Disclaimer: If I owned Bleach, then I would be living in a big ass mansion, have a Mclaren F1, indoor movie theater, and Yoruichi and Ichigo would be having a lot of scenes that would be just under the legal policy that Bleach may be under. Hell, Bleach would really become my favorite then. But I don't. I don't own Bleach, though it is fun to fantasize about how Bleach would've been if I did own it.

Chapter 1 Flashbacks

Somewhere, out there, in the soul society, you can hear a building fall, concrete crack, or steel crunch. Just the first few sounds got Ichigo tensed as he finally came out of the dangai into the soul society with his father, Isshin.

"Seems like they're already starting to destroy Karakura town. If we don't get there and do something soon, then they're going to level the place. Not to mention create the Ouken while they're at it.", Isshin commented.

"Then let's not wait here. The longer we do, the more innocent lives will be lost.", Ichigo replied, staring off into the direction that the sounds of destruction were coming from.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Yeah. Come on, let's finally end this thing and get this over with. Maybe then, life can go back to normal, at least for a little while."

"Please son, were soul reapers for cryin' out loud! Life for us will never be normal."

"I know that, but at least we won't have the entire Soul Society relying on us to pull off some damn miracle!" Ichigo shot back.

"Now what are you talking about? Were Kurosaki's! Were made of miracles, it's what we do." Isshin came back smoothly.

"Your looking at me like I'm nuts! I'm not the one tal-", before Ichigo can come back at his father with some rude comment, another wave of spiritual pressure came flying at them, followed by some more sounds of destruction. It finally clicked in Ichigo's mind that the whole time that he and Isshin were having some pointless argument, Aizen and Gin were destroying parts of the real Karakura town.

"Damn it, I can't believe that I'd let you distract me with your stupid idea of normalness while they try to level our town.", Ichigo muttered while wincing at the enormous amount of spiritual pressure around him.

"Well there's no point in just standing here. Come on, let's go defend it.", Isshin announced, also wincing at the pressure. Though he was having some trouble dealing with the immense amount of spiritual pressure around him, he couldn't help but feel proud that he wasn't doing this by himself, but he would be fighting along side his son, Ichigo. Just that thought, though he tried to conceal it, left a cross of a heart-warming grin and a arrogant smirk on his face.

Looking back at his dad, Ichigo made eye contact with him and nodded, showing he was ready. After Isshin responded with a nod of his own, they both flash-stepped out of existence.

While Aizen and Gin were starting to destroy Karakura town and Ichigo and Isshin were having a 'Father-Son moment', as Isshin would put it, no one noticed that another Senkai gate was opened at the moment. What was even more surprising was the people coming though it: the entire Thirteen Court Guard Squads, the Vizards, Tessai, Jinta, Ururu, Chad, Uryu, Orihime, Urahara, Yoruichi, and even Nel and her 'brothers'. But, instead of just charging in with Ichigo and Isshin, they just stood there. But, they weren't just standing there, they were actually silently praying.

Meanwhile, Aizen and Gin somehow found all of Ichigo's friends that were conscious,(Tatsuki, Keigo, and Mizuho. Plus, some others that weren't really all that important.), and was just about to kill them to add them to the large amount of lives already taken by the two. When all of a sudden…


"So, Ichigo Kurosaki, are you finally ready to fight us, or are you just going to run away again and allow me to kill all of the people that you deeply care about?", Aizen declared smugly as he turned his black and gold eyes to face Ichigo, who had just now came out of his flash-steps. While they were just starting to destroy Karakura town to make the Oaken Key and invade the extra dimension that the Spirit King resides in, Gin was telling him how Ichigo was afraid of his new found power. He actually found that bit of news amusing that the proclaimed 'last hope' for the Soul Society was afraid of him, and felt that he should be. He fused with the Hogyoku after all! Not even the Head-Captain, damn near killing himself, could barely give him a scratch.

