Big Time Five

Summary: The four boys meet in on their first day of Kindergarten at playtime.

AN: Well, I felt I should write something other then Glee to make sure a could still write other characters!

Kendall squirmed as his mother tried to comb his brownish-blonde hair into something somewhat neat, instead of the messy, well mess, it always was. "Mommy stop! Stop! I'm hungry and I might just eat my hair anyway!" he yelled. Ms. Knight sighed she let go of her only son.

"What do you want for breakfast Kenny"

"Mommy, I'm a big boy now, it's Kendall and I want to get breakfast myself" he said proudly. Ms. Knight sat down surprised."No mommy, you need to get my hat from upstairs" he said as if it were even more obvious then the fact toast is cooked bread.

"Okay fine, were is it?"

"In my room, under my bed"

"Okay, but I don't want you starting until I'm back, got it?"

"Yes" he smiled, but as soon as she was out of sight he pulled a chair over of the freezer and got out some fishsticks, he then jumped down grabbed a bottle of chocolate syrup and sprayed it on all twenty-five of them. He finished the entire box so his mom wouldn't know what he had done and washed of his plate to destroy the evidence.

"I couldn't find it Kendall but it's time to go!" she said sprinting down the stairs. Kendall felt sick, but followed her anyway, backpack in hand, afraid to say anything.


"What's wrong with you?" a little boy asked Kendall about five minutes after is mom left.

"I don't fell good" Kendall muttered

"Oh, you can try of lucky helmet, it always makes me fell better!" he smiled, and took his blue hockey helmet with a red lightning bolt of the side off and handed it to Kendall, he just looked at it. "I'm Carlos Garcia"

"Hey, that's a very aero-dynamite-ic helmet" Another little boy mused as he walked over. "I'm Logan Mitchell, future doctor" As soon as Logan had, another boy walked over.

"Hey, I can see my reflection in it!" he smiled "You're looking good James Diamond"

"What's your name?" Carlos asked Kendall.

"I'm, uh, I'm" Kendall didn't get to finish before his fishstick and chocolate syrup breakfast was in Carlos's helmet. He looked up sheepishly. Carlos was on the verge of tears, then started to wail, Logan looked at the sick, interested, and James was still trying to admire himself, though from a distance this time.

"Fishsticks and chocolate syrup" Logan muttered

"No, I'm Kendall" he said confused.

"I was talking about your breakfast, why did you have cereal or something normal?"

"I wanted fishsticks" he shrugged " and I couldn't reach anything but chocolate syrup"

"You must have eaten too much, cause that is the most vomit I've ever seen come out of a five year old"

"I think I did, I didn't want Mommy to find the evidence" The teacher, Mrs. Evans (Thanks little sis for the name :) ) rushed over then, noticing the wailing Carlos and then Kendall's breakfast.

"Are you okay Kendall?" she asked him

"I feel better now, Logan said I ate too much, he's a doctor" Kendall said matter-of-factly.

"In-training" Logan added.

"Alright, but I still calling the nurse to come check you out" she told him, then turned to Carlos "What's wrong Carlos?"

"Kendall threw-up in my helmet" he sobbed. Kendall felt really bad about it."I'll buy you a new helmet" he said

"A real big-boy one" Carlos asked threw tears.

"Yep a real big boy one, and a pinky promise I won't throw-up in it. Never,ever, ever." Carlos smiled.


"Hey wait, will I be able to see my reflection in it?" James asked, rushing back over to join the group.

"Yep, it will be super shiny" Kendall said proudly.

"Hey, we should play block hockey" Carlos exclaimed "to sell-a-bait my new helmet"

The nurse showed up then and declared, by school policy, Kendall had to go home for the day.

"No, Kendall has to stay, because now we're best friends and we are going to play block hockey" Carlos whined.

"He's not contact-a-gious, let him stay" Logan pleaded.

"Yeah, I wanted to play block hockey with the shiny new blocks!" James added.

"No boys, Kendall has to go" she told them "but you can play tomorrow"

"But what if we aren't best friends tomorrow?" Carlos asked.

"Don't worry Carlos, we'll be best friends for a hundred years!"

The three boys waved to Kendall as he walked down the hallway with the nurse, knowing tomorrow, they would see him again.


Did you like it? This is my first BTR fic ever!

If people review and say they like it maybe I'll write more BTR fics.

If you don't review, I'll just stick to Glee.