside the ball of bloody tissues and took Howard completely into his arms. He pet his hair gently as he asked one last question.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

Howard lifted his head to look straight into Raj's eyes. Raj thought his heart would melt at the swirling mess of emotions he saw in them. He grabbed Howard's hand in encouragement. Howard flinched. Raj looked away. He knew that it would take time for Howard to answer his question. And somehow, sitting here with Howard in his arms, he was fine with that. It could wait another day.

So there you are folks, chapter three! Wonder why Howard didn't tell anyone about what happened to him, or why Raj is so forgiving of his douchey moves? Tune in next time* to find out!

*there will totally probably maybe be a "next time." Heh.