"Shut it, Aizen. I'm not running away, and I'm not scared. I don't care what happens to me. I won't allow you to destroy my hometown or take away any of the people I care about. I will beat you. And then, I will kill you.", Ichigo practically spit out towards Aizen calmly while giving him his trademark scowl. If a person was crazy enough to think that Ichigo was bluffing, just the fact that he put so much emotion and meaning into his words would be enough to make a deaf man hear how serious he was.

Aizen looked even more amused than he was a few moments ago. "Oh? And where did this new found confidence arise, hmm? The last time you and I met, ryoka boy, was at Sokyoku Hill, and you barely gave me a scratch even in your bankai. Do you really think you can defeat me now that I'm perfectly fused with the power of the Hogyoku?", Aizen replied with a slight hint of amusement, accompanied by an ever present, ice cold smirk.

"Doesn't matter whether you're fused with that rock or not, the results are going to be the same in the end, you falling by my sword.", Ichigo said, tightening his grip on Zangetsu.

"The Hogyoku is not just a rock, you imbecile. That just proves that you don't know nor understand my raw power.", Aizen replied with obvious disgust in his voice, most likely the lack of respect Ichigo gave towards him and the Hogyoku. But, just as fast as his anger came, it went. Aizen continued with an almost bragging tone, "Allow me to show you, ryoka boy, the power that resides within me.", he said with a cold stare while gripping his Zanpakutou.

The entire time this exchange was happening, Gin had been quiet, letting Aizen have his fun bragging about his power. But when Aizen said that he was about to let Ichigo see how powerful he was, he had to say something. He didn't believed that Ichigo deserved to see all of his power. That, and he didn't want to get crushed by the mere spiritual pressure, after all. "But, Captain Aizen, why would you stoop so low as to show your power to a weakling like him? Let me handle him, based on how pathetic he was the last time we faced each other, I could kill him thirty seconds, easy."

Isshin took this as his time to add his two cents. "Hey, my boy's not weak, just distracted by the superior battle skills that I myself hold. Hell, though I doubt it, he could be stronger than me, and if I can kill you, Gin, then he could've killed you without even trying now wouldn't he?", he announced with a bragging tone and a stupid grin.

"Just what are you talking about, old man? He couldn't even stand against me and I was holding back about half of my full power. And you think he could beat Captain Aizen going all out?", Gin replied, every word heavy with disbelief. So much so, that, in a rare case of circumstances, he actually opened his eyes, at least a crack.

"Like I said, he wasn't concentrating. But, you won't have that problem with me. Besides, you already had you fun with him, so how about tryin' your luck with me? If you think you can handle me?"

"Alright, but it's your funeral."

And with that, they flash-stepped out of existence, their spiritual pressures fading in the distance. Now, it was only Aizen and Ichigo.

On the ground, Tatsuki, Keigo, Mizuho and the rest of Ichigo's friends and classmates were at a lost at what was going on. Keigo was about to speak when he just disappeared. Before anybody else could say anything, the rest of them disappeared in the same manner. In Tatsuki's eyes, one moment she was on her knees about to be killed, the next, she was standing next to a lot of people either wearing all black, all black with some sort of badge somewhere on there bodies, or all black with some white cape or haori over there bodies. Though, among all of the weird people with weird clothing, there were a few exceptions of some others. And just to make it even more confusing was the fact that the people that were the exception were the ones she and the others met after Ichigo, Chad, and Uryu went though the garganta into Hueco Mundo to retrieve Orihime. She dumbly examined what they were wearing. There was a mysterious blonde man with the green and white hat and almost all green shirt, pants, and coat. For no reason, he even pulls out a paper fan. At that action, she didn't know what to do: ask why, or just burst out laughing. She would have to pick soon, or see'll be performing both actions. Then she noticed the two kids and the big tan guy with funny looking hair standing next to the blonde guy. One of the two kids was wearing a dirty, plain white t-shirt and blue sweat pants. The other was also wearing a plain white t-shirt, (though it was slightly more cleaner), with a pink skirt with a flowerily pattern on the pants. The big guy was wearing an apron with a t-shirt under it. She couldn't see what kind of pants he was wearing from the angle she was at, though. Then she came across a young, beautiful woman, though she didn't look it since in was covered in mud, sweat, cuts, bruises, and blood. Tatsuki was surprised that when it came to her attire, she didn't really have much on her. All she was wearing at the time was what looked like a one piece swimming suit with some long arm and leg warmers, a scarf-looking thing around her neck, and her hair was in some sort of fancy pony tail. But then she noticed a strand of orange on her and one thought came to mind…

