Just another one-shot,

i've been in the mood to write short little stories about them lately.

i think you will like this.

disclaimer: i dont own degrassi, or the song mentioned.

we the kings-promise the stars.

It's Sunday, my parents are at marriage counseling, and then they would spend time together the whole day. So now I have the whole house to myself.

Well, that was until I invited Eli over of course.

We have an English assignment do tomorrow, so I figured this would be the perfect time to work on it since we were alone.

We were laying on my floor working and listening to music. It was quiet, aside from an occasional comment from Eli about the music I listened to. I kept dosing off. I only got two hours of sleep last night. Due to my parents fighting, and my lack of relaxing.

I hadn't been singing along to any of the songs, I was too comfortable. But then promise the stars by we the kings came on. And I couldn't help myself, I loved that song. I started whispering along to the lyrics

"Let's take off in flight And race through the sky And like the hundreds of airplanes we're floating way up high We'll never look down We'll build our own town And like the thousands of clouds we will never touch the ground"

It was such a soft song that I started falling asleep immediately as I was singing, half way through the song I gave up singing and rested my head on my arm, I was just about out completely when I heard Eli softly whisper in my ear before kissing my cheek. "You know that there are no other two hearts closer than ours, Maybe you'll follow, Maybe you'll stay, I'm praying you won't give yourself away, You know that you are the only one I promise the stars."

And with that I succumbed into a dream filled slumber with Eli being the main star.

So what did you think?

tell me in a review,grasshopper (: