Again, Super Sorry for not updating for a while! I'm suffering from L.W.G.B.T.S.S. (Lazy writers going back to school syndrome). If you have a question I'll address it at the end of each chapter. Don't take it personally if I didn't address it (I just probably forgot about it :/ ) Just keep badgering me until I do.

I do not own the HP franchise or any other the characters. If I did, Fred would of lived and married me. XD And GASPLudwig owns Melissa Anne Goldberg or a.k.a MAGZ.

Hope you enjoy!

P.S. I am really not sure what the time setting is because it started at New Years, then all of a sudden school was starting but there was still snow? I'm not sure (I might just be crazy)

-6th year , 4th book, maybe some GOF action (not sure), right before Christmas break (aka Yule Ball, might use it might not considering there has already been one). So basically Harry has already done the first task.

Chapter 8

(3rd Person)

Hogwarts was abuzz, girls giggling about their dates, boys wondering what to talk about with said girls. And some were just amusing themselves by throwing snowballs. The sky was the type of gray where it almost seemed as if God forgot to give the Earth a sky at all.

Even with Lavender giggling about how "Cuuuuuute!" she looked, Magz was able to distract her with an unwilling 5th year Gryffindor who "according" to Magz said that Lavender is "super hot." Finally she found George and Fred outside in a heated snowball fight with the Trio.


"Well that's not very fair." I teased. "Those three against you two."

"You're right Magz , it's not very fair. You should join their team, then it'll be fair." Fred said lobbing a snowball right over Ron's head causing him to look up while George pelted his stomach.

"Oomph!" Rong gasped "You think after 14 years with those two I'd know better." While everyone was laughing at Ron's snow covered front I slid behind George.

"I guess I could join their team…" I sighed rocking on my ankles "but I'd much rather do…this!" I dumped a pile of snow on Georges head.

"Oh no you didn't!" The snowy redhead said as he moved to grab me. I squealed and ran away from him, when he finally caught up to me he tackled me onto the ground. I wiped the snow from my eyes to see his freckled mug right in perfect kissing distance. This is the moment. I close my eyes waiting for it, but when I open my eyes I see him blushing and looking away, so I do the same.


KISS HER! KISS HER! My heart was shouting orders, but my head wouldn't listen. Don't get me wrong I really wanted to kiss her, but I couldn't. Kissing a girl right before a date would possibly make me the biggest prick in the entire world...I get up and extend my hand to Magz to help her get up. She accepts.


My heart was saying.. or rather yelling "PULL HIM BACK DOWN AND KISS HIM MAGZ! DO IT!"While my heart was countering with

"Shut up heart. You know that won't happen… I can't do that to Draco." So I let him hoist me up and off the snow.

(3rd Person) (A/N- Last POV change for this chapter I promise!...maybe)

Soon after the "almost first kiss" mishap Draco came out and went off with Magz arm in arm, leaving Georges face as red as his hair. Fred nudges him and motioned toward the castle with his head.

"Uhhh we'll see you guys later…" George said to the trio heading toward the castle with his twin. Once they were inside the castle alone Fred asked

"You ready to do this mate?"

"Yeah let's do this for Magz." George said confidently.

"For Magz…" Three seconds later, two identical blurs of red shot through the grounds towards Hogsmeade.

Ha! Yes! I finished typing it! *happy dance* You have nooo idea how hard it was for me not to write them kissing..well I did at first but then the story ended there and there was more I wanted to add… Well as always hope you liked it and if you didn't SORRY!

Please critique me, writers always need to grow. But don't be mean about it


Bad- Dude your story S**KS! MY DEAD GRANDMA COULD WRITE A BETTER STORY! Learn how to spell it's making my eyes bleed!

Good- You got a good idea for your story but you could try a, b, c, d e.c.t. Also you misspelled a, b, c, d e.c.t. (or just stop reading and don't comment)