'Orange, Ichigo!', Tatsuki thought desperately. This whole time, all she was doing was checking people she didn't even know out, right after she saw Ichigo for the first time since he went though the garganta. She looked over at Mizuho who quickly composed himself and was examining himself and his surroundings, while Keigo seamed to have skipped looking over himself completely and just stared at everybody, though more at the purple haired woman than anything else. Before she can say anything about Keigo starring, he caught sight of her and quickly gathered everybody up and they all walked quietly and quickly towards Tatsuki.

"Tatsuki, your alright! What the hell's happening!", Keigo asked followed by numerous input by the rest of the group.

"Why are you asking me, I don't know!", Tatsuki whispered back hurriedly.

"And wasn't that Ichigo that came and talked to that other guy? I wonder what that was that all about?", Mizuho wondered to himself quietly and calmly.

"And I wonder why he was talking so harshly at him. Sure, he was about to kill us, but Ichigo wouldn't have that much motivation behind his words.", Tatsuki added after him.

"And why are you two acting so calm? Don't you know that we almost died just a few minuets ago?", Keigo asked, raising his voice up just a bit.

"Well, the only way we'll know what's going on would be to ask Ichigo, but he isn't here right now; he's talking to the other guy. These people seem to know what's going on, why not ask them?", Mizuho raised his pointing finger up along with the idea while effectively toning out Keigo's 'imaginative' ideas.

"Are you sure it's okay to ask them? They seem too preoccupied with what Ichigo's doing.", Keigo replied.

"Where is Ichigo anyway?", Tatsuki asked.

"That way, I guess.", Mizuho pointed in some random direction.

"Hey, are you kids okay?", an unfamiliar voice asked.

Everybody turned to see where the voice came from and found that it came from a man with long white hair.

"Yeah, we're fine. But, what's going on here? Who were thoughs guys and what did they want from us?", Tatsuki asked. She would have asked more, but she thought that that was enough and anymore would just annoy the person she was talking to. The white haired man took a moment, then answered.

"Your friend, Ichigo Kurosaki, is our last hope to save both the human world and the spiritual one. The two men that all of you met were the ones that Ichigo must fight and win against in order to save us all. They were about to kill you in order to make a type of key and kill a certain person behind the door that this key unlocks. I'm sorry that all of you got dragged into this, but it was inevitable. The two men that you saw were very bad and Ichigo is the only one that can do this.", the man with white hair replied towards the question. Even more surprisingly, he said all of that with one, big breath.

"But why Ichigo?", Keigo asked. "Why not you or any of these other people?"

Before the man can reply, Mizuho asked another question.

"I'm sorry since this might be rude but, what's your name, if you don't mind?"

"That's right, I didn't introduce myself did I? Sorry, my name is Jyuushiro Ukitake. It might have actually been more rude if you hadn't reminded me to give my name." Then he turn back to Keigo. "To answer the your last question, the reason Ichigo has to do it is because of that mans sword. The second a person looks at the blade of the sword, he can completely put that person into an illusion that he has complete control of. It is said that these illusions are so convincing and real that you never know when he activated it, meaning he can kill you almost immediately if he wanted to. Ichigo hasn't seen the blade yet, and that's why he is the only person who can do this. That reason is also the same reason that we can't do it.", Ukitake said. Just as he was finishing, a hunched old man came and stood next to Ukitake.

