Here it is! The sequel to Why Me? that I know you've all been looking forward to!

WARNING: May contain depression from a certain sexy Russian. That's all I'm saying.

Disclaimer: I don't own VA.

I'll shut up now so you can read


It had been exactly one week since Rose had woken up. One week since she lost her memory. One week of sadness and heartbreak.

Rose didn't remember anything. Not even her name. It was complete amnesia. Lissa constantly brought up memories she had of Rose. My favorite was how they had first become friends on the first day of her kindergarten. They were learning how to spell their names. Rose, infuriated with the teacher, had chucked a book at their teacher and called her a fascist bastard. When Lissa started telling stories like this, Rose never spoke. She just shook her head and her eyes widened fearfully.

Adrian never left his room. When he did, he made sure he was so drunk he wouldn't remember it the next morning. He looked worse than Lissa, which meant I probably looked like I'd been through hell and back—twice.

Christian was always with Lissa, rubbing her back and murmuring soothing words to her in her ear. He held her while she cried after Rose rejected yet another memory. He didn't let her see the sadness that filled him when he looked at Rose or me, or the tears I saw glistening in his eyes almost every day. I wasn't jealous of Christian, though. I knew to him, it felt like he had lost a sister.

As for the bond Rose and Lissa shared, it was unclear if it still existed or not. Dr. Olendzki stuck to the theory that Rose was unconsciously blocking it. Lissa was constantly letting her emotions get out of control so she could watch Rose for any sign that she had slipped into Lissa's head. Constantly, she was disappointed.

I didn't say anything to Rose. It would hurt too much to not see the happiness, love, and recognition in her eyes, so I sat in the corner and examined her. For most of the day, she was looking down at her hands. Every so often, she would look at me curiously. When she did, I would shift my eyes away, embarrassed and knowing she was wondering who the hell I was.

"Dimitri, it's almost time for your shift." Alberta's voice came from the doorway. I looked up at her and nodded wordlessly. All the way out the door, I felt Rose's gaze on my back.

"You'll be patrolling the back half of the campus." She told me. I nodded again. "Belikov!" She called after me. I turned. "It's okay to talk and smile you know."

I smiled at her mockingly. "I am smiling and talking."

I patrolled the grounds desperately trying to get Rose out of my head.

The way her eyes would sparkle with love and happiness when she looked at me… Her beautiful laugh that immediately brightened up my day, no matter what kind of mood I was in. Hell, I even missed her annoying, inaccurate nickname for me. Comrade. God, she was so… frustrating. And wonderful. I would give anything to hear her voice, to run my fingers through her long silky hair, to kiss her…

My eyes filled with tears. Clearly, patrol did nothing to distract me. I stopped walking and slid down to the ground. I sighed, my eyes slipping shut.

"Dimitri? Are you okay?" I groaned. Damn. Caught resting on patrol Alberta was going to give me hell. Celeste was in front of me, standing uncertainly. "Alberta sent me to relieve you early." She explained. "Are you okay?"

Smiling tightly, I pushed myself up and off the ground. "I'm fine. Why am I being relieved early?" I asked, to change the subject. The other guardians still didn't know about my relationship with Rose. They all just thought we were really close friends.

Celeste shrugged. "I can't tell you that. She didn't even tell me. But I think you need some rest. No offense, but you look like hell." Yea, sure, way to be subtle, Celeste. Offense taken. "Is it true that Rose lost all of her memory?"

I winced, but did my best to mask my emotions. "Yes," I answered slowly.

"I'm sorry. I now that you two were close," Celeste said awkwardly. I nodded stiffly and walked away as fast as I could.

I awoke the next morning to a frantic banging on my door. Through all the noise, I heard someone screaming my name. They sounded frantic and scared.

"Dimitri! Dimitri, please! Open your door!" Lissa sounded on the verge of tears. Crap. Could my life not be dramatic for two seconds.

Going as fast as I could after just waking up, I wrenched the door open. Lissa pushed past me and looked around frantically.

"Princess, what's wrong?" I asked, totally clueless.

She whirled around to face me and I registered her blotchy, tearstained face and red eyes almost right away.

"Is she here? Oh God, please tell me she's here!" Lissa cried, and more tears ran down her face. I did a quick sweep of my room, just to check. Yup, it was empty, except for us two. What was I supposed to do with the Princess? I had never been good with tears. I decided to try to get some answers before freaking out, like I could feel I was about to do.

"Is who here? What the hell is going on?" I demanded, anxiety running through me.

Lissa let out a small whimper. "Rose. Is Rose here?"

My heart stopped."No," I said briefly. I prayed Lissa was just messing with me and Rose was actually in the hospital, sleeping.

"Lissa!" I turned. Standing in my doorway was a panting and sweaty Christian. He hurried to her side. "Liss, calm down. It's okay."

Shaking, Lissa folded into him. My mind was a blank. Christian met my eyes above Lissa's head. I stared at him, terrified of what he would tell me. "Please don't tell me…" I whispered.

Christian nodded sorrowfully. "She's gone Belikov. She escaped a few hours ago."

Sooo… How was the first chapter? I know, it's kinda depressing…

Reviews would be appreciated :)