"Right now, the fate of both your world and ours rests on Ichigo Kurosaki's shoulders. If he fails, then all will be lost.", the old man said, his voice full of wisdom.

"Well, can't you at least try and do something to help him? That guy is a monster! Just the fact that Ichigo can even stand that close to him without feeling like he's suffocating is a miracle! Why can't you help him?", Tatsuki practically ranted.

Then, another person came up. She looked young with an air of elegance, with her black hair in a large braid that's tied in the front instead of the back.

"We can't. Just the fact that we are even here is a miracle in of itself. Everyone was badly wounded when I found them all and most of the people that I have healed can't even move in the slightest without a wave of pain coursing though them. All we can do is watch, and prey that Ichigo Kurosaki can overcome Aizen." For most part of the her comment, she was either looking at the ground or off in some direction away from them. But she mostly closed her eyes, opening them just a hair every now and then. But, at the end of the conversation, she looked up at the direction that Mizuho pointed at a few minutes ago, eyes wide open.

"Don't worry, Ichigo will be just fine. He's stubborn, and won't quit unless he can't physically continue anymore. But, I don't think that will happen, and even if that happened, he always found some way to come out on top. Hopefully, he'll come out of this in one piece."

Everybody turned to the direction of the voice that just said the last comment. It was Yoruichi. She wondered how she knew Ichigo, so she asked.

"By the way, how do all of you know Ichigo so well?"

A short woman with a fierce look in her eyes and an odd looking arm answered. "We'll have to save that for another time, it would take to long. We all have to focus on this."

"What happened to your arm?", Keigo asked.

The elegant woman answered. "Her arm was detached from her shoulder. I used my healing abilities to heal it and after some 'persuasion', got some medicine to make a new arm. It isn't perfect, but I didn't have the time to make it perfect. You don't have to worry though, when this is over, I'll fix it." When the woman got to the 'persuasion' part, she turned to look at a man with black and white face paint on and some sort of ridiculous head dress on. The way she said it and the look in her eyes got everyone who was within her field of vision shift their weight on one leg or the other while looking away from her. There was a moment of silence.

"Your right, he would rather die than quit in anything.", Mizuho replied to Yoruichi's comment earlier. He took a quick glance in her direction, and then turned towards where he believed Ichigo to be.

"So, ryoka boy, what are you going to do now? Neither Gin not Isshin is here to interfere. And if you hadn't noticed, there aren't any people in the streets to stop you from coming at me with all you got. Lets see how strong you've gotten since the last time we met.", he said while reaching for his Zanpakutou's hilt.

"Wait, if there's nobody here, than where are they?", Ichigo asked while narrowing his eyes.

"Let's just say that the Soul Society will have an extra amount of souls that they can throw at the front lines to stop me.", Aizen answered along with a cross of an evil and an amused smirk.

Ichigo didn't take to kindly with thoughs words. He was giving a death stare that would have gotten Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, and Nnoitra pissing there pants.

"About your idea about seeing how strong I've become, yeah, lets!", and with that, Ichigo practically exploded with spiritual energy and charged toward Aizen, Zangetsu's cloth unwrapping itself while Ichigo held it in his right hand.

I'm surprised at how long it took to write this and it's barely past 3,000 words. Now I can understand why it takes so long to update stories. Hope you like the first chapter of my very first story, To Hell and Back, for You. I'll take all criticism: grammer, spelling, fluency you name it. Like I said on my profile page, I'll try my hardest to update this story as soon as possible and I won't forget about it. Also, if you have any idea's that can help make this story more adventurous, romantic, humorous or other wise, or if you have a power you would like to see Ichigo add to his arsenal of attacks, don't hesitate to express you ideas. Who knows, your idea might even be included in this story. Now, R&R!